Kuai Chuan group pet her cute again

Chapter 263 This President’s Painting Style Is Wrong

Chapter 263 This President’s Painting Style Is Wrong (27)

My brain throbbed.

Hua Qianxi groaned in a low voice, and was afraid of the curious and worried eyes of colleagues around her, so she immediately turned and hid in the bathroom.

The little hands gently rubbed the temples to relieve the pain.

Hua Qianxi couldn't believe it, at that moment just now, it seemed that something strange had poured into her mind.

It is a memory that does not exist in the original host.

More like the plot of the original novel.

Hua Qianxi was a little flustered, she had never been in contact with this kind of situation before, could it be that this time, no matter how she reversed the plot, she couldn't change the ending of the original book?
As for the ending...

Hua Qianxi recalled it carefully.

She found that she didn't know the ending of the original book.

Such an unscripted and often polarized performance is too torturous, right?

Hua Qianxi squeezed her eyebrows in distress.

The memory that kept flooding into her mind reminded her that she had to try her best to sneak into the reception tonight in order to attract the attention of the original hero.

Hua Qianxi was so angry that she almost didn't come up.

Is she crazy?

Want to provoke that weird original hero?

Hua Qianxi resisted in her heart.

However, for no apparent reason, his body began to feel a tingling pain like burning.

Hua Qianxi's heart seemed to be tightly held by someone, and even breathing was very difficult.

What a strange illusion.

Hua Qianxi was panting desperately, her chest seemed to be filled with sea water, Hua Qianxi was leaning against the wall, her little hands were tightly grasping the door frame, her legs were bent and she almost fell.

But the limp body didn't need any strength, as if it had fallen into the vast and endless sea, ups and downs.

Wait, the sea...?
Hua Qianxi suddenly realized.

This is the punishment brought to her by the parallel space.

If you refuse or resist, the danger you have experienced before will reappear. Even if you can't experience it yourself, you will feel the despair of dying again.

Hua Qianxi: "..." It's a wolf.

Hua Qianxi grinned at the corners of her lips, immediately dismissed her previous thoughts, and began to think about how to get into that so-called reception.

As far as she knew, that reception was an occasion for celebrities to enter and leave, and she, a small employee of the company...

Hua Qianxi scratched her head irritably.

Although she has the identity of the eldest lady of the Hua family.

Just because of her unreliable father, even if she really has a spot in her hand, she will give her the spot under Bai Lianhua's hard work.

And Hua Qianxi doesn't even need to think about it!
Hua Qianxi walked around in circles in the bathroom with a sad face, pacing back and forth, when she heard the noise outside the door, Hua Qianxi dodged herself again and hid in the cubicle.

There is another way, that is to beg Ye Lin with a cheeky face.

Just thinking about it, Hua Qianxi couldn't help covering her face tightly with her small hands.

However, using this method, Hua Qianxi would rather put a knife on Mr. Hua's neck and threaten him to give her a place.

It's a joke to beg Ye Lin!
Hua Qianxi frowns.

Anything that breaks the system always creates problems for her.

Ever since her unreliable uncle disappeared, Hua Qianxi has never encountered a single satisfactory thing.

took a long sigh.

Hua Qianxi seemed to have finally mustered up the courage to walk out of the bathroom.

As a result, she survived and ran into the man she least wanted to see head-on.

Hua Qianxi was startled, and hiccupped reflexively.

The sound is short and rapid.

But Ye Lin heard it very clearly.

He stared blankly at the bathroom sign.

(End of this chapter)

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