Chapter 106
"Listen to it if you have time, the training class is free, and it's useless if you don't listen," Ju Jing replied.

The point is that it is free, if it costs money to go to the class, Ju Jing will definitely not go.

In her opinion, it is not a loss to take classes for free to learn knowledge, no matter whether the knowledge is useful or not, it is her own.

"Then let's go to class together." Zhang Yongli said happily: "It says in the brochure that classes will be held every Saturday and Sunday morning. Then I will go there on Saturday morning and come back after class on Sunday. I will stay overnight with you in the evening." , how are you?"

That's good, of course, it saves traveling back and forth and doesn't have to spend money on staying in hotels.

However, there are also big problems.

"Auntie, what will you do with the pig when you go to class? It won't work if you don't feed it." Ju Ling asked worriedly.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Yongli came up with a solution. She said, "I'll find someone to feed me for two days. The training class will only last for one month and four weekends, so it won't waste a lot of time."

Ju Ling also wanted to ask her who to ask to help feed the pigs, so Feng Guangquan came over in a jolt.

Today he should be resting, not wearing a police uniform, just simple short-sleeved shorts and big slippers, and he is carrying a Fedro (Russian transliteration, a bucket with a thick top and a thin bottom).

There is half a bucket of water in Feedro, and there are many small fish and a big fish entangled in the water.

Seeing someone at home, Feng Guangquan was not embarrassed, he put Feed Luo on the drying platform and said with a smile: "I don't have the place to cook the fish from the big river just now, so I'll give it to you. Cook this little fish for a while." Fish soup with more coriander is delicious, but it’s hard to clean up. Can you clean it up? If you can’t clean it up, I’ll leave after I clean it up.”

Zhang Yongli first introduced Ju Jing and Yin Kaixuan to Feng Guangquan, and then said: "Why are you leaving? I just stay here to drink fish soup. If you don't let you eat the fish from your net, what's the matter?"

With the right words, Feng Guangquan cheerfully carried Feed Luo to the well to clean up the fish, and Yin Kaixuan felt that the novelty followed him to join in the fun.

Ju Jing looked at Feng Guangquan's back and arched Zhang Yongli with her shoulders: "Auntie, what's the situation? You and this man."

"Don't talk nonsense," Zhang Yongli hurriedly interrupted her, explaining: "Your Uncle Feng is a policeman from our township police station. place to ponder."

"Good people should think more about it." Ju Jing raised her eyebrows and said, "Auntie, you have to think about it for yourself. If you meet someone who is nice and caring, don't hesitate. Whoever likes to talk about it, let's just live it well." Just live your own life."

Zhang Yongli blushed at what she said, and left in a hurry on the pretext of cooking.

Ju Jing and Ju Ling coaxed Little Toss while watching the two men tidy up the fish by the well, and wentssip about Zhang Yongli and Feng Guangquan by the way.

Zhang Yongli's cooking skills are very good. She cooked a pot of fish soup, braised a big fish, and fried her own vegetables. The big guys sat around and ate very happily.

It was not too early after the meal, and the three of Ju Jing reluctantly bid farewell and left.

It was more than six o'clock in the evening when we returned to Xiaofuqiangtun, and it was still dark, which was the time for many people to eat.

In hot summer, many people set up a stove outside the house to cook, and eat outside, so when walking through the village during the meal, you can often see eating with a big bowl while chatting with the neighbors. people.

As soon as they entered the village today, the aunt with a bowl at the head of the village stopped Ju Jing, winked and said mysteriously: "Jing Jing, go home and have a look, your restaurant was smashed by your aunt, your mother Looks like he was beaten."

What?The restaurant was smashed and the mother was beaten?

That's pretty cool!

Ju Jing and Ju Ling didn't wait for the aunt who served the bowl to finish her sentence, they rushed out like small cannonballs, and Yin Kaixuan's long legs twitched several times before catching up with the two sisters.

Running all the way back to the restaurant, there were a lot of tables and chairs in a mess, but it wasn't as bad as the lady carrying the bowl said.Ju Wenqi crutched his legs and was supporting the tables and chairs one by one. When he got up, he had to check to see if there was any damage.

Zhang Yongmei is sweeping the floor with this broom.Look at the posture of waving the broom, it doesn't look like being beaten at all, anyone who makes her unhappy walks over may be beaten by her.

"Mom, what's going on? Madam Ma in the village said you were beaten by her, is it true or not?" Ju Ling asked hastily.

Zhang Yongmei shook the broom vigorously angrily, gave Ju Wenqi a hard look, and said through gritted teeth, "She dared to come to our restaurant to make a fuss, and even knocked over these old tables and chairs. If your father didn't stop me, I would have smashed her." Face."

It was not Zhang Yongmei who was emotionally beaten but Cai Meiyu.

Ju Wenqi, who was stared at, was quite aggrieved, and complained to the two daughters: "Can I not stop, look at your mother's aura of killing people, if you really beat someone up, wouldn't it be our family's bag (dialect, get involved) ) Well. You all know what your aunt is like, and she can beat people flat if nothing happens, but if something happens, she won't go to heaven."

There is some truth to Ju Wenqi's words.

Knowing that her mother was fine, Ju Ling and Ju Jing relaxed, and sat down on a stool when she was tired from running, and asked in detail what happened today.

It is still the fault of gossip.

Now Ju Laosan's family is not quite the same as before.

In the past, the old three of Ju’s family were poor and honest and easy to bully. Zhang Yongmei, who gave birth to three girls and had no sons, was a heavy laborer. Ju Wenlin’s family could bully as much as they wanted. One foot followed by a lot of applause.

now what?When Ju Wenqi opened a restaurant and had no banquets, he played movies and TV dramas during the day and used it as a dance hall at night. He earned three shares of money in one place and maintained many people in the village and outside the village. Even the village chief spoke for him. His back was getting harder every day. Dare to offend him casually.

Leaving aside whether the current Ju Wenlin dares to lift his foot to kick Ju Wenqi, he really dares to do so. As soon as he lifts his foot, Ju Wenqi has to find a way to block him. Turn the wind to scold him for not being honest.

It is so realistic that only rich and promising people will have more "friends".

The first few old women in the village who had a good relationship with Cai Meiyu gathered together to chat their teeth, chattering and chattering to Zhao Fen who refused to leave in the village.

Cai Meiyu almost annoyed her second younger sibling to death.Obviously they are from the county town, and the two sons are there, but they want to live in the village, and they still refuse to leave at her house.

Overtly and covertly, she also told Zhao Fen several times to let her go home or live in another house. This Zhao Fen was stern and refused to leave. After saying a few more words, Zhao Fen started crying, crying for her dead husband, frustrated terribly.

Her old sisters all knew that she disliked Zhao Fen, so they followed her wishes and said that Zhao Fen was bad and that was bad, and Zhao Fen and Zhang Yongmei chatted together without knowing who it was.

 Thank you for your support, the second update will be at [-]pm.

(End of this chapter)

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