Chapter 141
Wang Yalei meant that to Ju Jing, but Ju Jing is not stupid, how could she not feel it.

To be realistic, being with Wang Yalei is good.

Wang Yalei is an only child. His father works in the County Eye Hospital, and his mother is an accountant at the Experimental Primary School. Both parents are quite open-minded and don't have high requirements for their son to find a partner.

Regardless of family conditions, Wang Yalei is also very good.Good character, down-to-earth work, not high salary but a solid job, own a house.

Based on his condition, looking for someone like Ju Jing is definitely Ju Jing's luck in the eyes of outsiders, and if she doesn't agree, she is out of her mind.

Ju Jing is still the kind of person whose brain is flooded.

Wang Yalei is indeed pretty good, but she doesn't feel that way about him.

She feels that a person's life spans decades, and one should not get married too casually.Especially when you get married, you can't just make do with what you think is right.Marriage depends on the conditions, but you can't just look at the conditions. Some people can accept a marriage that only depends on the conditions and has no feelings, but she can't.

The performance of Wang Yalei in the last few meetings has become obvious. Although some things were not clearly stated, Ju Jing felt that she could no longer pretend that she didn't know anything.If you think it's not possible, you have to tell her clearly, don't let the good guy waste time with her.

Another point is that Ju Jing wanted to solve the problem as elegantly as possible, so that everyone would not be embarrassed, so that she would have to avoid Wang Yalei as much as possible when she came to the Institute of Agricultural Sciences to attend lectures.

So, when Wang Yalei invited her to eat together, Ju Jing smiled and replied without thinking, "Okay, there is a restaurant in the back street of the pedestrian street that is delicious, I invite you."

It's lunch time, there are quite a lot of people in the restaurant, and there is only one seat next to the trash can at the door.The two of them didn't choose anything, and just sat down here.

After ordering and chatting, Ju Jing was thinking about how to start the conversation. Wang Yalei knocked on the table with his fingers, attracted Ju Jing's idea, and asked in a low voice: "Do you know the person who is leaning on the electric fan inside? He has been looking at you."

Ju Jing turned her head and glanced, it was really the enemy's narrow road, and the people sitting there were none other than Jiang Che, who was really sick in the brain, and Jiang Che's mother, who was even worse than his son.

Jiang Che stared straight at Ju Jing with his big eyeballs, his eyes were terrifying.Thanks to Jiang Che's mother stopping him, otherwise Jiang Che would have rushed over to say some inexplicable words or even do some inexplicable things.

"That man is sick, so don't bother with him." Looking back, Ju Jing said with disgust.

Wang Yalei saw that Ju Jing didn't want to say more, so he didn't ask any more, and changed the subject on his own initiative: "Our county is going to be changed to a county-level city, so it doesn't affect us much, but it will be nice to go out and talk about where you are from in the future. "

Yunhe County became Yunhe City, which sounds really nice.

The news that Ju Jing is working in an Internet cafe is quite well-informed. She has heard the news, but she doesn't know much about counties and county-level cities. Now that Wang Yalei is talking about it, she doesn't know what to follow.

She is also direct enough, if you don't know what to pick up, then don't pick up, and go straight to the topic.

She said, "Technician Wang, do you like me?"

Wang Yalei:
After getting an affirmative answer, Ju Jing said straightforwardly: "You should stop wasting time with me, it's impossible for us two. You are a really nice person. If I ask you something I don't understand, you will answer it patiently." I'll answer, so I especially don't want you to spend more time and affection with me and end up getting nothing and being embarrassed."

As soon as the little flame of love ignited, Ju Jing took down a large basin of water and poured it thoroughly.

Wang Yalei is also a very open-minded person, and immediately said: "You can't force it if you like it or not, and I won't recruit you if you don't like me. Don't be uncomfortable, even if we don't get along in the end, we can still be friends. It’s okay if you can’t even be friends, you can always have a relationship to meet and say hello if you have something to do.”

Ju Jing smiled in relief.

After speaking, Ju Jing breathed a sigh of relief, and Wang Yalei didn't seem to be too uncomfortable.

Probably he is still in the initial stage of liking, it is easier to give up.

After the two of them had dinner, Ju Jing had to go back to the rental house to catch up on sleep, and there was a night shift waiting for her at night.Wang Yalei also had to go back to work, and the two parted on the pedestrian street.

Back at the rental house, the first thing Ju Jing did was to call Ju Ling.

"You are too used to our dad, and you still coax him! If I give him a meal, he will be completely honest," Ju Jing said while lying on the bed and yawning.

Ju Ling lay on the kang in the same posture as her, and said with a smile: "You and eldest sister always beat our dad with a big stick, then I will feed him sugar. This trick of yours won’t work well.”

"Just you, you can calculate anything," Ju Jing said proudly: "Isn't it not easy to take care of our dad with your little brain? I don't want to worry about it anymore. You can figure it out for yourself. I’m still on the night shift at night and I’ll sleep first. If you have nothing to do, call the elder sister frequently, she must be very boring if she doesn’t even have a fellow villager there.”

Hang up the second sister and call the eldest sister immediately.

She called twice but no one answered, and she didn't know what Ju Min was up to.

It was too far away, and I couldn't find someone to inquire about Ju Min's situation. If I couldn't get through the phone, I could only worry.

While Ju Ling was in a hurry at home, Ju Min was wandering around the town purposefully.

Just yesterday, she agreed with Lin Dezhi's brother that she would not work in the factory anymore, and she wanted to do something by herself.

Ju Min has his own plans.When she and Lin Dezhi came here, she had a plan to do something by herself, but she kept working in the factory because she didn't have much money.

In the first few days, Zhang Yongmei forced Ju Wenqi to transfer back the dowry money that Ju Min and Lin Dezhi pooled together.With money in hand, Ju Min's desire to start his own business came alive again.

In addition to having a long-term plan, there is another consideration for Ju Min not wanting to work in the factory.

The environment in the factory is really bad. There are a lot of children making noise, people have headaches, and sitting for a whole day has backaches and back pains.Now she is young and has no burden to do this job, but she will have to conceive and have children in the future. This is not a long-term solution after all. She has to create a good environment for the growth and development of her children.

This town is not too small, with a large number of migrants, and the town is very lively during commuting hours, full of young people rushing home to rented houses after get off work.

The naughty girl in the village and her husband make a good living by selling breakfast, and Ju Min thinks that selling breakfast in the town can also make money.

There is no need to rent a storefront, just the whole small food truck, and it stops at the intersection in the early morning, just to attract people who are rushing to work to come and spend.

Small food trucks can be bought or rented. This is not a big problem. What needs to be carefully considered is what kind of breakfast is better.

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(End of this chapter)

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