Kuai Chuan group pet her cute again

Chapter 329 Yishen, your support is super amazing again

Chapter 329 Yishen, your support is super amazing again (5)

Because Huahua has a good personality and a high EQ.

Can always easily resolve embarrassing situations.

So Huahua's little fans acquiesced in her cooking.

She even often joked about her skills of picking her feet.

Today, Huahua pitted a lot of teammates, and finally climbed to platinum with points. Li Ke, a little fan who was still staying at platinum, panicked and climbed to diamond overnight.

If in a few weeks, Huahua got diamonds again, these loyal little fans climbed up to Xingyao overnight after hearing the news...


In short, the increasingly honed skills of the fans all depend on Huahua's catching up.

In the end, Huahua couldn't help crying in her live broadcast room, begging her little fans to take her, her head was about to be smashed off by the opposite person.

As expected, the fans unanimously rejected it ruthlessly.

Their stars are more precious than the stars in the sky.

As long as there is Huahua as a teammate in the team, it is bound to lose.

The little fans are not even willing to leave the point protection and rank protection cards to Huahua.

But now I saw Yishen appearing in Huahua's team.

The little fans couldn't help but drop their jaws in surprise...

Then manually close the chin.

Why is this Yishen so overwhelmed that he actually plays games with Huahua?

That's a woman who can't be carried by the four national uniforms!
When they saw Huahua spending a huge amount of money and inviting Yishen to their team with a small amount of [-] yuan, they all fell silent for an instant.

Sure enough, in this world, money is king.

Money can turn the devil around.

It can also make their lonely Yishen lower his noble head.

Instantly appeared in the minds of the little fans——

The love-hate relationship between the domineering president Huahua and her petite wife Yishen.

Fantasizing about Huahua, the RMB player, using money to coerce Yishen into submission.

Yishen, a noble and cold man, could only curl up in a corner and cry...

The little fans suddenly broke up their own terrible fantasy——

Let go of Yishen!let's do it!
"I said, what are you thinking in your little heads?"

Huahua, who was manipulating Angela, threw a second skill at the enemy Zhuge Liang, who was easily dodged by the opponent. Finally, he was so angry that he started to yell at the little fans in his live broadcast room.

"Your thinking is dangerous, throw it away!"

Huahua threw another skill at Zhuge Liang, and was easily dodged by the opponent again.

In the end, he was annoyed and directly activated his big move, circling in the air.

What do you mean by all three are empty, and the flamboyant Angela can perfectly interpret this.

Huahua was afraid of being scolded by her teammates, so she reacted quickly and quickly sent an internal message.

Your limited Huahua (Angela): "I got stuck just now, my household registration is complete, and I have a mother who loves me the most. Don't scold me. I can't scold you. If you scold me, I will cry for you."

The three passers-by teammates are naturally familiar IDs.

Among them, a passer-by teammate happened to watch Huahua's live broadcast.

Regarding Huahua's sophistry, the three teammates could only smile helplessly.

When they saw Huahua in the team at the beginning, they didn't intend to win.

These are the basic operations of Huahua.

But Yishen couldn't rub the sand in his eyes, like a stubborn and serious e-sports player.

Seriously exposed Huahua's sophistry.

Na Ke Lulu (Yishen): "If you make a mistake, Zhuge Liang will be dead long ago."

Huahua: "..." You humiliate me to death.

Huahua, who had her dignity hurt, was a little unconvinced.

She thought her Angela was playing well.

At least when Huahua is playing this hero, there are relatively few cases of losing records, and when she is lucky, she can get triple kills and super gods...

Of course, this is only limited to the comparison with Huahua manipulating other heroes.

When Huahua played other heroes, her death would be more tragic, often lying all over the Canyon of Kings.

And Huahua, the little rich woman, has all heroes and all skins.

Most of the heroes in Huahua's hands are purely collection addiction attacks, and they are bought to press the bottom of the box. Among the white boards and green proficiency, Angela's Grandmaster's bright red is very dazzling.

What's more, Huahua has worked very hard this season to win a small bronze medal for Angela.

Although it is in the eighty or ninety, Huahua is quite content.

Huahuaren thought about it for a while and became more and more angry.

