Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 140 Leather Shoes

Chapter 140 Leather Shoes
"How can he be the village chief? He has no grandeur at all. He should call all the families together for a meeting, ask them to admit their mistakes and write a letter of guarantee, and promise to clear the side ditch immediately before letting them go home. I'm used to their stinking problems," Ju Wenqi said in a pointing tone while smoking a cigarette and soaking his feet.

Zhang Yongmei threw his stinky socks that he had saved for two days into the footbath, snorted and said, "Wash it yourself, I won't wash it for you. How many times have I told you about your pair of leather shoes?" It is worn in spring and autumn and must be worn in summer, and the smelly feet are quite beautiful. You can smell your beauty even if you don’t take off your shoes. Don’t you see that people talk to you several meters away.”

Ju Ling agreed and said: "Dad, your feet are really smelly. Look, my grandma doesn't even like being next to you."

The crazy grandma obediently sat next to the kangqin, but she was not far away from Ju Wenqi.

The pair of leather shoes that Zhang Yongmei mentioned was mailed by Qiao Jue earlier. It is said that they were worn by a professor in his university.

Now, anyone who catches a rat in the village will know what his shoes are all about, and it’s all thanks to Ju Wenqi. When he sees people, he tells them that he is wearing the shoes of a great professor. owe flat.

There are people in the village who are willing to praise stinky feet. Ju Wenqi happily said that he would be happy to praise Ju Wenqi, making Ju Wenqi float up, and people in summer are not willing to change into a pair of light and breathable shoes.

"What are you doing staring at my feet, Mr. Zheng?" Ju Wenqi was a little annoyed and abruptly changed the topic and continued: "Don't deny it. Mr. Zheng's method is not as good as mine. How many people are there in our village? Those old stubborn donkeys who won’t go away and are going backwards, you have to give them a little bit of strength.”

"You've got it", Ju Ling didn't want to hear him at all, and said casually: "If you really don't give those people face and do things well, they don't look good on the surface, and you may not know how to do it when you look back. As for the stumbling block, if you think everyone is right with you, you will say that you will be angry when you encounter real things. The old Zheng's approach is the most correct, and you can handle things well without offending others, or you When the village head was elected before, why didn’t he go around canvassing for votes and still be elected.”

If Zhang Yongmei wants to say this, Ju Wenqi must have something to say, even if it doesn't make sense, he can say "what do you know", but when facing his girl Ju Wenqi, he can't say these three words, because compared with the girl, he is obviously not good enough. I know a lot.

Ju Wenqi finally gave up on the village head's concerns and squatted on the ground to wash his stinky socks.

Zhang Yongmei smiled at Ju Ling, then pouted at Ju Wenqi to show Ju Ling.

Ju Ling shook her head with a helpless smile, her dear father, he is no different from most men in the village, they all think that he is an old man and no one else can do it, but in fact, he is nothing!

Probably because he was embarrassed by his daughter-in-law, Ju Wenqi didn't wear those leather shoes again the next day.

When Ju Ling was cleaning, she was really suffocated by the pair of shoes. When she picked it up and checked it, she found that the upper was not worn properly and the lining inside was even worn out. She could still stretch her feet when dealing with it, but there was really no need for it.

So, she threw the pair of shoes out together with the trash she picked up.

That afternoon, she was doing her homework on the kang when she heard a strange noise outside. She guessed that there were people fighting and scolding in the village again, so Ju Ling didn't go to see the excitement because she was not interested.

After a while, the bustle not only did not subside, but also got bigger and bigger. She was also aroused by curiosity and planned to go out and have a look.

As soon as he put on his shoes, Ju Wenqi came in from outside cursing with a blushing face, and immediately asked Ju Ling: "Did you throw my shoes?"

Ju Ling replied honestly: "I threw it away, what's wrong?"

Ju Wenqi choked for a moment, and said sullenly, "What are you doing throwing away those good shoes?"

"What's the matter? It's so bad and smelly, why do you have to wear those shoes because you don't have any shoes?" Ju Ling said without any fear.

He was choked again, and Ju Wenqi, who has always been good-tempered towards the girl, still couldn't lose his temper when facing the girl even after quarreling with others, so he said depressedly: "Can it be the same? You threw leather shoes."

To be precise, they are leather shoes worn by university professors, and leather shoes worn by cultural people!
Ju Ling knew what he wanted to express, and said with a smile: "Dad, if you don't read or study, let alone wearing a university professor's leather shoes, it won't work even if you twist their head off and put it on your own neck. People in the village Seeing you wearing a university professor's leather shoes, I don't think you are so powerful, but just think you are ridiculously stupid."

Ju Wenqi was still banging against the wall in a dead-end alley, and said in a muffled voice, "Then you can't throw it away for me."

Ju Ling later realized that what she said to Ju Wenqi was wrong, so she asked, "What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

"The leather shoes were picked up by Wednesday's daughter-in-law. I was dredging the mud at the entrance of the hotel and saw that pair of shoes on Wednesday. It's a good pair of shoes, but it's ruined." Ju Wenqi said angrily.

Ju Ling nodded clearly, "So you had a fight with Wednesday? Did you win the fight?"

Looking at his blushing and thick neck, he knew that he hadn't won the quarrel.

Ju Wenqi didn't speak but just drank water, and Ju Ling smiled and said: "There is nothing to waste. Shoes are just for people to wear. If you can't wear them, then wear them if others can. What do you care about? Don't be angry. I’ll buy you a pair of leather shoes later, and if you tell others about the leather shoes my girl bought for me, it’s sure to be more face-saving than you telling others, ‘these are the leather shoes worn by the great professor’.”

"Buy whatever you want, it doesn't cost money." Ju Wenqi stepped up and said, "Don't waste money recklessly, save money if you have money, and buy more delicious food for yourself and your second sister."

After coaxing and chatting with the girl for a while, I felt much better, Ju Wenqi went to work in the restaurant again, and Ju Ling took what happened just now as a joke and edited it into a text message and sent it to Ju Jing and Ju Min.

The three sisters don't send messages often, but every time they send a message, they will get a reply very quickly, but this time she waited for a long time but did not get a message from the eldest sister and the second sister.

Ju Ling was very puzzled, wondering what the eldest and second sisters were busy with.

When the text message was sent to the mobile phone, Ju Jing was attending a lecture at the Institute of Agricultural Sciences, and it was Wang Yalei who was giving the lecture.

Today Wang Yalei talked about the common diseases and insect pests of different fruit trees and their prevention and control.

It was not until after class that Ju Jing took out her mobile phone to read the text message.

Just as she was about to go back, Wang Yalei came over and tapped on her note with one hand, and said with a smile, "I wrote it down very carefully. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me at any time. You're welcome. You said earlier that you invited me to dinner and you kept going." I didn't invite you, you don't think I forgot to let go, do you? It just so happens that I have time today, let's go to dinner together?"

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(End of this chapter)

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