Chapter 169

Two days later, Ju Ling and Ju Jing returned home together.

Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei still hesitated and did not make a final decision. Ju Jing really couldn't see it, so she bought them tickets and even prepared food for them on the bus. They get in the car.

Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei are busy enough to prepare for departure in the past two days.

Ju Wenqi took his and Zhang Yongmei's tickets to the restaurant like a baby every day, and showed them to everyone whoever came, and proudly told them that he and Zhang Yongmei were going to the girl's house in the south to celebrate the New Year.

Ju Jing thief looked down on him like this, curled her lips and said to Ju Ling: "You just wait, when he comes back from the eldest sister, he can brag about things over there to the sky."

Needless to say, when you haven't been there before, you can play well, but if you have been there, you can't play better.

Zhang Yongmei is busy with complicated things. She has to clean up her and Ju Wenqi's clothes, buy souvenirs to take home as gifts, and teach Ju Jing and Ju Ling how to serve the crazy grandma meticulously.

In fact, she didn't need to teach her at all. Ju Jing and Ju Ling watched her serve the crazy grandma since she was a child, and they knew what to do, but Zhang Yongmei was still worried.

Not only was she worried about handing the crazy grandma into the hands of the two girls, but she was also very worried about the survival ability of the two girls.

So, the day before departure, Zhang Yongmei baked a stack of pancakes, deep-fried a large pot of twisted dough sticks and deep-fried dough sticks, and steamed a large pot of steamed buns wrapped in beans.The staple food alone is not enough, she made another tank of rapeseed!
Ju Jing and Ju Ling were very helpless looking at the food in the large containers in the shed and kitchen. In the eyes of their dear mother, how useless they were.

When sending them to the car, Ju Wenqi finally remembered to explain the serious matter. He said to the two sisters: "You can just take care of grandma at home, and the restaurant doesn't need to be open."

The most profitable business of the hotel is to receive banquets. If they are not at home, they will definitely not be able to handle the banquets. If the door is open, it can only be used for people to watch discs during the day and dance at night. Ju Wenqi thinks it is unnecessary. It is better to close the door and let the two girls concentrate on staying at home.

Ju Jing promised well, and went straight to the restaurant after returning to the village, and told Ju Ling to go home and look after her grandma to study hard.

Ju Ling: .
If Zhang Yongmei instructed Ju Jing to listen to those last words, Ju Wenqi said that Ju Jing was destined to sing against him. The second girl of the Ju family has such a personality.

Not only Zhang Yongmei and his wife were worried about their family, but the three sisters of the Ju family were also worried about them. They were afraid that they would get on the wrong bus when transferring between them, and that they would not eat well, sleep well, lose things, and have conflicts with others.

For this reason, Ju Ling deliberately gave Zhang Yongmei her mobile phone so that the two could contact them.

Ju Lingsai didn't think about it so much when she was on the phone, and she simply forgot about it when she got home to study. It wasn't until the landline at home rang, and Qiao Jue's voice came from the other end of the connection, that she suddenly realized that she forgot to tell Qiao Jue's phone is no longer in her hands.

Sure enough, Qiao Jue asked her the first sentence: "Why didn't you tell me when you gave your cell phone to your parents? I was shocked when I called your cell phone just now and your father answered it."

Ju Ling explained embarrassingly: "I'm sorry, brother Xiaojue, I forgot."

Qiao Jue sighed deeply: "You have a big heart."

The next sentence wanted to say "I didn't take me to heart at all", but Qiao Jue felt that the words were pretentious and ambiguous, and it was inappropriate, so he swallowed it back sharply, and then said, "How did you do in the final exam? Last time you did not If you say you don’t perform well, you will be relegated to the second class, how about you, have you been relegated?”

After a semester of hard work, Ju Ling successfully stabilized her grades.

"I didn't drop, I'm still in the first class. And I'm quite satisfied with my ranking at the end of the term compared to the mid-term," Ju Ling said with a smile.

She smiled and Qiao Jue laughed too.

"I see that other people are very nervous and stressed in the third grade of junior high school. You have a good attitude. You have always been relaxed and optimistic. You must keep it," Qiao Jue said in the tone of the school director.

Ju Ling curled her lips, Xin Dao seemed to have good acting skills, and Qiao Jue didn't notice anything strange when she was in the lowest mood.

Mentality is a mysterious thing, invisible and intangible, but it has a very, very large impact on people.Under the influence of Luo Lili who studied hard, Ju Ling also tried her best to let go of her burden and pay close attention to every minute and every second of her studies. The most important thing is to relax her mind and not feel that studying is a burden.

Qiao Jue called this time mainly not to talk to her about her grades, but to tell her that the New Year's gift prepared for her has been mailed back to China, so she should pay attention to it.

"Brother Xiaojue, didn't I tell you that you don't need to buy anything for me? Why did you buy it again?" Ju Ling said helplessly.

Qiao Jue smiled and said: "Don't worry about anything else, you always have to prepare a gift for the Spring Festival, just treat it as something I bought for you with the lucky money I prepared for you, if you think about it this way, isn't the psychological burden not so big? "

To put it bluntly, there is no one in the same generation who gives lucky money to thousands of yuan!
"Brother Xiaojue, really don't buy any more in the future," Ju Ling said with a sigh.

Qiao Jue promised well, and he should buy it in the future.

Before hanging up the phone, Qiao Jue said suddenly: "Where do you want to go after the high school entrance examination? Think about it, and I'll take you there."

It was only after hanging up the phone that Ju Ling figured it out.

What Qiao Jue meant was that he would come back in summer!

Do you want to come back for a while or go back to China to continue studying?This person is also true, he doesn't explain clearly, which makes people spend their brains guessing, and they still can't guess the result.

Ju Ling turned boredom into motivation and finished a foreign language test in one go.

On the first day Zhang Yongmei and Ju Wenqi were away, the two sisters took good care of the crazy grandma and the restaurant.In the evening, the two sisters even boiled a large pot of hot water to bathe grandma, and cleaned up neatly.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the crazy grandma was lying on the hot kang sleeping very deeply, but Ju Ling and Ju Jing couldn't sleep.

"Second sister, is it interesting to go to the restaurant today? Do you have any objections to people who close the door so early at night to go dancing?" Ju Ling asked curiously.

Ju Jing was playing Snake, when she heard that she put down her phone and stared at the ceiling, she replied, "It's boring! Let me tell you, what I hate most is that people in the village have to go up to the bottom of everything, whether it's true or not." People gossip about it behind their backs. When we get together to chat, we gossip about other people’s families, as if there is no good person in the world. Thieves hate it. I am annoyed by them at night, and I have a headache. I will tell them that I will come back later. If you don’t want money, it will close early.”

This also works.

Ju Ling still didn't quite understand, and continued to ask: "Why do you have to open a restaurant if you are bothering them? Don't argue with our dad and just stay at home and stay honest?"

Ju Jing laughed softly, looked at Ju Ling with the eyes of a child and said, "Am I going to torture myself just to argue with our dad? Your second sister is not so naive! I call it experience life, experience experience Just get used to it, maybe you can find some fun!"

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(End of this chapter)

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