Finally, after being killed by Zhuge Liang on the opposite side while squatting on the grass, that Yishen actually looked at the scenery leisurely and leisurely, Huahua couldn't help it, and demonstrated at that man.

Your limited Huahua (Angela): "I am Angela in the national costume! Are you just watching the scenery? Don't know how to help?"

After Yishen snatched a dragon from the monkey on the opposite side, he typed and replied leisurely.

Nako Lulu (Yishen): "National uniform Angela? Your brand is painted off."

Na Ke Lulu (Yishen): "You were in a mortal situation just now, what else should I do? Send a double kill?"

Hua Hua: "..." She was going to die of anger!

If I remember correctly, she is the boss, okay?
This man was invited to her live broadcast room, why did he still have such a sarcastic face!

Huahua stared angrily at her blacked out screen.

He was annoyed again when he saw that Yishen had mercilessly won the pentakill.

Then he stared at him angrily and pushed down two towers in a row.

Then Huahua came back to life and hadn't had time to get out of the spring.

Yishen took the dragon he grabbed just now, and a bunch of obedient super soldiers, and exploded the opponent's crystal.

Huahua: "..." Wait, what happened just now?
Can she get a little involved?

In this game, Huahua didn't know what happened. After being promoted to the fourth level, she played several three games in a row, and used the record of "zero bars, four bars, zero" that ordinary people can't play. The end of the game.

The three passers-by teammates also did not expect that they could win.

In his heart, he raised Yishen's status several times.

This is not a god.

Actually, even Huahua can lead to win, this is completely like a bug in the game!

Huahua's mobile phone screen flashed, jumping from the big icon of "victory" to the settlement interface at the end of the game. There was a series of dazzling signs in Yishen's place, which ones pushed the most towers, which pentakill super gods, and which gold coins were the most ...

There is also a shiny MVP logo as high as "18.0".

Even the output has reached 48%, nearly the main output of the entire team.

On the other hand, Huahua herself.

The score of "2.0" is very abrupt, and there are zero bars, four bars, and zero bars that make people laugh...

If the game hadn't ended so quickly, Huahua would have died many times.

The output is even more pitiful, barely in the early 5%.

Huahua felt ashamed for a moment, just for a moment, and immediately returned to the room to prevent her fans from seeing her embarrassing record. Fortunately, her fans are also understanding, and they didn't say how bad Huahua's skills are. , but constantly boasting that the power of God is simply too strong.

Huahua returned to the room, but found herself alone in the room.

That Yishen had already left the room.

Huahua was stunned for a moment. The three passers-by teammates from before kept inviting her to play another round, but Huahua focused all her attention on Yishen. He kept inviting Yishen to enter his room.

It's just that Yishen frequently refused.

Huahua: "???"

There was also a pause before Huahua realized that the round that she invited Yishen to play just now was over.

In other words, this man has already run away with more than 1 of his own money.

This man is so ruthless, one round is one round, and a little bit more is not negotiable.

Huahua didn't suffer, at least Yishen came to his live broadcast room and brought her more than 20 fans, including some small local tyrants, who rewarded several cruise ships in a row, which is almost one year smaller. All right, I just earned back the money Huahua placed for the order.

This big money tree can't run away.

Huahua hastily logged into the companion play platform again, found Yishen's account, and prepared to continue placing orders.

As a result, this man has raised his net worth from just over ten thousand to twenty-five thousand in just a few minutes.

Huahua: "..." She suddenly felt sorry for Xiao Qianqian.

Is this man poor?

However, Huahua has always called herself a little rich woman, and she transferred the order without hesitation first, and [-] was directly credited into Yishen's account.

Huahua tapped on Yishen's profile picture for a private chat.

[Your limited Huahua]: "Yishen, I've placed an order~ Let's have another round, okay~ #唱萌#"

【Yishen】: "Not good."

【Your limited Huahua】: "Eh? Why? #疑疑#"

【Yishen】: "I'm sleepy, go to sleep."

Huahua: "..." Oh, man.

Huahua is a faceless anchor. In her live broadcast room, you can see the little girl's almost obsequious smile collapse in an instant, and her frozen face is as black as coal.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was filled with another row of "hahaha".

