Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 120 Demolition

Chapter 120 Demolition
Although it is his own restaurant, Ju Ling has rarely come here at night since its opening.Firstly, she herself doesn't like this kind of excitement, and secondly, because Ju Wenqi and the others are afraid that it will affect her study, they are not very happy for her to come.

She was staying in the restaurant today, and many people found it strange that they came here to talk to her.

In the past, she smiled embarrassedly and pretended that she was not good at dealing with such a situation, but today she is generous, she can chat with anyone who comes to talk.So, after a while, a group of people chatted around her.

The conversation was all about her going to school outside, so not only women surrounded her, but also many big men who had been to the county a few times and felt that they knew more than others and had a better vision than others.

After a while, Ju Wenqi also came over with a teapot, happily joining the group chat.

A man said flatteringly: "Third Uncle, if you want to say who has the most vision in our village, it must be you. When you sent Minmin out to learn crafts, how many people in the village said you were stupid behind their backs, and then you sent Minmin Lingling went to school, and some people in the village said that you can't think about it, and that spending so much money on girls is useless. Who dares to say that now? Third uncle, you are the smartest. The three girls have all gone out, and you will definitely have great promise in the future. "

The people around agreed, and Ju Wenqi laughed so hard that he saw his teeth but couldn't see his eyes.

Ju Ling said at the happiest moment of Ju Wenqi's smile: "Where, the most visionary and smartest person in our family is my mother. It was my parents' discussion to send the eldest sister and the second sister to learn crafts and send me to school." , the money spent was earned by my mother, without my mother it would be useless."

Ju Wenqi:
Embarrassing to die for.

Just as embarrassing as Ju Wenqi was the man who spoke before, he still didn't give up and started another topic.

He said: "Third uncle, I admire you even if I don't admire anyone in our village. You are courageous. When the brigade sold the school house, we thought it would never be sold. Who has no house to live in? We have to spend money to buy this boss's place. Isn't that enough to eat. I never imagined that you bought it and opened a restaurant. With such courage and brains, I can't catch up with you even if you flatter me."

"Hehe, I thought about it then."

Just as Ju Wenqi opened his mouth to follow the man's words, Ju Ling interjected: "My dad was also very hesitant at the time, and my mother persuaded him to buy it. You all know what happened to my dad at that time, he was alone I can't stand up at all, and it's my mother who is busy inside and out, and if she doesn't agree, our family can't do anything."

Ju Wenqi:
Embarrassed and want to die.

The following conversations were probably going to be this routine, when someone praised Ju Wenqi and Ju Ling, they left it aside to disrupt the stage.

After dismantling it all night, the restaurant closed and went home. Ju Wenqi was an old man with a droopy face.

While sitting on the kang Yan'er washing his feet, he couldn't hold back and said to Ju Ling: "Little boy, don't go to the restaurant tomorrow night, just stay at home and study hard."

"It's called combining work and rest. I'm really tired from studying every day, so I can relax when I chat with people at night," Ju Ling said relaxedly.

"Then it's okay to relax at home." Ju Wenqi said again: "Your grandma can't be watched at home, so you can watch your grandma at home."

"I can also do the job of entertaining people in the ballroom. Dad, why don't you leave the house to serve my grandma and I can go to the ballroom to work," Ju Lingte said in a serious manner.

Ju Wenqi opened his mouth to say something, but found that the girl would get back at him for anything he said, so he shut up angrily, and was demolished by the little girl the next day.

Within three days, almost everyone in the village knew that Zhang Yongmei was the real master of Ju Laosan's family, and Ju Laosan was just a jerk and didn't care about anything.

Anyway, no one said in front of Ju Wenqi that Ju Wenqi didn't know anything about it.But he also felt that something was wrong, because fewer and fewer people mentioned the village head to him.

Before the first round of elections, only a few people told him that they would elect him as village chief.

The most spacious place in the village is the Jujia Restaurant, where all election procedures are carried out.

The first item was the candidate's speech, and the first one was the old Zhengtou of the village, in his fifties, who had been a village official before, so he had a certain mass base.

The second one was Zhu Yunping, who took the manuscript to the stage.I don't know who wrote the manuscript for him, he couldn't even read all the words, and he was so dispirited.

Ju Wenqi, who was preparing for the third speech, looked jealous and said to Ju Ling: "I didn't expect to get a manuscript. You write one for me. It must be better than the one your uncle read."

"I'm sure I can write better than what he has in his hand, but you may not read as well as my uncle. You don't know as many characters as my uncle does." Ju Ling exposed him mercilessly. Lao Dier.

Ju Wenqi:
Ju Wenqi, who was the third to speak, continued to babble without a manuscript, and what he said was full of caricature, which was not nutritious.

After talking about it for less than 3 minutes, my forehead was sweating, and my face was flushed. With this psychological quality, what kind of village head should I be?

The fourth speaker was Wu Youhai. No one knew beforehand that he also had this idea, and he spoke quite well, but he had too many flirtatious things, so no matter how good he spoke, he couldn't take it seriously.

The last one to speak was Ju Wenlin's son-in-law Ma Jiabao.Ju Wenlin heard that both Ju Wenqi and Ju Ying wanted to be elected as the village head, and felt that he could not lose in this matter as the eldest brother, so he made all his family members barbara, thinking that his son-in-law had a higher success rate, so he pushed him out.

Ma Jiabao finished his speech reluctantly, gave the villagers a few minutes to think, and then voted by secret ballot.

Anyone who is an adult in the village has one vote, and those who do not come by themselves can ask their family members to vote for them. They can vote for any of the five candidates.

Ju Wenqi looked at Ju Ling and Zhang Yongmei eagerly, hoping they would vote for him.

Zhang Yongmei was afraid that he would look sad and deliberately turned her back to write the ballot, so Ju Ling wrote down the name of Old Zheng in front of him.

The three ballots were all old Zheng without exception.

"Oh, what are you doing? You turned your elbows outward before you got married," Ju Wenqi said anxiously.

Ju Ling said seriously with a straight face, "Let's seek truth from facts. What you said is not as good as Old Zheng's. Of course I will vote for him."

The results of the ballot calling came out quickly. Lao Zhengtou, Zhu Yunping and Ma Jiabao ranked the top three and entered the next round of elections. Not to mention that Ju Wenqi was directly eliminated in the first round, he still had the fewest votes among them.

Now Ju Wenqi has stopped, and if he doesn't mention the village head, even if someone tells him, he will find a way to change the subject and refuse to say a word.

After tidying up her father, Ju Ling can finally stay at home and learn to write.

Little Fuqiang Village is neither too big nor too many, but there are many things going on. There must be something happening in this house and other houses. In short, there will be plenty of excitement.

 Thank you for your support, thank you for voting and subscribing, thank you.The first update tomorrow morning, I won't say eight o'clock, I'm afraid I won't be able to get up
(End of this chapter)

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