Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 113 Online Shopping

Chapter 113 Online Shopping
In the evening, Ju Ling returned to the rental house with her heavy schoolbag on her back. Her second sister had just cooked a pot of porridge and was waiting for her to come back to eat.

When she was carrying a bowl of porridge, Ju Jing put it aside and fiddled with a tightly packed cardboard box.

Ju Ling asked curiously: "Second sister, what is this?"

"Coffee bought me something online, but it was mysterious and didn't tell me what it was," Ju Jing replied.

Ju Ling felt very surprised, and took the bowl to Ju Jing to watch her unpack the box: "Can you still buy things online? Quickly open it and see what it is."

Ju Jing unwrapped it unhurriedly. It was a pair of sneakers, which were beautiful and light.

"What is she doing? Why are you buying me shoes!" Ju Jing said inexplicably.

Picking up her shoes, she got up and went to call the coffee. After Ju Ling drank the porridge, she almost finished the phone call.

"One of her cousins ​​sells things and shoes online. In order to support her cousin's business, she bought a pair for each of her close friends," Ju Jing explained.

She has explained that Ju Ling is even more curious.

"Selling things online? How do you sell things online?" Ju Ling asked.

Ju Jingbai glanced at her: "You don't even know where I am going. Hurry up and study after eating and don't ask about these useless things."

Tell Ju Ling not to inquire about her, but she herself has been inquiring a lot. The next day when she goes online, she asks netizens how to sell things online and whether it is cheaper to buy things online.

Ju Jing is really a person who likes to accept new things. After asking around, she even thought about buying things online.

In fact, online shopping existed a few years ago, and it was started by a large foreign company. These people Ju Jing met online have never used it, and even if they used it, they never mentioned it in their normal communication, so Ju Jing does not use it. Know.Now that a new shopping website appears, and some friends use it to buy things for themselves, it is the first time for Ju Jing to come into contact with this field.

Ju Ling naturally didn't know that her second sister had already started thinking about online shopping, and her current life was busy and fulfilling.You can't let go of your studies, and you can't stop writing articles for magazines and newspapers. After all, you still rely on this to earn reading and tuition fees for yourself. Next, you can write things on the Internet. Since you have written the beginning, there are still people who can read it. You can't give up halfway. just work.

Spending time on these things, she didn't even have time to think about other things, so when she suddenly received a call from Qiao Jue one night, she realized that she hadn't contacted Qiao Jue for a month!

Qiao Jue was very resentful, and asked why Ju Ling didn't call him.

Ju Ling told the truth, Qiao Jue felt even more uncomfortable.

"You're really good, little one, so I'm not as important as those messy things in your heart!" Qiao Jue said sourly.

Ju Ling immediately refuted him: "There is no such thing as a mess, I do all serious things. Didn't you call me when you were busy? I didn't blame you. Why do you blame me?"

Qiao Jue was bullied and couldn't find anything to refute.

"Okay, you're right, I won't argue with you. No matter what you do, don't delay your studies. Remember, you are still a student, and the most important thing is to study." Qiao Jue warned quite seriously.

Ju Ling responded seriously, and then asked about Qiao Jue's recent situation.

Qiao Jue is still the same, with a breakthrough in the experiment, he is still very busy.Next month, I will go on a business trip abroad with the professor. The purpose of this call is to ask Ju Ling if there is anything she wants him to bring. He can bring it back for her from abroad.

This can be stopped by Ju Ling.

She has never even been abroad, and she doesn't know what's there, so asking her what she wants to bring is not asking for nothing.

Qiao Jue knew it was a white question and wanted to ask another question, so he must have some idea.

Ju Ling figured it out as soon as she turned her head, and asked with a smile: "Brother Xiaojue, are you going to say that since I don't know what to bring, then you just look at it. When I receive the things you brought from abroad If you think it's expensive or you don't want it, you can use today's conversation to answer me, right?"

Qiao Jue also smiled: "You little clever bean, I can't hide it from you."


Under Ju Ling's questioning, Qiao Jue had no choice but to tell the truth, he said: "Didn't you say that all the things you post on the Internet are written by hand in private and then go to the Internet cafe to type when you have time? This is a waste of time. If Wouldn’t it be convenient if you have a computer that you can use no matter you are in the rental house or at home.”

"You want to buy me a computer?" Ju Ling asked in surprise.

Qiao Jue corrected: "It's not an ordinary computer, it's a laptop, it's easy to carry, you can take it with you wherever you go."

"How much?" Ju Ling asked immediately.

"Not expensive," Qiao Jue said without confidence, "The cheap one is less than five thousand."

It's not expensive!
Ju Ling anxiously said with a pale face: "Don't buy it, don't buy it, and I don't want it if you buy it! It's so expensive and you still say it's not expensive, so how much is expensive."

Qiao Jue sighed, knowing that this was the result of explaining to Ju Ling.

Now that Ju Ling has expressed his attitude, Qiao Jue naturally cannot act rashly.

Ju Ling waited for Ju Jing to go home and asked her what the price of the laptop was, and the figure given by Ju Jing shocked Ju Ling again.

"Brother Xiaojue said the cheap one is less than five thousand."

"You listen to him!" Ju Jing snorted lightly, rolled her eyes and said, "It's less than 4000, but it's not very good in all aspects, and it costs more than [-] to buy another one." Okay. Qiao Jue will fool you, if you really agree with him, he will definitely buy expensive ones."

"Fortunately, I didn't let him buy it!" Ju Ling said.

Ju Ling revealed the incident by herself, but Ju Jing remembered it in her heart.

The whole October passed smoothly, Ju Jing was not harassed by Jiang Che anymore, her hard work was recognized by her boss and her salary was raised, and the power leveling work was also done well, earning a lot more than before .As for Ju Ling, she is very motivated to study, and has received good news for her contributions. The first online serial was completed at 1 words, and the second long-form serialization received a good response. Readers are already reading it after only [-] words.

There are big and small things happening in Xiaofuqiangtun. Every time Ju Jing and Ju Ling call home, they can hear some gossip.

Ju Jing was right about Zhao Fen, she was indeed a woman with ideas.

After temporarily living in the small broken house left by old man Sun, she began to plan for her future life.Relying on other people's relief is definitely not enough. She had the cheek to go to Zhang Yongmei to borrow some money, buy all the materials and start steaming steamed buns at home and selling them.

She is good at cooking, and she doesn't know what to add to the noodles. The steamed buns are soft and delicious.That's not to mention, she can also steam steamed buns, which look good and are delicious, and the most important thing is that the price is not expensive, many people who are busy with the autumn harvest buy them to save trouble.

Besides, she can bake mooncakes.

On August 40th, she tried to make a batch of mooncakes, not many, just over [-] yuan.She didn't sell it, but gave it to people in the village who helped her. Zhang Yongmei and Ju Wenqi also got a few yuan, and they all thought it was very delicious, even better than the mooncakes made by the mooncake baker in San Fatzitun.

 Thank you for your support, thank you for the monthly ticket of 鍀i's and book friend 20171119071842604, thank you.The third update is at [-]:[-] p.m., welcome to watch on time.

(End of this chapter)

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