Kuai Chuan group pet her cute again

Chapter 313 This President’s Painting Style Is Wrong

Chapter 313 This President’s Painting Style Is Wrong (76)

"What does she look like, and what does it have to do with me?"

Lord Yue's thin lips parted slightly, his words were still as indifferent as ever.

Cupid embraced the pillow behind his head with his arms around him, thinking about what Master Yue said leisurely.

It's just that the more I think about it, the more embarrassing my face becomes.

"Hey, old man, aren't you..."

"Any questions?"

Master Yue Lao turned his head and raised the corners of his lips slightly towards Cupid.

It's just that the smile is a little cruel.

So indifferent that she didn't see any temperature, nor could she feel the slightest warmth.

"I'm just changing the plot at any time, the controller of this game is me!"

Cupid stared blankly at Master Yue's light-colored pupils gradually reflecting his own face, gritted his teeth resentfully, "As expected of you, you have always been so despicable in your actions."

Change the rules of the game.

Keep him and Xiaoqianxi in the dark, and play around.

And he is still here calmly enjoying the fun of torturing others.

"Win the king and lose the bandit, is there a problem?"

Master Yue didn't seem to care. He was still secretly a little annoyed by Cupid's reprimand, and he closed the marriage tree irritably. He didn't know why he was being led by the nose by this dog man recently.

Being controlled by him every move can only make Master Yue feel panic.

Master Yue only wanted to find the spirit body of his beloved daughter, and he really didn't want to participate in other things. Master Yue was exhausted physically and mentally.

"You can hit Qianxi so hard..." Cupid withdrew his usual playful smile, his handsome face was full of solemnity, and even Erlang's raised legs were on the ground, his eyes were awe-inspiring, "Old man, what are you doing?" Is it just self-excessive paranoia? Do you really have half a love for that little girl as a daughter?"

It is also ridiculous to say.

Master Yue Lao is in charge of the most holy feelings in the world.

But this old man had no heart, and his personality was terribly stubborn.

It also originated from an accident thousands of years ago.

The hottest part of Master Yue's left chest was sacrificed for a woman.

Afterwards, the seriously injured Master Yue fell into a deep sleep for a hundred years, and sleeping with him was his frozen heart.

Cupid's big hands were on his chest.

The beating sound there is solid and powerful.

But Mr. Yuelao never again experienced this fiery temperature.

"Don't you think you're taking things too far?"

Upon hearing this, Lord Yue cast a sidelong glance at Cupid.

This dog man has always been heartless, and he will not understand the feelings that are entangled in his heart now.

Cupid lowered his big hands, staring at the ground expressionlessly.

The peach blossom petals scattered on the lawn were blown up by the breeze and fell down again.

The delicate lace of the peach petals has been rolled up, and the peach pink has gradually turned yellow, and can no longer restore the original appearance of budding.

Cupid sighed, and no longer met Master Yue's cool eyes.

He has always disliked Master Yue's cold eyes, which made him feel less human.

Cupid's Adam's apple twitched, his brows furrowed, and he smiled wryly, "Old Yue, you will regret it."

It was the first time that Cupid called Master Yue Lao's name so solemnly.

The words were clearly articulated, and when they fell into Lord Yue's ears, his heart trembled slightly.

Will he regret it?

Why would he regret it?

Lord Yue didn't take it seriously.

But the chest was stuffy.

(End of this chapter)

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