Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 112 Inspiration

Chapter 112 Inspiration
To see, or not to see, that is the question.

The novel is good, but it takes time.

For a junior high school student, time is really precious.

Ju Ling rejected Ran Yuqing with great determination, and persuaded her: "You should watch less, study is more important."

Ran Yuqing said as if she didn't hear her, "I bought this at the bookstall in front of the closed market. One copy is ten yuan and two copies are eighteen. I have agreed with the stall owner to give me new ones." Keep it, you can buy it if you want to see it.”

Ju Ling: .
I keep telling myself that it is important to study and not to read idle books, but Ran Yuqing’s words keep popping up in my mind—four novels for one book, 18 yuan for one book and [-] books for two books, at the bookstall in front of the closed market.
She probably thought too much. During the weekend break, she came to the closed market without knowing what she was thinking. In front of the bookstall, she saw dozens of books of the kind of four-story novel that Ran Yuqing read. thick book!
The stall owner was quite honest, and told Ju Ling directly: "These are all pirated books. They are sold cheaply, but they are well printed and there are no typos. You can't buy this kind of collection in a bookstore, not to mention expensive. One A book of stories is more expensive than our collection, and you must not have much money in your hands as a student, so just buy this one, this one is suitable, and there are many people who buy it."

A copy of ten yuan is still cheap?
Selling pirated copies dare to be so aboveboard?

Ju Ling's desire to buy a book was instantly shattered, and she turned and left without saying a word.

She went to the Internet cafe to find Ju Jing, but Ju Jing was busy, so she asked her to play next to Jing Chengxi.

Not seeing Jing Chengxi in a summer vacation has changed quite a lot. He is much stronger, but also darker, and looks more energetic.

As soon as he sat down after saying hello, Jing Chengxi said, "Why are you so ugly?"

Ju Ling: .
Not wanting to talk to him, he just snorted and turned on the phone to do his own thing.

She began to browse the more popular novels on the website, hoping to get inspiration from them and write such a popular novel.

Tired of watching, I planned to roll up my sleeves and write a novel that is currently being serialized, but when I turned around, I saw Jing Chengxi leaning back in his chair to watch a TV series.

This is really rare. I have known Jing Chengxi for so long and have surfed the Internet together quite a few times. This is the first time I have seen him doing anything other than playing games.

"What TV show, is it good?" Ju Ling leaned over and picked up the earphone on his side and asked.

Jing Chengxi patted Ju Ling's hand away impatiently, put the earphones back on his ears, and replied lazily without taking his eyes off the screen: ""Looking for Qin Ji" is very beautiful."

Ju Ling has heard of this TV series.

When she went home during the holidays, her father rented the "Looking for Qin Ji" disc, and she also helped write the small blackboard. There were quite a few people who watched it, but she hadn't read it.

Ju Ling wanted to know what such an attractive TV series was about, so she searched the Internet. Unexpectedly, this TV series was adapted from a novel, and the physical novel had been published a few years ago.

After surfing the Internet, Ju Ling went to the bookstore to browse around, but couldn't buy it.With the mentality of giving it a try, I went to the bookstall in front of the market to take a look. The stall owner was very enthusiastic. When I saw Ju Ling looking through one by one, I asked her what book she was looking for. As long as she could name it, come to him. there is.

Ju Ling felt that he was bragging, telling people that she was looking for "Looking for Qin Ji", and the book stall owner made a set of books out of the big box behind the stall as if by magic, what else was it if it wasn't "Xun Qin Ji" .

"Let me tell you this, little girl, you can't buy this book at the bookstore, you can only buy it from me. If you need any books later, just come to us, it's the same sentence, as long as you can say it well, I will That’s for sure,” said the stall owner Beer proudly.

This set of books is genuine, and a set is not cheap.

Although Ju Ling has started to make money now, she never spends money recklessly, and it hurts her to spend so much money on books all at once.

Knowledge is priceless, she comforted herself.

After returning to the rental house with a stack of books in her arms, she began to look seriously.

it's very funny.

Intermittently, it took her almost a week to finish reading the book, but she still felt unfinished.

She would unconsciously think what would happen if she went to ancient times, could she use her knowledge and skills to shine in ancient times and even change history.

There were too many thoughts in her mind, she was a little excited, so she chatted with Ju Jing about it.

Ju Jing is more pragmatic, without her "weird" thoughts, she just said casually: "It's okay to think about the use of these random codes? It's as if you can really go to ancient times. If you really have this ability, you go What did you do to benefit others in ancient times? Go back to when you were just born and think of a way to remind our parents not to be too useless and treat the uncle and his family a little better. Tell them to drive carefully so that no accidents occur. Tell them to take good care of grandma and don’t let grandma drink pesticides. , and don't let our eldest sister listen to Wu Youhai's nonsense, what kind of life would our family live without these old bad things!"

What Ju Jing said casually gave Ju Ling some inspiration.

That's right, if she really has the ability, why would she go to ancient times? She can go back to her childhood and change her family's situation.

Her father's legs were not injured and her kidneys were not removed, her milk did not drink pesticides, and she didn't have to worry about everything. Her two older sisters didn't have to worry about their livelihood at a young age.
The more I thought about it, the more excited I became. I wrote more than 3000 words that night, and didn't fall asleep until late at night.

It is impossible to write a novel worth hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars with passion, and a novel requires careful planning.

So Ju Ling used the next few days to record all her thoughts, and compiled a complete outline. From the beginning to the end, she wrote down all the major events and turning points that happened in the middle, and then wrote the novel. When writing according to this outline, you will not be afraid of not knowing how to write down.

Chapter 1 of this novel was uploaded to the Internet after the first monthly exam after school started.

When the results of the monthly exam came out, some people cried and some laughed.The one laughing was Ju Ling. Her grades improved steadily, a little better than she expected.It was Ran Yuqing who was crying. Her school year ranking suddenly dropped by more than 20.

It's not surprising that her grades have dropped. During the first month of school, she read novels after class and after class, and her current grades in the exams are completely based on her laurels. If she doesn't change and continues like this, she will probably drop even more when she waits for the midterm exam.

After Ran Yuqing finished crying, the first thing she did when she wiped away her tears was to stuff all the extracurricular books into Ju Ling's schoolbag.

Ju Ling: .
"Good deskmate, you have more self-control than me, you can keep these books for me, and you can give them to me when my grades come up," Ran Yuqing said firmly.

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(End of this chapter)

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