Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 163 Nonsense

Chapter 163 Nonsense
The busier you are, the less time you have for rest.

After all, Ju Min is not a hard-working person, and it is not a solution to go out so early and return late every day.

When I got home that night, Lin Dezhi was there, eating the food I brought home.

It was rare that both of them were at home and neither of them was asleep, so Ju Min wanted to take this opportunity to have a good chat with Lin Dezhi.

She sat across from Lin Dezhi, and first happily told him what happened these days, and shared with him the joy of a little success in her career.

But obviously, Lin Dezhi still didn't take her career seriously.

After the meal was finished, Lin Dezhi pushed the lunch box, frowned and said impatiently: "Okay, okay, don't tell me about your petty business, I don't want to hear it. I'm very tired today, if you have nothing to do I took a shower and fell asleep."

Ju Min sighed.

It was like this again, every time he mentioned his career to Lin Dezhi, he would use this tone and expression, as if she went out early and late every day to play tricks, and never thought that she could achieve any big career.

This kind of distrust is fundamentally a disapproval of her ability.In Lin Dezhi's heart, she, Ju Min, could only sit in a messy workshop and work as a piecework worker, and it was impossible for her to start a business successfully.

Ju Min didn't bother to explain so much to him, so he just got to the point.

She said: "You have a motorcycle, and if you live a little further away from the factory, it won't take long to commute to and from get off work. It's too time-consuming for me to walk back and forth on two legs. I'm thinking about renting a house at the noodle shop. You can also rest for a while, what do you think?"

Lin Dezhi frowned deeper, and said even more impatiently: "Don't make trouble, can't you live a good life, why are you making such a fuss?"

"I didn't bother," Ju Min hurriedly explained: "Now I have to get up at two o'clock every day, and I can't go to bed until ninety o'clock in the evening. I don't have much time to rest in between. I'm really tired. Rent one over there." Isn't it comfortable for you to live in a slightly better house?"

"A good house doesn't need money?" Lin Dezhi stood up and walked to the bathroom, as if he didn't want to talk too much: "If you want money, you can rent it. Anyway, I don't go anywhere and live here."

Seeing the heavily closed bathroom door, Ju Min sighed tiredly.

In the past, she and Lin Dezhi were obviously not like this. He warmed her when she was most vulnerable, washed her clothes and cooked food, and took care of her meticulously. She also respected his ideas and decisions. Why did he come here, get married, everything It's different.

Continue to live here or rent a better house to let yourself rest for a while?

Ju Min struggled for several days, and finally decided to be nicer to herself and rent a house near the noodle shop. Perhaps Lin Dezhi would also be willing to move here when she saw her newly rented house.

Coincidentally, Ruan Xiaofeng and Wang Xiuhong also wanted to improve their lives. After hearing that Ju Min wanted to rent a house, they decided to re-rent a better house. Wang Xiuhong even suggested that they rent together, either renting together, or renting across the street or going upstairs and downstairs. Yes, we can take care of each other if we are close together.

There was no time for them to go out to find a house, so they took advantage of the time when they went out to buy vegetables to take a look. It took them more than a week to rent a house that they were satisfied with.

It was a small six-story building, and the people living in the building were mostly foreigners who came to work here with a large family, and it was generally not bad.

Ju Min and Ruan Xiaofeng are both renting on the third floor, so they are really opposite each other, which is convenient for thieves.

On the night when the house was rented, Ju Min deliberately went home early to pack his things and told Lin Dezhi about it.

Lin Dezhi also came back quite early, but he drank outside, and his body smelled very heavy.

"Do you want to move there? If you want to move, I'll pack up your things," Ju Min asked Lin Dezhi.

He drank some wine and had a terrible headache. He lay on the bed for a long time before responding: "Forget it, you can move first. The house here will not expire until next month, so wouldn't the rent be wasted if you don't live there?" "

That's not how the bill is calculated.

Ju Min wanted to persuade him, but Lin Dezhi waved his hands and said, "Okay, clean up quickly, don't bother me, I have a terrible headache."

The next day, Ju Min hired a car to move things, and the neighbors came out to watch the excitement, and asked Ju Min gossipingly, "What's the matter with you and Xiao Lin? Didn't you just get married? Why do you live separately?"

Ju Min was afraid that she would misunderstand and gossip, so she patiently explained: "We are fine, but it is too far away from my work place, and it is troublesome to get up too early every day, so I rented a house over there, and waited for this When the house next door expires, Xiao Lin will also move there."

The neighbor nodded, and reminded in a low voice: "Tell you, women should not always think about working to make money, but take care of their husbands, have a few children and live a good life. You let Xiao Lin live here alone, in case he has someone else you How to do?"

Everyone has different ideas, and no matter how you explain it, you can't explain it.Ju Min was in a hurry and didn't have time to explain to her, so she just smiled and said that she heard it, and then left with the luggage cart.

In fact, not only did the neighbors misunderstand that she was having conflicts with Lin Dezhi, but even Ruan Xiaofeng and Wang Xiuhong thought they had quarreled.

While chatting, Wang Xiuhong asked her carefully: "Why didn't my brother-in-law move here with you? Did you guys quarrel? We have been making money together for several months, and I haven't seen my brother-in-law once. Did he Don't you want to work with us?"

Ju Min hurriedly said: "There was no quarrel, but the house over there hasn't expired yet, and he wants to live until it expires. He really doesn't want me to come out and do it alone, he just wants me to work in his brother's factory."

Wang Xiuhong wiped her wet hands on her apron, then patted Ju Min on the shoulder, and comforted her, "Big sister, don't get angry with your brother-in-law, he will know how prosperous our dining car business is someday." We definitely don’t think so much about how much money we make.”

When it comes to making money, Ju Min suddenly thought of one thing, she seems to have never told Lin Dezhi how much money she has made during this time.Thinking about it further, it seems normal for her not to say anything, because Lin Dezhi never told her how much money he earns a month. The money is deposited together.

Is it because Lin Dezhi doesn't support her because he doesn't know how much money she makes outside?Would things have been different if he had known?
This question will soon be answered.

That evening Lin Dezhi came over to do some errands, and when he was about to go back after finishing his errands, he saw a lot of people around the street, so he went over to take a look out of curiosity, not wanting to see Ju Min packing lunches for others.

Only then did he realize that Ju Min's dining car business was so popular, it was not just nonsense as he thought.

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(End of this chapter)

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