Kuai Chuan group pet her cute again

Chapter 330 Yishen, your support is super amazing again

Chapter 330 Yishen, your support is super amazing again (6)

[Your limited Huahua]: "Oh, don't worry, even if the whole world abandons you, at least I will never leave you~"

Yishen: "..." Who made him turn into what he is now?
Yishen was silent for a long time, just when Huahua thought he was about to repent again, he suddenly replied——

[Yishen]: "Boss, take the number."

【Your limited Huahua】: "Alright~"

Yishen stared at that enchanting little wave, always wanting to pull that little girl out of his phone screen, and then beat her up.

He had never seen such a brazen woman.

Huahua logs into the game, this time there are still only her and Yishen in the team.

The room where the flowers are blooming is a qualifying match. I don't know why this woman has changed from the little diamond just now to the current Xingyao. If she is lucky and can score in the solo queue by herself, then Yishen must not believe it.

[Yishen]: "Tell me, did you find someone to practice on your behalf?"

There is a position in this game called power leveling. Give him money, and he will give you points. He is just a tool person who has no emotion.

Yishen's question was straightforward, Huahua's face turned red.

[Your limited Huahua]: "How is it possible! Don't you believe in my strength?"

Yishen: "..." Do you have the strength of a fart?

Yishen was silent for a while.

Suddenly, I saw that my account was credited twice with [-].

【Yishen】: "What? Is there too much money?"

It was the first time I saw that the silly son of the landlord's family could be so forthright.

After Huahua paid the payment, she skillfully started the live broadcast.

Today, Huahua frequently opened live broadcasts, and it was almost a day.

Naturally, her little fans crowded into Huahua's live broadcast room as if it was Chinese New Year.

[Your limited Huahua]: "It's nothing, I'm still three rounds away from the king, Yishen will take me to pick the stars~"

[Yishen]: "Your three rounds are not necessarily just three rounds."

[Your limited Huahua]: "You can doubt my ability, but I don't allow you to doubt your own power!"

Yishen: "..." How could this woman sound so flattering even when she praised him?
Huahua started the match without any explanation.

But was told that he could not play qualifying.

Huahua: "???" What's the situation?
Was she sanctioned by the safety and health system?
【Your Limited Huahua】: "I'm angry, did the power leveling I found earlier use my account to do whatever he wanted, and was reported!"

[Your limited Huahua]: "Oh, that's not right, my score is still 100~"

[Your limited Huahua]: "Yi Shen! Yi Shen! I saw a bug in the game!"

Yishen pinched the center of his brows with a headache, he thought that Huahua would immediately realize that something was wrong, but unexpectedly this woman didn't react at all.

Should I say she is stupid or what...

There are so many mechanism rules in this game, she can't figure it out.

Afraid of Huahua's embarrassment, the little fans in the live broadcast room began to post messages implicitly.

"Huahua, look at the rank!"

"Yi Shen is too powerful! How many stars are there!"


Huahua glanced at Yishen's rank marked Baixing.

Just shrugged disapprovingly.

That's right, he was famous because he was the first one to climb the Hundred Stars with the Bronze Ship.

What's the matter?

Yishen Jianhua took the trouble to click and match again and again.

In the end I couldn't stand it anymore.

【Yishen】: "Look at my rank."

[Your limited Huahua]: "King Baixing, what's wrong?"

Huahua thought this man was showing off to her.

Some retorted unconvinced.

【Your limited Huahua】: "Isn't it a hundred stars! I will climb up too!"

Yishen ignored her bragging and continued to reply.

【Yishen】: "Look at your rank again."

Starshine?What's wrong with this?
After being so clearly pointed out that something was wrong, Huahua's cheeks flushed slightly, and an ominous premonition arose from the bottom of her heart.

In this way, Huahua asked Du Niang carelessly in her live broadcast room.

It turns out that the ranks between them do not match?

Huahua's face was embarrassed.

【Your limited Huahua】: "Then... let's go matchmaking."

Yishen squeezed into Huahua's live broadcast room, and saw the little girl's expression was a little disappointed.

I couldn't help sighing.

[Yishen]: "Today I will take you to the king, and I will change to the trumpet."

Huahua: "...yeah?"

How could this man be so kind?

Huahua is a little unbelievable.

Soon, the man did what he said.

