Kuai Chuan group pet her cute again

Chapter 314 This President’s Painting Style Is Wrong

Chapter 314 This President’s Painting Style Is Wrong (77)

There was a strange feeling in the left chest, and even the breathing felt weak.

It was even more dull than the Menlei called by Dian Gong and Lei Mu when they quarreled.

Master Yue's big hand subconsciously covered his left chest, and rubbed it gently. After Cupid stopped talking and turned away indifferently, Master Yue immediately disguised himself as the illusion of the old man.

He is irritable.

Not because something went wrong at work.

Master Yue has always been serious and rigorous in doing things, and there will be no mistakes.

Old Master Yue clearly understood that he was distracted by Cupid's words.

That sentence was like a spell.

The mask that Lord Yue wanted to disguise the most was torn bloody and exposed to the eyes of others.

Master Yue is sure that he will not regret it, but he really doesn't want to continue like this...

However, being seen through by a dog man still made Master Yue very upset.

Master Yue frowned.

It is to continue to open the marriage tree and start the next work.

It's all the fault of that stinky man, his performance today has dropped a lot.

Master Yue Lao knelt and sat in front of the thick and wide tree stump, pretending to be an old man's image in disguise, his already rickety back stood strangely upright.

It seems very inconsistent.

It's just that the silver hair of Mr. Yuelao and Jidi still remains unchanged.

Even the long gray eyebrows are almost reaching the ground...

An unknown little peach blossom fairy has not yet taken human form.

Holding a tall broom, I surrounded the peach blossom tree and cleaned the muddy petals under the tree.

Because she was framed by a prank by her sister from the same school, this little peach blossom fairy was pitifully punished by her master, sobbing and waving a broom.

Little Peach Blossom Fairy was crying pitifully, but her big eyes almost took up half of her face, but she was staring hard at the petals on the ground, poking the mud in the dirt with the broom.


At the end of the crying, Little Peach Blossom Fairy couldn't help hiccupping in a childish voice.

She wiped away her tears with the back of her small hand, and continued to hang her head down to think about it.

Little Peach Blossom Fairy was still planning in her heart how to prank Elder Sister next time, when an old and old voice came out from nowhere, "Do you know that you are very noisy?"

"Ah! Sorry!"

Little Peach Blossom Fairy was startled, she didn't even see what the other person's face looked like, and immediately bowed 180 degrees to the direction of the voice and apologized respectfully.

The long bamboo pole of the broom tightly held in his arms knocked the little Peach Blossom Fairy's chin again, the little guy rubbed his chin in pain, and the eye sockets were red again visible to the naked eye.

it hurts...

"It's so stupid." Master Yue gave Xiao Taohuaxian's peripheral vision faintly, and responded with a soft hum.

Did he go out today without looking at the almanac?
Just sent away a chattering stinky man, and ushered in such a little guy who loves to talk about things.

It's only a few hundred years of cultivation, and the cultivation base is not high, so it seems that there are a lot of words.

Little Peach Blossom Fairy choked a few times, and finally managed to calm down, she opened her lips slightly, and her immature voice was still full of tears, "Excuse me, are you...?"

Little Peach Blossom Fairy had never seen this old man before.

He shrank his feet back carefully again, for fear that he would be rash again and step on the eyebrows of the old man in front of him... Uh, no, the robe.

(End of this chapter)

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