There are also a few loyal little fans who swiped several rockets in a row to comfort Huahua's injured little heart.

Huahua is very angry, but she still has to keep smiling.

In this way, Huahua relied on Yishen to create fire.

In the second round, Yishen also couldn't wear Huahua's rounds of bombing.

This trouble-free woman kept adding him as his friend. Once added, Yishen refused once, and Huahua reluctantly gave up when she added him frequently.

After that, I don't know where this woman got Yishen's mobile phone number.

He kept calling Yishen's phone.

In the end, Yishen turned off his mobile phone because of the headache.

I thought I could sleep peacefully now, but Yishen's Weibo account, which I hadn't touched much for a long time, was picked up by this little girl again, and bombarded with all kinds of aites.

Send a screenshot of the transfer, as well as a screenshot of the conversation.

Huahua kept humming, standing at the top of morality, condemning how ruthless this man was.

For a moment, Yishen's aloof and cold image instantly collapsed.

Countless passers-by and e-sports fans bravely stood up, obediently echoed Huahua who kept chirping, reposted Huahua's Weibo indiscriminately, and scolded the man Yishen.

What e-sports new high-cold male god?
Isn't it just a little boy who lied to other girls for money?
After waking up from sleep, Yishen turned on the phone, and to his satisfaction, that stinky girl finally let him go, and stopped making frequent calls.

However, when Yishen logged into the accompanying play platform again, and was about to find the boss to make an appointment to play games, he found that his account had been warned, and then automatically forced to log out.

Yishen: "???" What's the situation?
Yishen just woke up, his brain has not started to function yet.

I thought I clicked the close button of the app.

If you log in again, the system will directly prohibit you.

Bulletins were also sent threatening him.

The general meaning is that this accompanying play platform app is a serious software, and accounts that owe money to the boss and do not complete tasks are not welcome, and advise him to make up the owed money as soon as possible, otherwise the lawyer will serve.

Yishen racked his brains and thought for a while, and his brain regained clarity in an instant.

Sure enough, it was that little girl again.

When he fell asleep, he couldn't help but act like a demon again.

Yishen went to chat with the customer service in private again, learned about the general status of his account, and learned that the little girl had posted a very disturbing Weibo.

Yishen: "..." Huahua is really his aunt.

Didn't he just take a nap, as for kicking his job away?

It's not that he asked her to transfer money...

Yishen re-downloaded Weibo and logged into his account.

The password was entered incorrectly seven or eight times.

Yishen also couldn't remember what password he would have, so he simply retrieved the account password and was able to log in, only to find that his account had been blown up long ago.

Various Aites and private chats.

It was probably news that insulted him.

Yishen pinched his eyebrows with a headache.

It ruined his personality so much...

He really wanted to pull this little girl into the Canyon of Kings and let her fend for herself.

[Your limited Huahua]: "Hello, hello? Yishen, it's ten o'clock now, and it's been eight hours since you and I finished playing the game, haven't you woken up yet?"

[Your limited Huahua]: "Hey, hey, are you there? Get me out of your blacklist! Hurry up!"

[Your limited Huahua]: "Yishen? Just one game~ Just one game, okay~ My little cuties are still waiting for you to appear~"

[Your limited Huahua]: "Well, frankly speaking, I haven't won in almost a month, so you let me win again!"


What a lively little girl.

Yishen has a headache.

Just about to tap the keyboard on the phone to reply.

The little girl replied immediately again.

【Your limited Huahua】: "Yishen! I know you're here! It's impolite not to read back!"

Yishen: "..." He lost to her.

【Yishen】: "Just went online."

[Your limited Huahua]: "Hurry up, take me to a game~ I'll start a live broadcast right now!"

【Yishen】: "Don't fight, eat."

[Your limited Huahua]: "Oh, then I have to post another Weibo~ #哭唱唱#"

Yishen: "..." This little girl can really make a fuss.

Even if he really ran away with money, so what.

A man who has been tortured to the extreme doesn't have a good temper, not to mention that Yishen is not a good-tempered person in the first place, and just wanted to speak rudely.

Unexpectedly, Huahua replied immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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