The avatar was grayed out, and Huahua received another request to add her as a friend.

That person's id is a bit secondary——

"Do you still love him?"

Looking at the personal profile, it is a game account that has played tens of thousands of games, but it just climbed to the top this season.

Huahua was taken aback for a moment, and after she clicked agree, she was about to send an inquiry message, but the person replied quickly.

【Do you still love him】: "It's me, Yishen, this is my friend's number."

oh, I see.

Huahua didn't suspect him, so she directly pulled this number and entered her room.

This time the match went well.

Soon you will arrive at the hero selection interface.

Huahua still wanted to pick Angela immediately, but unfortunately she was on the fifth floor.

And Yishen is not much better, it is on the fourth floor.

Huahua opened the small trumpet of the team, so she had to sigh to Yishen.

"Why don't you help me snatch Angela?"

Yishen also turned on the mic, and couldn't help snorting, "I can't help you grab it, I'm on the fourth floor, and I'm choosing heroes at the same time as you."

So that wouldn't help her grab the hero?
Huahua nodded again and had no choice but to give up.

It's just that Yishen's voice was very nice, Huahua was in a daze for a while, most of her fans were female fans in the live broadcast room, and when they heard Yishen speak, they all exploded in the live broadcast room.

God knows how mysterious Yishen is.

Every time the anchor invites him to play games, all he gets is a text reply.

This time, he took the initiative to turn on the microphone.

Sure enough, the treatment of the little rich woman is different.

Huahua watched Yishen ban a Zhong Kui without hesitation, and at the same time threatened in her live broadcast room, "If you are not on the king today, you will not be broadcasting! After you are on the king, you will find out ten cuties in the live broadcast room to smoke the king crystal!"

The little rich woman can't do anything, just can't talk about money with her, she can only be richer than you.

The little fans in the live broadcast room wailed one by one, "Hurry up and hug me, the rich woman, the child is hungry," while excitedly swiping bullet screens and swiping gifts, the popularity of the live broadcast room soared for a while, squeezing out the perennially occupied heat Little Nana, whose skills and appearance are both online, has become the real-time popularity list.

This ranking number one is almost the highest banner position, and it is almost the position that can be seen at first sight after logging in, so more and more passers-by gather in Huahua's live broadcast room.

With so much traffic squeezed into Huahua's live broadcast room, it was a bit stuck for a while.

Huahua didn't care about other things. After the opponent banned Baili for keeping the contract, the choice had already fallen on Huahua.

Huahua stared at her interface and fell silent.

She didn't know what was better to ban. The first floor kept brushing "Ban Cai Wenji", and Huahua fell into doubt again, why ban a support?
Thinking like this, the countdown passed quickly.

As a result, before Huahua had time to ban the hero, the choice fell into the opponent's hands again.

The passers-by players on the first floor were a little out of breath.

[Cats don't eat fish]: "Is there something wrong with the fifth floor?"

[Cats don't eat fish]: "Don't know about banned heroes?"

[Cats don't eat fish]: "Are you sleepwalking? Let's reopen!"


Huahua stared at the words on the first floor, her face was a little embarrassed, and she just wanted to type the keyboard to reply and explain.

As a result, passers-by players on the second floor suddenly spoke.

【Fish loves cats】: "Don't be angry, the fifth floor is Huahua."

[Cats don't eat fish]: "Huahua? Who is Huahua? You have a dog outside?!"

【Fish loves cats】: "I'm not, I don't, listen to my explanation."

[Cats don't eat fish]: "I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen."


Seeing this couple getting louder and louder.

The passer-by players on the third floor spoke angrily again.

[Lemon, Lemon]: "Huahua is the best game anchor in history, don't you guys know that?"

Seeing the answer from the third floor, the first floor fell into deep thought.

The best game streamer.

Probably because he invited Yishen to play a game, and then made a fuss about it on Weibo for a long time, and he has already become famous.

Some people even threatened to say.

If their team had a bronze medalist Angela with "zero bars, four bars and zero", then they would probably run away overnight with money. Leading such e-sports idiots to win the game is simply too challenging.

Immediately after, passers-by players on the first, second, and third floors fell into deep panic.

Not really.

What kind of luck is this for them?
Actually matched Huahua?

The three of them regarded death as home, and weakly thought of reopening.

The mouth on the first floor was straightforward and directly sent a message to threaten.

