Chapter 129
"What are you doing, Brother Jue?" Ju Ling asked in surprise.

Qiao Jue motioned Ju Ling to look at the ground with his eyes.

Good guy, a lump of yellow and orange is right in front of her right foot, if she falls, she will definitely step on it.This lump would be okay if it was frozen, but the top is still steaming. It's obviously just been pulled out not long ago, and thinking about it makes people sick.

Ju Ling walked around in disgust, and said angrily: "Who is so disgusting, this is the way, so many people coming and going are not too shameful."

Qiao Jue shook his head with a smile, and comforted him, "Don't be angry, didn't you step on it. I'll help you see the way, and I'm sure you won't step on anything dirty."

As he said, Qiao Jue held Ju Ling's wrist all the way, and indeed he didn't step on anything dirty.

On the third day of the new year, Ju Wenqi and his wife heard a lot of gossip about Zhu Yuping in the restaurant.

Zhu Yuping's car was her own, and she didn't want to drive back, but Ju Ying wanted her to show off in the village, so she drove the car back.

The first car in Xiaofuqiangtun, how nice to say it.

Of course, this is Juying's idea.

The fact is that in front of her, people in the village praised Zhu Yuping for her promise and Ju Ying and her husband were blessed, but behind their backs they said that Zhu Yuping was making dirty money. Asking for money is more annoying than a leech in a gutter.

In the evening, gossip-loving people in the countryside gather at the Ju’s Restaurant and their words are even more flamboyant. I don’t know where the news came from, saying that Zhu Yuping is outside with a southern businessman who is married at the age of five or sixty and has the eldest children. Man, the car she drives now was bought by that man.

It was said that there was a nose and an eye, as if this group of people had seen the old man with their own eyes.

Zhang Yongmei felt that it was a pity that her family came to talk about it behind closed doors.

"What a good child, no matter whether it's true or not, the reputation in the village is ruined. Ju Ying and Yunping are also true, if it is true, stop a little bit, and if it is true, they will speak for the girl. They But luckily, no matter what the villagers say about their girls, they just want money, they treat girls like a bank," Zhang Yongmei said.

Ju Wenqi's perspective on this matter is very strange.

He said: "The gossip in the village is so vicious now, there must be many people who look down on Yunping, and it is estimated that he will not be the village chief."

Ju Jing and Ju Ling thief rolled their eyes towards the sky while tacit understanding.

Their own father is hopeless, thinking about being the village head, they are thinking about demonic obstacles.

No one paid any attention to him at all, Ju Jing and Ju Ling only discussed those gossips with Zhang Yongmei, which made Ju Wenqi choked up.

Before the final election of the village chief, the most lively event in the village was probably Ju Tangcheng's marriage.

Early this morning, Ju Jing and Ju Ling were called up by Yin Kaixuan to watch the fun together.

In the morning, the convoy to pick up the bride rumbled and set off.

Probably for the sake of style, Ju Wenlin went to look for Ju Ying with a shy old face, hoping that Zhu Yuping could drive her car to help pick up the bride.

At first, Ju Ying was reluctant, and told Ju Wenlin that the broken road between the two villages was not easy to drive, and that she could not be held responsible for the accident, and that the car was burning too much oil, so the oil had to be bought at a cost.

Ju Wenlin didn't mention the money, just said: "Didn't Yunping want to be the village chief? Now Yuping is helping to pick up the new daughter-in-law. In return, our family will vote for Yunping."

The family he mentioned refers to a large family, including him, Cai Meiyu, and Ju Changfu and Ju Changlong.

It's a lot of votes for one piece.

In order to look good on himself, Ju Wenlin didn't even care about his son-in-law.

Obviously tickets are better than money, Ju Ying finally let go and agreed.

The car drove at the front of the wedding procession, followed by several tractors with large dumps. Inside the dumps stood the bridesmaids. Each car was carrying big red flowers. The mighty convoy drove out of the village with great style. No way.

Yin Kaixuan wanted to pull Ju Jing onto the last tractor, saying that he was going to the bride's house to see the excitement.Ju Jing didn't want to watch it, so Yin Kaixuan went by himself.

The convoy came back at noon, and the firecrackers were crackling for a long time. The bride got out of the car wearing a red padded jacket, smiling very shyly.

Today's Li Fengjiao is really good-looking, with long hair pulled up, and a fake flower hairpin made of silk and plastic beads on her head.The big red padded jacket should be specially made for today's wedding. Leaving aside the patterns and patterns on it, the row of delicate buttons on the front is very eye-catching.

Someone asked where Li Fengjiao bought her clothes, and her family was very happy to say that Li Fengjiao's clothes, including cotton shoes, were all made by herself, and the hairpin on her head was also made by her. People from Xiaofuqiangtun Hearing repeated praises, they all praised Ju Tangcheng for his good eyesight and good luck in marrying a dexterous daughter-in-law.

Looking at Ju Tangcheng again, this kid has the expression of a dead father, not like attending a funeral like getting married.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the banquet officially began.

Because of insufficient space, the banquet was divided into two groups.The first group was mainly the natal guests and relatives of the Ju family who came to see off their relatives, and the second group was people who had contacts with Ju Wenlin and Ju Changfu outside the village.

Although the relationship was quite tense, and the banquet was not held in his own restaurant, Ju Wenqi felt that it would not be good not to attend the wedding event held next door to his own.Anyway, I have done all the rituals I should do, and I have peace of mind and I am not afraid of what outsiders will say.

It's the ceremony, so it's not a loss if you don't go to the banquet.

Ju Jing is the character who can't suffer the most. When Ju Wenqi said that she was going to the ceremony, she decided to take Ju Ling, Yin Kaixuan and Qiao Jue to get back all the money from the ceremony.

The banquet was relatively large with many tables, so Ju Changfu borrowed several places to set up the tables.Ju Jing Ju Jing has a better understanding of the situation of each family, so when taking a seat, she chooses a family with good conditions.

Regardless of whether other people came to the table or not, the four of them took the seats first, and no one would push them away.

There are quite a few people who think the same as them. As soon as they sat down, several people came in, regardless of gender, everyone sat together and chatted to pass the time.

Under normal circumstances, no matter whether you do it yourself or go to a hotel, every table will give out sugar, melon seeds, and cigarettes before the official serving. Ju Changfu and Bai Guirong are too searched, only sugar and melon seeds are not prepared for cigarettes, and sugar is the cheapest kind. Hard fruit candies wrapped with the word "Da Hong Xi" are not tasty.

Tang Tai once offended a group of female customers, and offended a group of male customers without cigarettes. The bad reviews appeared before the table even opened.

However, their bad reviews were given too early. The banquet that Ju Changfu hosted for his son was not only free of sugar and smoke, but even the food was extremely searchable.

Among the dishes on the table, what can be called hard dishes is a plate of fatty meat slices and the sweet potato (candied sweet potato) that always appears at the end of almost everyone's wine.

What's more, the staple food is not enough. Each person will share a steamed bun first, and those who eat quickly can get another one, and those who eat slowly will not have a second one!

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(End of this chapter)

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