Chapter 128
The money was not borrowed, and Zhao Limei didn't work hard anymore, so she squatted in front of the stove and lit the fire lazily, and ordered Zhang Lichun to hug her when she ran out of firewood.

Who cares if she is happy or not, it's not because of her smiling face when she goes back to her mother's house.

This meal was very happy, especially grandma and grandpa.

After eating, Zhang Limei and Zhang Yongcai left without clearing the table, while Zhang Liyang and Zhang Lichun stayed behind after picking up the table and went back to their home.

Grandma and grandpa didn't care about them, and Diandian took out two bottles of wine soaked in cherries from the uninhabited Westinghouse.

"Yongli, your hands are cold, take it home and wipe it on, it will help. There is also a bottle of Yongmei you take home, and no one will use it here," the grandmother said to sister Zhang Yongmei.

No matter how old you are, even if you are seventy or eighty, you are still a child in front of your mother.

They worked together and ate together. Ju Jing and Ju Ling didn't notice that Zhang Yongli's hands were cold, but grandma only noticed it after a few glances while eating.

At three or four o'clock in the afternoon, the members of Ju's family returned home with a bottle of wine infused with cherries and two frozen little stupid chickens that grandma's house had already packed away.

Qiao Jue and Yin Kaixuan didn't go skating in Dahe at all, Zhang Yongmei just fooled Zhao Limei.

The sons of these two boys were helping to look after the restaurant. When Ju Wenqi and the others passed by, they found that there were quite a few people in the restaurant. There were not many children watching DVDs. Most of them were adults from the village, chatting around Yin Kaixuan.

Yin Kaixuan told these people that he studied veterinary medicine in college, and these people were surprised. It was the first time he heard that veterinarians used to study in college.Just like Zhu Yubin, he learned directly from his uncle, and Zhu Yubin's uncle also followed others as an apprentice when he was young.

A group of people here were having a lively conversation, and a seventeen or eight-year-old girl rushed to her father, saying that her cow had calved, and asked her father to go home and have a look.

People in the village call the little girl's father Niu Er, not because he raises cattle, but because his real surname is Niu.

Niu Er was not in a hurry to send the girl home first, and then cheerfully asked Yin Kaixuan if he wanted to go and have a look.

In the words of Niu Er: "Don't you study veterinary medicine? If you don't go to see Niu Xizi, you are a veterinarian for nothing."

In fact, he didn't even need to talk about it, even if he didn't talk about Yin Kaixuan, he still wanted to see it.

Yin Kaixuan couldn't go to see it by himself, so he had to grab Qiao Jue, and when he passed by Ju's house, he called up Ju Ling and Ju Jing, watching a cow calving as if he was going to a big fair.

When I went to Niu Er's house, the cow that was about to give birth was lying on its side on the ground, panting, and the situation didn't look good.

Niu Er was not as relaxed as before, he squatted at the cow's buttocks and looked at it for a while, and then said: "It's over, it's over, I'm suffocating, if I don't give birth to a calf, I will suffocate to death."

After speaking, he looked at Yin Kaixuan for help: "College student, don't you want to study veterinary medicine? Hurry up and think of a way."

Yin Kaixuan was a little dazed, he was studying medical science, but he only studied for one semester, and they were all basic courses, and he hadn't even gotten into the professional stuff yet.

"I, I didn't learn how to deliver babies. You should call the veterinarian quickly. The veterinarian might have a solution," Yin Kaixuan said hastily.

Only then did Niu Er realize that he could ask a veterinarian for help.

He hurried into the house to make a phone call, and Yin Kaixuan squatted where he had squatted before, bowed his waist and looked at it sideways.

The cattle pens in winter are not considered dirty. The poops pulled out by the cows are all frozen into lumps, and the urine is also frozen into ice. There is not much smell, but the cows are buried, and the hair on the buttocks and tails is sticky. Bouncing cow dung eggs, the place where the calf is laid is not very clean.

But Yin Kaixuan didn't think it was dirty at all, and he was quite attentive.

Not long after, Niu Er ran out of the house briskly, and after a while, he was sweating profusely.

He squatted beside Yin Kaixuan and wiped his sweat while saying, "Old Zhu Jia Yubin happens to be at home, and he will be here in a while, just wait."

Not long after speaking, Zhu Yubin came over on a motorcycle, and Niu Er and Yin Kaixuan hurriedly made room for him.

The next few minutes were too shocking for Ju Ling and the others.

In the winter, Zhu Yubin took off his down jacket and sweater, and wore a sweater with his sleeves rolled up to the highest point. He knelt down on the ground and stretched his arms with his sleeves rolled up, almost pulling the calf out of the cow’s belly. come out!

The cow was very weak, but she still struggled to turn her head, lay on the ground facing the calf, and slowly licked the sticky stuff on the calf.

Zhu Yubin didn't have time to clean up and he didn't have time to get dressed, so he ran to his motorcycle to get the needles and medicine and came back to give the cow an IV.

It’s also quick to give the cow a drip, and you can finish a bottle in no time.

Zhu Yubin said: "This is for nourishment. Let's take it easy when the big cow is working hard. The little cow looks okay. I'll go home first, and you can call me if you have anything to do. I will live at home today." None."

He simply washed his arms and hands with the hot water brought out by Niu Er's wife, put on his clothes and left gracefully.

From the beginning to the end, Niu Er and Zhu Yubin didn't mention money.

"Second brother, you didn't give me any money," Ju Jing reminded.

Niu Er said cheerfully while spreading the hay brought by his wife beside Niu: "Don't worry, we live in the same village and no one can escape. If I don't call tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, he will have to come back and have a look. Just give it when the time comes."

This is an old rule in several nearby villages. Those who are not saved on the spot are not counted, but the veterinarians who are rescued will come to see again to make sure that there is nothing wrong.Old veterinarians used to say that raising animals in rural areas is like raising children, so we should pay more attention to it.

Coming out of Niuer's house, Qiao Jue elbowed Yin Kaixuan, and asked with a smile, "When you graduate and work in this situation, will you not be afraid of getting dirty or tired like the veterinarians in the village?"

"Veterinarians are also doctors, and they all have to respect medical ethics. Veterinarians treat animals as they treat humans. You don't have to make fun of me. I still know the principle of following the rules of a profession." Yin Kaixuan Said very seriously.

With his words, Ju Ling and Ju Jing, including Qiao Jue, looked at him with admiration.

However, his seriousness only lasted for 1 minute, and his true colors were immediately revealed.

He bared his big white teeth and smiled like an idiot, turned his head and asked Ju Jing meanly: "How is it? Do you think I am handsome and tall, with a soul of 1.8 meters [-] hidden in my [-] meters body?" .”

Ju Jing curled her lips in disgust, and said, "Don't let your feet not stink, can you? Give you a sky monkey and you can travel in space, give you a kick and you dare to explode the universe, and you will treat yourself as an invincible macho In fact, he's just a stinky brat."

Yin Kaixuan, who was hated, smiled even more happily, and said some things that made Ju Jing hate him.

Ju Ling and Qiao Jue walked behind them and couldn't help laughing when they heard their childish conversation.

After laughing, Qiao Jue suddenly grabbed Ju Ling's wrist, scaring Ju Ling into a fright, and hurriedly stopped and turned to look at him.

 Thank you for your support, thank you for voting and subscribing, thank you.See you at [-] o'clock in the third night~
(End of this chapter)

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