Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 119 Perseverance

Chapter 119 Perseverance
"It's not closed, there are still people playing in the restaurant." Ju Wenqi put a chopstick of pickled vegetables into his mouth, and replied with a smile.

Zhang Yongmei was in a hurry, and stood up quickly: "If there are still people, you should run home. What if you lose something? You can't stand a restaurant, and you can't do it if you cook porridge and serve our mother for dinner." , what are you doing!"

"Why are you so anxious? The people who hang out in the restaurant are all old acquaintances. They are usually very nice to me. If you can steal anything, you are the only one who thinks so much!" Ju Wenqi said indifferently.

Aren't those old acquaintances he mentioned who were kind to him the ones who encouraged him to run for the village head? They are not good things when you think about it deeply.

Ju Ling put the bowl in front of Ju Wenqi with a "bang", but said to Zhang Yongmei: "Mom, I will take care of grandma, you go to the restaurant."

Zhang Yongmei was also not polite to her girl, and left home in a hurry, talking about Ju Wenqi this and that.

Ju Wenqi complained about Zhang Yongmei's fuss while drinking porridge, and complained to Ju Ling: "The older your mother is, the more tempered she is. She would quarrel with me every now and then, and I don't like to talk to her."

"Dad, do you really want to be the village head?" Ju Ling asked while wiping her grandma's hands and face.

Ju Wenqi replied vaguely with a mouthful of porridge: "I didn't think much about it. Isn't this why everyone in the village wants me to be the one? I wondered how many people in the village have supported our business over the years. We have the ability to be the village chief to help us. Shouldn't you help them?"

Ju Ling couldn't help laughing.

"Dad, you can do whatever you want. My eldest sister and my second sister promise not to stop you, but we have also discussed it. If you take our money, our things, or even our land, what are you going to do?" That’s not acceptable. My mother is the best person to speak in our family now. My mother has a veto power. You’d better treat my mother better in the future,” Ju Lingbeier solemnly declared.

Ju Wenqi's chopsticks stopped in mid-air for a long time before they fell down, and asked in a daze, "Since when did our family have a veto? What does your mother know, don't listen to her nonsense."

"Whether my mother understands or not, we don't know, but my mother has paid off the foreign debts for our family because of poor food and clothing, and she has fallen ill all these years, so we all know that her decision is wrong. We also support it!" Ju Ling replied seriously.

"Has your grandma finished cleaning up? Go inside after cleaning up. It's cold outside, so I'll go to the restaurant after I finish eating." Ju Wenqi changed the subject without hesitation.

Ju Ling felt that she had expressed the whole family's attitude clearly enough, and Ju Wenqi would calm down even if she wanted to be the village chief, but she never expected that her own father would be so persistent about the village chief that no normal person would way to understand.

Two nights later, Zhang Yongmei and Ju Wenqi came back from the hotel one after the other, one was angry and the other looked helpless.

"What's wrong? Did you quarrel?" Ju Ling asked suspiciously.

Zhang Yongmei snorted and said, "Ask your dad."

Ju Wenqi sat on the edge of the kang and said helplessly, "I don't want to quarrel, it's your mother who wants to quarrel with me."

Zhang Yongmei's anger suddenly rose to eight feet high, and she couldn't suppress it no matter what.

"I want to quarrel with you? I'm full and have nothing to do to quarrel with you. If you don't mess around, can I be impatient with you? If you want to be honest, can I turn against you? I don’t know, the village chief has to spend money to build a wall before there is any sign of it! Why, if someone wants to build a building, do you have to build a building? For a village chief, you even spend your own life You don't want to pass it, do you?"

Zhang Yongmei was so angry that she was able to speak well at the beginning, but tears fell uncontrollably afterward.

Ju Ling was so distressed that she wiped away her tears with the paper while persuading her not to be angry and to speak up when she had something to say.

After finally persuading Zhang Yongmei, Ju Ling said to Ju Wenqi: "Dad, if you want to earn enough money to build a fence, we don't object."

"I" Ju Wenqi was dumb.

It's not that Ju Wenqi can't make money, but Zhang Yongmei is responsible for every penny the family earns. Can he say that Zhang Yongmei has nothing to do with a dime?He didn't dare because it would be a lie.

On the contrary, if Zhang Yongmei is asked if Ju Wenqi has nothing to do with a dime in his family, Zhang Yongmei can confidently say that Ju Wenqi has nothing to do with more than a dime in his family.

But Zhang Yongmei will never be asked this question, because she is a law-abiding person, knowing that money is not easy to come by, and knowing that it is not easy for the Ju family to have the present life, so she will not spend money recklessly, let alone mess around.

Being unable to speak is being unable to speak, and Ju Wenqi didn't stop thinking about it.

The next day he talked softly to Zhang Yongmei, hoping that Zhang Yongmei would agree with him.

His idea is also quite simple, since the daughter-in-law said that the daughter-in-law has the right to veto, then coax the daughter-in-law, as long as the daughter-in-law stands with him, he can do whatever he wants.


He was so flattered by a few flattering words that he didn't know that Zhang Yongmei was not floating, she was awake.

It doesn't work to coax her.

Zhang Yongmei was so annoyed by him that she had no choice but to sue the little girl.

She said that Ju Wenqi might not listen and would talk back, but the girl said that even if Ju Wenqi couldn't listen to everything, at least he wouldn't talk back.

Ju Ling found out that Ju Wenqi was quite poisoned, fearing that he could not deal with him alone, so she secretly called Ju Jing to discuss countermeasures when her parents were not at home.

Ju Jing suggested that she scold Ju Wenqi directly and wake him up.

"Second sister, do you have any misunderstanding of my eloquence? If I can wake up our father, wouldn't I wake up sooner? The main thing is that this old man has grown up now. I agreed, but I actually have other ideas in my heart, and scolding this trick is useless," Ju Ling said helplessly.

Ju Jing slapped the table angrily and stared at her eyes, and unconsciously raised her voice on the phone: "Then you tell him, if he acts like a monster again, I will go home and deal with him!"

Dear dad, what else can I do to clean up, Ju Jing is also very talkative.

Ju Ling couldn't get any useful advice from the second sister, so she called Ju Min. Ju Min wanted to say for a long time, "Little one, do you know what our dad cares most about?"

This Ju Ling knew that family must come first, followed by his face.

"Why don't you come up with a trick to fight poison with poison, completely embarrassing him, making him embarrassed to elect the village chief, and it will be over once and for all," Ju Min suggested.

Good idea, will give it a try as a last resort.

After tossing and turning all night, Ju Ling also thought of a way.

It can be regarded as fighting poison with poison, but without such poison as Ju Min said, it would not make Ju Wenqi too embarrassing.

Regardless of the objections of Zhang Yongmei and Ju Wenqi, she insisted on coming to the hotel, even during the day, and she would stay in the hotel at night and refused to go home.

The restaurants are only lively at night. Young, middle-aged and elderly people are willing to come to the restaurant as long as they like to play and be lively. Even if they don't dance, they can get together to chat and gossip.

Ju Ling wanted to take advantage of this excitement to convey her or the Ju family's point of view.

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(End of this chapter)

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