Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 162 Mind

Chapter 162 Mind
Facing the expectant eyes of Ruan Xiaofeng and Wang Xiuhong, Ju Min didn't have the nerve to say that she didn't know the truth in her heart, and she was afraid to talk to others.

It's hard to get things done when you're timid, and you'll do it when it's time to do it. Even if the negotiation doesn't work out this time, if you don't get everything together, you can go to another house and the negotiation will be done. In short, this first step has to be taken boldly.

Before going to the quilt factory, Ju Min deliberately tidied up and changed into decent clothes, her hair was neatly coiled up. Wang Xiuhong rummaged through boxes and cabinets and found some cheap cosmetics. A layer of lipstick, it looks a little better.

Even though he had made good preparations, Ju Min still had a bad start, and he didn't see any manager at all when he came to the quilt factory for the first time.

She didn't give up, and went back the next day, but this time she saw the manager.

The quilt factory is run by four brothers, and the boss is the one who speaks the best, and this is also the one Ju Min met.

Explaining the purpose of coming, the factory manager said kindly that the factory's lunch is not going to be outsourced, because it is their own family that cooks for the factory, not to mention the purchase cost, and the labor cost alone can save a fortune.

Ju Min came prepared, and naturally knew about this situation.She smiled and slowly analyzed the advantages of ordering lunch with the factory manager, implicitly expressing that only by taking a long-term view can the factory develop better.

Compared with other factories, the wages offered by clothing factories do not have any advantages. Therefore, if you want factories to pick people instead of people choosing factories, you must improve the strength of other aspects of clothing factories to attract and retain people.

Food is a good direction for reform.

"Don't underestimate a lunch. The workers are willing to stay if they like it. In this way, our factory doesn't have to recruit new people all the time. I have worked in a garment factory, and I know how big the gap between newcomers and experienced workers can be. , you certainly don’t want your factory to always have batches of newcomers and can’t keep skilled old workers?” At the end, Ju Min said with a smile.

Even a piece-based factory is willing to recruit efficient employees, because one person has one workbench, and one more person occupies one more space. It is very important to complete the most finished products in the least time.

The person in charge of the factory nodded repeatedly at what she said, obviously thinking that what she said made sense.But he didn't agree to order lunch from Ju Min, he only asked Ju Min for a phone number, saying that he would discuss with his brothers before making a decision.

It is a good thing to be cautious, and it is better than regretting after making a hasty decision.

After going back and waiting for four or five days, when Ruan Xiaofeng and Wang Xiuhong thought it was a no-brainer, Ju Min received a call from the factory director, inviting her to go to the clothing factory to discuss the specific meal standards for each meal with the person in charge of logistics!

There is a door!
Ju Min had discussed with Ruan Xiaofeng and Ruan Xiaofeng a long time ago, and the price had been calculated over and over again, which was absolutely reasonable.

Ju Min packed up again and went to the quilt factory to talk with the person in charge of the logistics in good spirits. After the talk, she still didn’t give a confirmation letter. The person in charge of the logistics only said that she had no right to make a decision. .

It was another three or four days of waiting, and this time it finally got the exact result. The clothing factory decided to order a month's lunch from Ju Min. within their acceptable range.

In fact, when setting the price, Ju Min left room for the other party to bargain.If the other party doesn't bargain, they can earn more, and if the other party bargains, they can also make a profit. The other party must be happier in their hearts, anyway, Ju Min and the others will never lose money.

This month is equivalent to a trial period. If the employees in the factory are satisfied, the clothing factory may order again. If they are not satisfied, there will be no future.

Wang Xiuhong walked around the noodle shop excitedly, rubbing her hands together and said happily: "Then we have to do a good job this month, put more meat in the meat dishes, and choose good and expensive vegetarian dishes. We must make people satisfied."

Ju Min immediately denied her statement.

She said: "There is no need to do this, we can just do what we said before. If the first month's performance is particularly good, if it is not good later, other people's clothing factories should think that our business is not real, so it's better to tell them what we do. What will it be made of?"

Wang Xiuhong slapped her forehead, and nodded in agreement: "Big sister, you are right, look at my brain, I always think in useless places. I shouldn't worry about it, I must be right after listening to you, big sister. "

There is no way to make a deal in a partnership business. Of course, everyone needs to have a discussion.

Ju Min immediately laughed and praised Wang Xiuhong's careful calculations in her life, and it would be difficult to set the price of meals without her, emphasizing the irreplaceable value of Wang Xiuhong in their three-person team.

The quilt factory was quite particular, so they asked Ju Min to sign a contract that day. After the contract was signed, Ju Min also successfully got the deposit from the factory.

Half of the money will be paid first, and the remaining half will be settled after a month. The contract also emphasizes that if the workers have problems with their lunch, Ju Min will bear the consequences.

The lunch will be ready the next day, and Ju Min and the others will get ready right away.

It's difficult to adjust to everyone, each person has his own taste, it's unrealistic to satisfy dozens of people, but Ju Min thought of a plan that most people can't find fault with.

The standard for lunch is one meat, two vegetables, one staple food, and one bowl of soup. Ju Min and the others prepare two meat and four vegetables, one soup and two staple foods. Several dishes are salty, light, spicy, or non-spicy. Workers in the clothing factory can choose one by themselves. Meat and two vegetables.

The evaluation given by the workers was very good, which greatly increased the self-confidence of Ju Min and the others.

A few days later, the news that the clothing factory outsourced lunch spread to other factories, and some factories came to order meals on their own initiative.

This is a small factory with only a dozen employees.

It is actually more troublesome to provide lunch in a small factory with more than a dozen people. It is not worthwhile to build a canteen, and it is very troublesome to do it yourself without a canteen. Finding a special restaurant to provide cheap and affordable lunch is definitely the best solution.

The boss of this factory was very forthright and asked Ju Min directly.There is no need to make a few large pots of vegetables and send them to the workers one by one, just send box lunches.

The employees of that factory basically come from a place where people love spicy food, and the boss requires at least one dish with a spicy taste in the daily box lunch.

The boss was straightforward and didn't ask too much. The most important thing was that Ju Min and the others could complete it, so Ju Min readily agreed to the other party.

This time I didn't sign the contract, so I don't have to worry about the boss repudiating the debt.

Breakfast, lunch at the two factories, plus boxed lunch at night, the three of Ju Min were so busy going around every day that they didn't even have time to squat for a while at noon.

Even so, none of the three felt bitter, let alone tired. After all, what they paid for their hard work was the hope for their future life.

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(End of this chapter)

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