Chapter 105
It is also a rural area, and the village of Forest Farm is obviously different from Xiaofuqiangtun.

The first village of Linchang has a relatively good geographical location. A railway passes through the village, and there is a national road beside the village. The convenient transportation drives the development of the whole village.

Linchangyi Village not only has its own small market every Sunday, but also has many shops on both sides of the main road. It looks like a bustling big village.

In addition to convenient transportation, there is another reason why there are so many shops in the forest farm. Most of the villages have forestry registered permanent residence and have little land. If they want to make more money, they have to find their own way out. Opening shops in places with good geographical location is an option.

The location of Zhang Yongli's house is not good. It is far away from the main road of the village, and it is not close to the national highway or railway. It is next to a paddy field on one side, and there are a lot of smelly mosquitoes in summer.

There are advantages to not being lively, and you don’t have to worry about disturbing others if you want to do something.

For example, in raising pigs, a small pile of pig manure can be accumulated every day. It is impossible for Zhang Yongli to send out pig manure every day, and she has to accumulate enough pig manure before pulling it out.Is there no smell in the yard of the pig manure pile? If it is placed in a lively place in the village, the neighbors will not be happy.

By coincidence, when the three of Ju Jing came to Zhang Yongli's house, she happened to be shoveling pig manure. Without saying a word, Ju Jing rolled up her sleeves and was about to go in to help, but Zhang Yongli couldn't stop her.

There is more than one shovel, and Yin Kaixuan also wants to give it a try.

While Ju Jing and Yin Kaixuan were shoveling pig manure in full swing, Ju Ling and Zhang Yongli sat on the edge of the airing platform and watched them chatting.

Zhang Yongli was very curious about Yin Kaixuan. After Ju Ling finished talking about Yin Kaixuan, Zhang Yongli clicked his tongue and said: "What a nice guy, he is a strong laborer staying in our village. I watched a lot of children who grew up in our village Can't do without him."

"He is willing to work only because he thinks it is new. If he was born in the countryside and had to work in the fields since he was a child, he probably would not be willing to do it," Ju Ling said with a smile.

Looking at the magnificent pigsty in front of him, the smile on Ju Ling's face grew wider.

"Auntie, can we put a few more pigs in the pigsty? Do you want to raise a few more pigs when the older ones are ready for slaughter?" Ju Ling was also worried about my aunt's big business of raising pigs.

Zhang Yongli nodded affirmatively: "Of course you have to raise more, and you can make more money by raising more. Both the old Song family in Dongwu have gone to country H to seek refuge with their children, and the house is going to be sold. After buying the house, once the middle pole is removed, a bigger pigsty can be built in this big area.”

Dongwu Lao Song and his wife are a couple of ethnic minorities in their 40s. Their children are all working in country H. This year, they finally found a suitable opportunity to get Lao Song and his wife. As long as they are willing to work, they will definitely earn more than at home. .

In fact, there are still many people like Lao Song's family in the first village of Linchang.They are of the same nationality as the native people of Country H, there is not much language barrier, and there are relatively few barriers to going out to work.

People go out, but they can't take their homes with them, so the yard of this house is empty.Houses with a good location can still be sold, but houses in a remote location like Lao Song’s house are not easy to sell, and the price is very cheap.

Zhang Yongli's plan to expand the scale of breeding is very good, but the difficulty is far more than just building a pigsty.

The risks involved in raising pigs are not small. Pigs may suffer from various diseases when they grow from small pigs to large pigs that can be slaughtered. If a single pig is not well cared for, the whole litter of pigs may be put in it.

Not only sickness, feeding also has university knowledge.Zhang Yongli is just getting started, and they all use the traditional stupid method of feeding. The pigs grow fat slowly, which undoubtedly increases the feeding time. If you raise them for an extra day, you will have to feed them an extra day of pig food and feed. The cost of this is money. .

Zhang Yongli herself was aware of this, and got up excitedly, went into the house and took out a breeding brochure for Ju Ling to read.

"Look at it, little one. Your Uncle Feng gave it to me. He said that the county agricultural science institute wants to organize a breeding training class. Anyone can listen to it. I thought about it and listened to what other experts said. Let's learn from it." One lesson," Zhang Yongli said with a smile.

As soon as Ju Ling opened the booklet, Ju Jing and Yin Kaixuan came to rest after shoveling pig manure.

Zhang Yongli got up to pour water for them, and Ju Jing and Yin Kaixuan sat next to Ju Ling, one on the left and one on the right.

"What's this, let me have a look." Ju Jing grabbed the booklet and flipped through it.

I don't know what kind of luck it is, so I just flipped through and found the introduction to meat rabbit breeding.

If you want to say which animal Ju Jing hates the most in her life, it must be a rabbit.Looking at the rabbit, one can think of Ju Changfu's annoying face. He also raises rabbits, so it would be nice if he didn't just kill them and eat them!
Ju Jing snorted in disgust, and Ma Liu looked back.

The next few chapters introduce the technology and future development of various poultry and livestock free-range farming in mountains and forests. It is quite interesting, so Ju Jing took a few more glances.

Seeing her looking seriously, Yin Kaixuan leaned up behind her to look at it, and said after watching, "There is indeed a market for this kind of free-range food. My parents always ask for this kind of food when they go out to eat. They say they raise chickens." The taste of the chicken from the farm is not good and it is not healthy, and the free-range chicken is delicious, green, zero additives and pollution-free. I don’t know if it is really as good as they say, but the price is high.”

To be honest, Ju Jing has no idea about the ones raised in farms or free-range, because her economic conditions are not yet to the point where she can choose casually, and it’s good to have meat to eat, so she doesn’t care about chickens and ducks Ah, how did it come out.

But there are not only people like her in this world, there are also many people like Yin Kaixuan's parents who have higher and more refined requirements for food, and with the development of the economy, people's living standards are getting higher and higher. There will be more and more.

Therefore, this novel and green farming method is really promising.

After a while, Zhang Yongli came out with warm water, and Ju Jing talked to her about free-range farming in the forest, and asked Zhang Yongli to listen to it more during her lectures. If possible, she can try it in the future. Maybe it will be more developed than the current breeding method.

But Zhang Yongli said: "Oh, it's okay for you young people to learn more of these tricks. I'm already at this age. Why do I do these things? It's just a simple thing."

What age is she?But he was only in his early thirties, so he wouldn't be considered old anywhere.

After all, she is not in the mood to try new things, but wants to practice traditional pig farming in a down-to-earth manner.

There's nothing wrong with that. Everyone sees things and thinks from different angles. Zhang Yongli can still make a fortune if she can do a good job in her own farming. There is no need to take risks and make new tricks.

Ju Jing took out her mobile phone and wrote down the time and address of the training class, and put the booklet in Ju Ling's hand for her to read.

Ju Ling didn't bother to read it, she just asked Ju Jing: "Second Sister, why do you remember this? Do you want to listen to it?"

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(End of this chapter)

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