[Cats don't eat fish]: "What should I do, this round is my promotion match!"

[Fish loves cats]: "Baby don't cry, why don't you reopen it? Fourth floor, can you reopen it?"

[Cats don't eat fish]: "Please reopen it, I don't have a rank protection card, and I don't have point protection, so I can climb up in just one round!"

Huahua's face was as black as coal.

These people really think she doesn't exist, right?

The screen of the live broadcast room has been swiped by "hahaha" for a long time, and Huahua no longer looks up to read the barrage message. Even if she doesn't look at it, she can guess how presumptuous those little fans are mocking.

The fifth floor is Yishen.

After seeing the twittering of those three people, I couldn't help laughing.

Yishen has witnessed with his own eyes how good Huahua is at playing the game. He doesn't even have the basic awareness, and is soured by the opposite player, but it's not that good...


Angela's bronze medal record of "zero bars, four bars and zero" is really not convincing.

But at least Yishen can still move.

So Yishen still replied arrogantly.

【Do you still love him】: "Is the low star game making you so afraid?"

[Do you still love him]: "Isn't it enough to have hands in this rank?"

Everyone: "..."

If not this is a game.

The first floor, second floor and third floor all wished to grab the dog on the fourth floor from the screen of the mobile phone, and beat him up again to relieve his anger.

What big talk?

Still "you can do it with your hands"?
Do you know what level Huahua is, really consider yourself a god of ease?
Don't blame them for crying because of her.

Why are people nowadays so unqualified, and they dragged them into the water even if they wanted to lose their stars?

What?He is the legendary Yishen?

Oh, that's fine.

The first, second, and third floors also went to Huahua's live broadcast room, and after understanding the general process of the incident, they were instantly full of confidence in this qualifying match.

Huahua little rich woman is rich, not only rich for herself, but also for the benefit of players!

After the player on the opposite side also finished banning the hero, they quickly entered the stage of hero selection.

Our "Cats Don't Eat Fish" on the first floor chose Yuji in seconds, and didn't forget to send a message after the selection.

[Cats don't eat fish]: "I'm taking the road of development, earning Yu Ji's points, thank you!"

Sure enough, women can turn their faces faster than turning a book.

This woman strongly condemned Huahua just now, but now she is trying to please her.

He looked like he knew he would win.

Cai Wenji and Li Bai were chosen for the first and second floors opposite.

Probably a couple.

Ye Wang took his little assistant to score?
It was almost a second choice, and the right to choose fell on our second and third floors.

The second floor hesitated for a while and chose the top order, choosing Li Xin.

After clicking OK, don't forget to appease your cp.

[Fish loves cats]: "Honey, I'm on the order, can you do it alone?"

[Cats don't eat fish]: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

After all, she is still a top [-] silver concubine concubine, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

The common heroes on the third floor staring at the fourth floor are all junglers. They think that Huahua probably needs to use support, so they simply confirm Zhuge Liang and prepare to go in the middle.

Seeing that the third floor chose Zhuge Liang, Huahua was anxious to ask him to help Angela.

[Your limited Huahua]: "Angela in the national costume! Help me to fly! Help me to fly!"

Everyone: "..." Why are they so unbelievable?

"Eh? How did my Angela get hacked?" Huahua anxiously asked Yishen for help, "Yishen Yishen! I can't choose Angela!"

Yishen sighed, and said quietly: "I was banned by the other side."

Huahua's small face instantly shrugged in disappointment.

The third floor said that he was still in fear.

Quickly confirm Zhuge Liang, so as not to let this little ancestor be a demon again.

They really hope that Yishen will take them to pick the stars.

The right to choose was handed over to the opposite side again.

On the third, fourth, and fifth floors opposite, Kai, Mengya, and Daji were chosen respectively.

In the end, the right to choose fell on Yishen and Huahua, and Yishen chose Nako Lulu.

Huahua opened the support column, and struggled for a long time.

Cai Wenji was chosen, and Zhong Kui was banned again...

She also doesn't know how to play hard assist.

There are not many soft assistants for her to choose from.

Yishen: "Choose Yao."

Yishen's voice was deep and magnetic, through Huahua's team mic, it penetrated the entire live broadcast room.

The female fans in the live broadcast room shouted instantly that their hearts were about to burst.

(End of this chapter)

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