Chapter 121
Xiaofuqiang lost four dogs in a week.

They were all fine when the gate was closed at night, the dog lay obediently in the kennel, and the next morning the dog was still in the kennel but the dog was gone.

When the first and second dogs were lost, no one in the village took it seriously, and many people speculated that the two dogs might have some kind of disease and knew that they were going to die. They sneaked out at night to find a place where no one was hiding.

After losing two more, everyone felt that the matter was not simple, and someone in the village might steal the dog.

Ju Laosan’s family was terrified of losing their dogs. The big black and the second black dogs have worked hard since they came to the house to take care of the house. They have never been picky eaters and have never bitten. Afraid that Dahei Erhei would be stolen.

In the past, the two dogs stayed outside and were not allowed to enter the house. Now the situation is special, and they will definitely be chased into the house before going to bed.

Dahei and Erhei are also sensible. When they enter the house, they will lie on their stomachs in the outer room and will not go into the inner room. If it is convenient, they will scratch the door and ask them to open it to let them out.

Because of the good protection, the dog of Ju Laosan's family was not lost, but the dog of Ju Changfu's family next door was lost this year from another village.

This is the fifth dog lost in the village.

Whether they have dogs or not, everyone realizes that this is no accident and that the dogs must have been stolen.

It is very difficult to peek at the dogs in the nursing home, because the dogs can bark and bite people, and outsiders have no way to attack them. There is a possibility that someone poisons the dog first and then steals the dog.

Ju Lingchang has never seen the people of Xiaofuqiang Village so united at his age. Under the call of Shen Zhicheng's family to visit, the village defended day and night, vowing to catch the dog thief.

After squatting for two nights, bad news came from the three fat men next door. They lost three dogs in one night!
He was also a dog thief who committed crimes across villages. People with dogs were afraid that it would be their turn next, so someone finally thought of calling the police.

It was Feng Guangquan who came to Xiaofuqiangtun to learn about the situation. After going to the houses where the dogs were lost, he came to Ju's third house to drink tea and chat with Ju Wenqi politely, which made Ju Wenqi feel very respectable.

Losing so many dogs is definitely not someone who wanted to steal a dog to kill and eat meat on a whim. It is destined that there will be a lot of money to be made.

Following this line of thought, it is actually not difficult to solve the case.

When the family was eating and chatting, Ju Ling said: "The loss of so many dogs in such a short period of time means that the dogs must be sold. Dog fur can be used to make hats and gloves, and dog meat can be eaten, so the stolen dogs must go to these two places." If you don’t say far away, let’s talk about the nearby ones, let’s talk about our town, the police will go to various dog meat restaurants and restaurants that sell dog meat to check, and maybe they will get something.”

Ju Wenqi put down the bowl with a "bang", which shocked the people at the table, especially the crazy grandma who jumped into Zhang Yongmei's arms in fright.

"What are you doing? You scare me to death," Zhang Yongmei complained.

Ju Wenqi said excitedly: "I know where the dog has gone! There is a new dog meat restaurant in our town. The dog meat is cheaper than other places, and the business is very good. I wanted to go in for a meal last time I went to town, but I didn't bring enough money. "

"It's a pity that I didn't bring enough, what if something happens to the dog meat that died of medicine," Zhang Yongmei said in fear.

But Ju Wenqi said indifferently: "If it's really okay, then the old people go to eat and no one has trouble."

"Dad, let's put the big black and the second black outside. You are here to say that it is not good to eat other people's kind," Ju Ling said with disgust.

"What do they know?" Ju Wenqi said.

He was quite excited, thinking that he was smarter than the police, and he could solve cases that the police could not solve.

However, it turns out that what he can think of is impossible for the police to fail to think of. The next day there was news in the village that the newly opened dog meat restaurant in the town had been served, and more than a dozen unprocessed dog meat restaurants were found from the back kitchen. coming dog.

Searching down the line of the dog meat restaurant, all the dog thieves were found out.

It was really a gang. Originally, these gang members had no connection. They all knew the owner of the dog meat restaurant. Under the help of the boss, they formed a dog-stealing gang and went from village to village to steal dogs.

Before the dogs were lost in Xiaofuqiang, several villages had already suffered disasters, but they didn’t pay enough attention to the dogs. Many people thought that it didn’t matter whether they were lost or stolen. It was just a dog, and if it was gone, they would raise another one.

One member of the gang is from Xiaofuqiangtun.

It was none other than Wednesday, who had a criminal record.

I met the owner of the dog meat restaurant when I went to work in the town on Wednesday. He felt that they were life and death friends when they invited him to drink twice. They asked him to steal dogs with a few people. I agreed without thinking.

He knows very well who has dogs in the village. Ju Wenqi's two fat and strong dogs should be the first choice. He didn't plan to attack Ju Laosan's family.

"He's just a dog and can't change his food." After knowing the truth, Ju Wenqi said quite angrily: "When he was caught stealing from our house, he promised that he would never steal again. How long has it been since he came out? I heard that if he has committed such a crime, he will be severely punished if he is caught again. Isn't this self-inflicted?"

Zhang Yongmei agreed with him, obviously he had the same idea, and was very angry with Wednesday's behavior.

Ju Ling listened to what they were saying, but she was thinking of Zhou Yan.

It's been several days since she went home during the winter vacation, and she hasn't seen Zhou Yan yet.

Now that there is an accident at home on Wednesday, and the daughter-in-law on Wednesday is not a troublemaker, and Zhou Yan is almost always fussing inside and out, and I don't know what is going on with him now.

It was useless to think about it, and Ju Ling went to Zhou Yan's house to look for him the next day.

It's a pity that she came a step late and Zhou Yan was not at home.On Wednesday, the daughter-in-law told Ju Ling that Zhou Yan took a large box of candied haws to a village a little further away to sell them at dawn.

Why go to a distant village?Because now Zhou Yan travels to every village in the village almost every day, and he will not let go of a dollar if he can earn an extra dollar.

When talking about his son's whereabouts, the daughter-in-law couldn't help crying on Wednesday, probably because no one told her, so she dragged the teenage child to confide: "It's all because of his father, it's all his fault. If he doesn't steal and work hard, he doesn't need to be so tired, and I don't have to worry about it all day long. It's been so many years, why hasn't he improved at all, time and time again, when will he be the boss. "

She only talked about Wednesday, without mentioning the fact that she, as a mother, did not give Zhou Yan shelter.

Ju Ling couldn't bear to listen, and said lightly: "If my mother cries all day after my father can't do heavy work and blames this and that for not being able to survive, then our family may have to go out to beg for food."

After finishing speaking, Ju Ling shook off Wednesday's daughter-in-law and left without looking back while listening to her muttering and complaining.

 Thank you for your support, thank you for voting and subscribing, thank you.The second update is at [-]:[-] p.m., it has been scheduled, welcome to read.

(End of this chapter)

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