Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 114 Three Trigrams

Chapter 114 Gossip
Not only Ju Wenqi and his wife thought so, but many people who had eaten mooncakes thought it was delicious and wanted to buy it from Zhao Fen.

It's a pity that Zhao Fen didn't have all the tools and didn't make much preparations. Even if she wanted to do it again, she was powerless.But the name has already been branded, and if she wants to sell it next year, she will definitely not worry about it.

Zhao Fen's side is good gossip, and there are some disturbing gossips.

The protagonist of the gossip is Wu Youhai.

He didn't go out to work again, but he didn't stop at home.

His daughter-in-law didn't go to see it because of the stimulation, and just went crazy at home for good and bad.When it was bad, no one would listen to what she said, and she would hold the pillow tightly in her arms like her son, and anyone who dared to approach would cry and make noise.

At first Wu Youhai was a little patient, but later he was so disturbed by his wife that he didn't even want to go home.

It's okay for him not to go home and have a good place to stay, but he is not a peaceful person.I don't know why I fell in love with an old woman whose husband is working outside San Fatty!

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, and the people in the village now know exactly which corn field the two of them messed around in.

People in the village love to chatter about this kind of silly stuff, probably too much, but the person involved doesn't take it seriously, and Wu Youhai ran around the village all day and didn't show any embarrassment.

These are the big gossips, and there are too many small gossips about the east and the west.

The house was buzzing with gossip, but Ju Min, who was far away in the south, was experiencing something that worried her very much.

In the first few days, Sister-in-law Sitang was not feeling well and went to the hospital for an examination. By the way, she was sure whether she was pregnant with a boy or a girl.

After coming back from the hospital, Sister-in-Law Sitang was bored with her work and did not like to talk. Ju Min was concerned about her physical condition and asked her how the examination results were several times. Probably because she had asked too many times, Sister-in-law Sitang finally told her the truth.

There is no major problem with the body, but there is a girl in the stomach.

Sitang's sister-in-law already has a son and a daughter. In Ju Min's opinion, whether the child is a boy or a girl is fine, but she doesn't understand why Sitang's sister-in-law looks so sleepy that she owes the whole world.

Sitang's sister-in-law cried and said to Ju Min: "I hurt my body when I gave birth to the second child. The doctor said that it will not be easy to conceive in the future. It is not easy for me to conceive this child. I am thinking about adding another boy to the Lin family. The two of us A boy can also take care of each other, but my stomach is not up to snuff, I am pregnant with a girl, and I don't know if I will be able to conceive again after giving birth to this child."

Ju Min was frightened and asked Sitang's sister-in-law: "Sister-in-law Sitang, are you still planning to have another life?"

"There is only one son in the family. How can we support it? Look at how many other families have sons. No birth? What can we do if we don't have any birth?" Sitang's sister-in-law said guiltily and helplessly.

Ju Min hadn't recovered from the shock brought about by Sister-in-law Sitang's theory. Lin Dezhi's hometown called, saying that the ancestral grave in his hometown had been moved, and Feng Shui was completely destroyed, and he wanted to find the family to settle the score. .

After this phone call, all the children and grandchildren of the Lin family who were away rushed back to their hometowns, and Lin Dezhi also took Ju Min back. Ju Min saw with his own eyes that hundreds of members of the Lin family confronted hundreds of members of another family with various farm tools!
No wonder Sitang's sister-in-law said that only one son could not support the family. If faced with the current situation, one is really not enough.

After the matter subsided, Ju Min wanted to sit down and have a serious talk with Lin Dezhi, about some serious issues that they never took seriously before.

It's a pity that before they started talking, the factory received a new big order, Ju Min was busy working from dawn to dusk, and Lin Dezhi also helped to distribute the goods.

On the side of Yunhe County, Ju Jing's first online shopping finally arrived. At night, she and Ju Ling squatted on the ground looking at the tightly wrapped packages, and they were so excited.

The recent period of time seems to be too moist, Ju Ling is obviously a little fatter, and the trousers she used to wear are strangely tight, so Ju Jing tried to buy her a pair of jeans online.

"Second Sister, quickly dismantle it, let me see if it's okay to buy things online," Ju Ling urged.

Ju Jing glared at her: "Why worry, I can't run away."

She slowly opened the package with scissors, and Ju Ling asked her next to her: "Second sister, how did you buy it? Is it convenient?"

In fact, it is not very convenient!
When looking for a pair of jeans on the Internet, Ju Jing first added the QQ of the owner of the store, negotiated the price on QQ to determine the color and size, and then she went to the bank to remit the money for the jeans to the boss, and the boss got her address and then sent her the pants Therefore, the success of the transaction depends entirely on the trust between people.

The main reason for the inconvenience is that the distance is too far. If it is in the same city, the transaction will be much more convenient.

Ju Ling put on the jeans, and Ju Jing deeply felt that online shopping is definitely promising.

This pair of jeans was such a success!The shape is good-looking, the color is good-looking, and the size is just right. Ju Ling looks taller in wearing it.

In addition to being suitable, the most important thing is that it is also cheap.For the same price, you can't buy such jeans in the shopping malls and stores in Yunhe County.

"I will think about it later, and I will buy something that is affordable and useful," Ju Jing said happily.

When Ju Ling took off her jeans, she began to mutter again.

"You don't have any clothes to match these jeans, and it's getting colder and colder, I'll buy you a cotton coat later," Ju Jing muttered.

Ju Ling grows up a lot every year, and some of last year's clothes will not fit this year, so she has to buy clothes even if she doesn't match them with jeans.

Ju Jing picked and picked online for several days but didn't buy anything.It's not that there are no suitable ones, but that the clothes she's looking for are too expensive, and she will definitely not take risks before she has absolute trust in online shopping.

After much deliberation, Ju Jing still decided to take Ju Ling out for shopping and buy clothes in the store on weekends.

On the weekend, Jing Chengxi came to the Internet and heard that his sisters were going to go shopping and had to follow him. He said that he happened to also buy clothes, and asked the two sisters to check for him.

There are not many places to go shopping in Yunhe County, there is a closed market, a shopping mall with a slightly better environment, and a pedestrian street.

Closed markets are also wholesale markets. The things inside are relatively cheap, but they are too messy and smell bad, and the clothes are old-fashioned, so they are not suitable for buying student clothes.

They mainly shop in the better shopping malls and pedestrian streets.

Walking around the mall, the cheap ones and the expensive ones all look good, but Ju Jing can always pick out such and such faults.

The last stop is the Pedestrian Street, which is divided into front and back streets. The front street is full of shops for clothing, jewelry and small commodities, and the back street is mainly restaurants and hardware stores.

Jiekoutou's family is Yichun, which is considered a big name in the county, and Ju Jing is usually reluctant to come here to buy clothes.

"Second Sister, let's go look elsewhere, the clothes here are all expensive," Ju Ling persuaded.

Ju Jing has never been ambiguous about spending money for her little sister. She said generously, "It doesn't cost money to go in and have a look. Let's go, maybe if we are lucky, we will come across nice and cheap clothes."

Facts have proved that such a thing as luck is really mysterious. It can make people encounter nice and cheap clothes, and it can also make people encounter things or people they don't want to encounter.

 Thank you for your support, thank you for voting and subscribing, thank you.The first update will be at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning, come and see~
(End of this chapter)

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