Chapter 142
She wandered around the town just to see what kind of breakfast the breakfast shops here sell, how big the portion is and at what price.

To be more professional, she calls it market research. After all, it is a matter of investing time and money, and you have to have a good understanding of the market.

There are too many breakfast shops and small stalls to remember, so Ju Min specially brought a small notebook to jot down a few notes.

After wandering around for a long time, she didn't finish walking the town, so she was a little tired, so she planned to find a shop to eat something casually.

In the end she picked a noodle restaurant.The small restaurant has only three tables inside. The light is dim but it is clean. There is not even a curtain between the front and the back kitchen. Customers can clearly see how their noodles are made.

Of course, what attracted Ju Min was not the process of making noodles, but the people who made them.

A tall, thin man with an apron and no mask.

Ju Min felt that this person looked familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.

Probably because she stared at that person for too long and caught the attention of the proprietress in the shop, she hurriedly put down her work and came over to ask Ju Min what she wanted to eat.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Ju Min was even more surprised.

The woman spoke Mandarin with a native accent.

She is also from the Northeast.

I really feel very kind to meet fellow villagers in this place, and Ju Min almost burst into tears when his eyes became hot.

"Are you from the northeast? I'm also from the northeast!" Ju Min said excitedly.

The woman was also very excited, enthusiastically went to get drinks for Ju Min, and asked her husband, who was busy in the kitchen, to cook the best noodles for Ju Min, and even the best stew.

The woman simply sat across from Ju Min and chatted.

She asked Ju Min where he was from Dongbei.

When Ju Min answered the province, the woman slapped the table excitedly.

"My husband and I are also there. What a coincidence, we have been working here for several years and have met people from the Northeast, but none of them are from the province. We are really destined. Where do you work? If you want to be closer to here, you will come here in the future." If you eat in the store, my sister will give you a discount," the woman said enthusiastically.

Ju Min replied truthfully: "I used to work in the underwear factory in the south of the town, but I quit now. I want to do the whole breakfast stall by myself. Sister, which city are you from? How many years have you been here?"

Ju Min wanted to chat more with her fellow villagers. One more friend away from home would give her an extra way. The fellow villagers must know more about this place after staying here for a long time, and knowing more about the situation with them would save her from being caught everywhere.

Coincidentally, the woman and her husband are also from Binjiang City, but they are not in the urban area, but a village below the county seat under the jurisdiction of Binjiang City.

This situation is exactly the same as Ju Min, isn't Ju Min also from the village below the county seat under the jurisdiction of Binjiang City.

The closer they talked, the hotter the conversation became. From Binjiang City to Yunhe County, and then to the town below, Ju Min and the woman shook hands excitedly.

Just when Ju Min was about to report the village he was in, the woman's husband came over with a large bowl of hot noodles and put it in front of Ju Min.

Just now, she only saw the side profile, but now that they are facing each other, Ju Min suddenly understood why she felt this man was familiar just now.

Are you not familiar with them? They used to be from the same village!
"Ruan Xiaofeng!" Ju Min blurted out the name.

Ruan Xiaofeng also said in surprise: "You are the eldest girl of Ju Laosan's family! What's your name?"

The woman sitting opposite Ju Min silently let go of Ju Min's hand, no longer the excitement just now, but reminded with some vigilance: "Ju Min, Third Uncle and the others are all called Minmin."

Since Ju Min's name can be called, then this woman must have been sent out by Xiao Fuqiang.

In fact, even if she couldn't pronounce Ju Min's name, she could still guess who she was.

At the beginning, Ruan Xiaofeng didn't leave secretly alone, he ran away with his sister-in-law!

Back then, brother Ruan Xiaofeng fell to his death while climbing a tree, picking a pine cone, and fell to his death. The young woman lived under the same roof as her brother-in-law who was about the same age.Because of her good looks, some people in the village even said that she was ambiguous with her husband, and she couldn't stand the gossip and left with Ruan Xiaofeng.

After so many years, they have changed a lot, otherwise Ju Min wouldn't have talked with the woman face to face for so long without recognizing her.

As for why Ruan Xiaofeng was recognized, the answer is very simple, the eldest sister of the Ju family also holds grudges!Back then, Ruan Xiaofeng often took the poor children from the village to Ju's house to steal cherries and fruits, and he always bullied the three sisters. Although Ju Min didn't write them all down in his notebook like Ju Jing, he always remembered this hatred. !

Now that he had guessed the woman's identity, he naturally knew why she suddenly became vigilant.

They ran out to get rid of the gossips from the villagers, and after they had a better life, they ran into people from the same village. If they spread their news back to the village and continued to gossip, they would not be afraid, but they would be afraid of family members and relatives. The ones came here to make them uneasy.

Ju Min didn't want to see Ruan Xiaofeng, but she had a good impression of the woman, mainly because she had borrowed money from her family when the Ju family was in trouble, and there was still 200 yuan in Zhang Yongmei's account book, which was her family's account.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, I'm sure I won't talk nonsense about you being here. It's fate for us to wander from the north to the south. We will help each other in the future. When my family was in trouble, you were willing to lend money to my family. Our family I always remember it," Ju Min said sincerely.

The woman's eyes turned red, and the tears couldn't hold back from falling.

Her full name is Wang Xiuhong, and she is one year older than Ruan Xiaofeng.Probably these years have endured hardships outside, and the woman looks a little old, but even after erasing the traces left by these years, it can be seen that she was a pretty girl before.

Ruan Xiaofeng pulled a chair and sat next to Wang Xiuhong, took out a few napkins and handed them to her, and softly comforted her: "Don't be afraid, if Minmin doesn't talk nonsense, then she must not talk nonsense, and we can live a good life in the future."

It took him a long time to coax Wang Xiuhong to control her emotions, wipe away her tears and smiled at Ju Min embarrassedly: "Look at me, I cry when I encounter something, I can't help it. The noodles are lumpy, eat quickly, what's the matter?" Let's talk while eating."

Wang Xiuhong herself is not a talkative person, probably she talks a lot when she meets a trustworthy fellow villager. When Ju Min was eating noodles, she would chatter about her experiences with Ruan Xiaofeng over the years.

All the way from north to south, they have snatched food from dogs, picked up leftovers in trash cans, lived in overpasses and sewers, been beaten, scolded and cheated, suffered a lot and encountered bad things. There are few people, and it took a lot of work to save some money to rent a shop in this place and do some small business to stabilize it.

The business of this small noodle shop is not very good, and it is barely enough for the two of them to live on. They can't make a lot of money at all, at least they can't make a lot of money now.

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(End of this chapter)

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