Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 170 Night Chat

Chapter 170 Night Chat
"Then did you find the fun?" Ju Ling asked with a frown.

She didn't understand the meaning of Ju Jing's words.Her second sister has always only liked people who speak the vernacular, so why did she suddenly come to the nine twists and eighteen turns?

Ju Jing curled her lips, and said with a sneaky expression: "I have to experience it again. I didn't find any fun today, but I heard a lot of gossip. Do you want to know what fun things there are in our village?" ?”

Ju Ling didn't even say whether she wanted to hear it or not, but Ju Jing started chatting with her.

In the summer, she has been making trouble for several months because of Ju’s cousin who wants to go on a hunger strike for a computer. It is said that she has gained more than ten catties in a few months of hunger strike. Cai Meiyu still insists that her precious grandson has lost weight. Watch grandson.

Ju Changlong and Li Qiuju can give their son a lot of trouble.Once Ju Changlong couldn't hold back and slapped Tangyou Ju twice, which was like a hornet's nest.

Tangyou Ju went to complain to Cai Meiyu crying without her shoes on. Cai Meiyu scolded her son and daughter-in-law indiscriminately, leaving Tangyou Ju to stay at her house for more than a week before letting her precious grandson go home.

People in the village joked that what Tangyou Ju and Li Qiuju raised was not a son but an ancestor, and they had to confess.

Later, I don’t know who gave Ju Changlong a coup, and Ju Changlong went to the town to buy a game console with a keyboard for his ancestors.Buying a computer is also for playing, so just buy a game console, this is Ju Changlong's idea.

The game console he bought can only play stand-alone, while Tangyou Ju wants to play online games.But even so, Tangyou Ju, who was tired of tossing and tossing himself for several months, still reluctantly accepted the reality, and now he was very happy playing with the game console at home all day long.

The more troublesome Tangyou Ju is, the more ignorant he is, the happier someone will be.

Needless to say, that "someone" is Ju Changfu and his wife Bai Guirong.

The two families fell into an endless loop than their son.The other family will not be convinced if the son is a bit promising, and the other family will be happy if the son makes a joke and causes trouble.

Ju Tangyou became a joke in the whole village, and Bai Guirongle instructed Li Fengjiao to make dumplings for several days to celebrate. Later, I heard that Cai Meiyu spent money on Ju Tangyou and made Bai Guirong so angry that she talked about children with many old women who were close to her. Grandma is eccentric, she only likes Ju Tangyou but not her eldest grandson Ju Tangcheng.

Cai Meiyu was also very angry when she heard that Bai Guirong was so corrupt behind her back, and ran over to scold the eldest daughter-in-law.

When Bai Guirong was angry with her mother-in-law, she wanted to take it out on her daughter-in-law. Seeing that Li Fengjiao didn't like what she did, she would find fault with her buttocks, and there was no time to let Li Fengjiao do what she did.

On New Year's Day, Li Fengjiao went to the hospital for a check-up with her family on her back, and came back with the news of her pregnancy.Fearing that his daughter-in-law would have another miscarriage, Bai Guirong dared not order Li Fengjiao to work anymore, and had to provide her with good food and drink.

"Li Fengjiao is pregnant again? Has she been pregnant for a few months? Is her body well?" Hearing this, Ju Ling interjected and asked.

Ju Jing gave her a white look: "You don't care if she is well-raised or not, anyway, she is not our child, so please do whatever you want."

After Bai Wanju Ling, Ju Jing spoke again with great interest.

In addition to the Ju family, there is another family in the village, the more you don't stop, the happier Ju Jing is, and that is Wu's family!
Wu Youhai is famous in several nearby villages!

It was well known that he had an affair with a woman from the Three Fatty Village earlier, but instead of being ashamed, he became even more arrogant, and he didn't know anything about it with several women in the nearby village.He thought he was a romantic figure, but everyone secretly said that he was a beast.

He got the name of a beast not only because he messed around outside, but also because he was too much to his wife.

Ever since the child died, Wu Youhai's daughter-in-law has been insane for a while, and he was willing to spend money to take his wife to see a doctor. She might be fine, but he just didn't want to take her to the hospital.

That's not counting, because Wu Youhai's daughter-in-law always snatches other people's children, and always treats other people's children as her own, causing many troubles. Wu Youhai feels very annoying and loses face, so he simply locks his wife at home and doesn't let her go out.She sneaked out a few times, but was caught by Wu Youhai and locked up with an iron chain.

What a wonderful woman she was when she got married, but after only a few years, she has become what she is now.Every time the people in the village talked about this woman, they sighed and scolded Wu Youhai by the way.

Wu Youhai was also scolded for being stubborn, and he didn't take it to heart at all. He should be a jerk and a bastard, and a bastard should be a bastard.

"You know, little one, I now think it was a good thing when Wu's fourth daughter-in-law came to our house to make a fuss, or we wouldn't know that Wu Youhai is actually such a disgusting person, if my eldest sister really gets together with this kind of person It's so embarrassing, don't you think so?" After talking about Wu Youhai, Ju Jing planned to discuss it with Ju Ling.

Ju Ling sighed, and said with emotion: "It's really not as simple as being obnoxious. If he dares to treat our elder sister like that, I will rush to their house with a sickle in my left hand and a kitchen knife in my right. You bastard. But having said that, our eldest sister is not easy to mess with, if he dares to mess around outside and go home and play tricks, I think the eldest sister can hack him to death."

Ju Jing shook her head thoughtfully, denying Ju Ling's statement.

"I heard that women will think differently when they get married. If they have children, as long as they can live on, no matter how bad their husbands are, they will stick to it."

In a word, Ju Lingzheng was depressed.

When she thought that her eldest sister might wrong herself for marriage and children, she felt very uncomfortable, as if the things she thought about casually could really come true.

Ju Jing laughed that she loves to think wildly, and Ju Ling was very wronged: "You brought up this topic first, I followed what you said to think about it, and you said I was thinking wildly, why are you so annoying."

The annoying second sister of the Ju family stretched out her foot and tugged on the light cord, and the room was suddenly plunged into darkness.

"Come on, you, you are not tired from studying every day, you just love to think about it, go to sleep, you have to get up early tomorrow to cook a hot meal." Ju Jing yawned and said.

Ju Ling: .
It is said that the younger sister was asked to get up early to cook hot rice, but in fact Ju Jing got up the earliest, and when Ju Ling got up, Ju Jing boiled all the washing water for her.

The meal was ready to be fed to the crazy grandma first, when the phone rang at home, and Ju Ling hurried over to answer the phone.

It was Zhang Yongmei who called, and in the first sentence, she asked the crazy grandma if she was okay, and then asked how Ju Jing and Ju Ling were doing after she was sure she was okay.

What could happen to the two big girls staying at home, but it was Zhang Yongmei and Ju Wenqi who took a long-distance train to a place far away for the first time, and they didn't know what would happen on the way, which was really worrying.

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(End of this chapter)

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