Chapter 171
Ju Jing played a small game, and bought tickets for Zhang Yongmei and Ju Wenqi before she had fully figured it out and went to buy tickets for them herself, because she knew that the old couple were reluctant to spend money, and that the sleeper berth was so much more expensive than the hard seat. If you think about it, buy a hard seat.

It’s so far away, and there are still dozens of hours before the intermediate transfer. It’s so uncomfortable to sit on a hard seat all the time, and you can still lie down on the sleeper, and you can sleep and rest at night.

Even so, the three sisters were always worried about what would happen to the old couple outside.

Ju Ling and Ju Jing leaned over the phone and asked Zhang Yongmei if she was sleeping well in the car, if she had eaten, and if she had met any strange people.

Zhang Yongmei smiled and said: "I'm fine. I don't get motion sickness in passenger cars or trains. I don't get hungry at all. It's just troublesome to go to the toilet. I have to wait for a long time, and it's always buried inside."

After talking about herself, Zhang Yongmei sighed and talked about the uneasy Ju Wenqi.

"When your dad first got on the train, everything was new. He chatted cheerfully with the people in the carriage, but he was refreshed. Once the freshness wore off, he was finished. The noise of the train rattling made his brain ache. I didn't fall asleep. I couldn't eat, and I kept complaining about stomach bloating, and I don't know why."

"It's okay to have a headache. If you have a bloated stomach, let him move around more often, instead of sitting there all the time." Ju Jing gave Zhang Yongmei an idea.

Zhang Yongmei replied in a low voice: "You don't know what kind of temper he is. You don't want others to see him swaying in the aisle, and he doesn't drink water after getting in the car, so as to save you from going to the toilet."

"Who knows who, what can he do when he sees it, but he has a lot of problems," Ju Jing couldn't help complaining.

The two sisters explained some precautions for taking the bus, and chatted for five or six minutes without knowing it. Zhang Yongmei hung up the phone in distress because of the phone fee.

After breakfast, the sisters called Ju Min again and asked her parents how to arrange it in the past.

Ju Min was spreading cakes, tilting his head and talking with his mobile phone between his hands. The movements of his hands didn't affect him at all.

She said: "Let's live in the town for a few days first. Even though the house we live in is small and crowded, we can still live in it. I am very busy, so I will let your elder brother-in-law take your parents for a stroll around the town. If you think the town is boring Just go for a walk in the city, anyway, it’s not too far, and it’s convenient to take a car. We took our parents back to the countryside to celebrate the New Year together. There are a lot of activities for the New Year here, and it’s quite lively. I’ll see when I go back after the new year They, I will buy tickets when they set a date, and send them to the car safely."

"When my dad left, he said he was going to visit the underwear factory. He said he hadn't seen how people work in the factory, so you should be mentally prepared," Ju Jing reminded.

Ju Min Panbing's hands stopped, and he asked in confusion: "Why is he so curious about the factory? Although it is the factory of Brother Lin Dezhi, it's not good to just go there."

Ju Jing smiled helplessly, feeling tired for her elder sister.

"I heard it from someone in the restaurant yesterday. It was very cool. Our face-saving dad told others that the factory was jointly opened by Lin Dezhi and his brother. Lin Dezhi is half the boss. He can enter and take whatever is in the factory. .”

An unsteadiness in Ju Min's hand directly poked a hole in the baked cake, and the potato shreds could not be rolled, so he had to bake it again.

Asking Wang Xiuhong to pancake for her, she stepped aside and concentrated on talking to Ju Jing.

"We never told him that the factory was jointly opened by Lin Dezhi and his brother, and he has a bit of a sense of bragging, really." Ju Min didn't know what to say.

"If it weren't for the people in the village who said that he was so strict, I wouldn't believe he could boast so much. Sister, let me tell you, this old man is too wild now. If he doesn't pay attention, he will turn into a demon. Don't worry about it." Everything follows him, and you have to clean up as you should," Ju Jing said in her usual sharp but very firm tone.

She was afraid that Ju Min would think that it would not be easy for her parents to accommodate them too much, no matter what rude request the old man made, she would agree to it, and in the end the old man would get used to it.

It is said that old children are old children. In fact, Ju Wenqi is not particularly old, but sometimes he is as anxious as a child.

After chatting with Ju Min, when Ju Jing hung up the phone and turned around, she saw Ju Ling staring at her unblinkingly, which was weird.

"What are you doing?" Ju Jing asked warily.

Ju Ling snorted softly, and said in dissatisfaction: "You chatted with me last night, why didn't you say that our dad was picking up blind people in the village? Tell me the truth, how many times did our dad do such things?"

"You want to know?" Ju Jing smiled and said, "Then you can listen to it yourself. Why don't we switch shifts today, I'll watch grandma at home, you go to the restaurant, I'm sure you can even listen to the village chief's shed if you recruit a few mice arrive."

The restaurant was noisy with people coming and going, so there was no way to study, and Ju Ling couldn't go.

Ju Jing knew she couldn't go so she said that.

"Okay, don't worry about messy things, just study hard. Watch grandma at home, and I'll go to the restaurant." Before going out, Ju Jing turned her head back and said: "I watched "Tuo" with a group of people for a long time yesterday. "Sister Gun" is very good-looking, I haven't seen a few of the previous ones, and I've added them all in the past few days."

Ju Ling: .
Her second sister is a monster!

Knowing that she is busy studying and has no time to watch TV dramas, I still tell her this!

Sometimes Ju Jing is quite annoyed with her own mouth.

When I went out, I said I wanted to watch "Sister Tuoqiang", but I accidentally watched the old man for several days.

Before she closed the restaurant yesterday, she forgot to write on the small blackboard what TV series will be shown today. Today, the first group of people who came to the restaurant were a few older sisters and aunts in their 40s and [-]s, picking and choosing from a stack of discs, and finally chose " Liu Laogen".

This TV series has been broadcast on TV for a long time, and I really can't find a few in the village who haven't watched it. Even though they know the plot, these people still watch it with great enthusiasm.When it was close to noon, there were already nearly thirty people watching in the restaurant, all of them were of a certain age, and there were no children.

All right, it doesn't matter what is broadcast, as long as someone watches it.

After the two episodes of "Liu Laogen" were finished, Ju Jing thought that she could stop and watch something else, but her aunt's eyes were sharp, and she directly picked up the first episode of "Marshal Ma". It is said that the TV station will broadcast the second episode this year, big guy While watching it, I have to worry about what to do in the second part for the screenwriter and director.

Just when Ju Jing's eyes were full of those faces, Ju Wenqi and his wife had safely arrived in the town where Ju Min lived.

They got off the train in the city, and Lin Dezhi personally went to pick them up.

As soon as Ju Wenqi arrived in town, he wanted to go to see Ju Min's dining car, to see how she made boxed lunches and sold boxed lunches. Lin Dezhi had to talk a lot before stopping him.

Ju Min had already told Lin Dezhi that her parents would not be allowed to come if she could. If they insisted on coming, she must tell her in advance that they should not meet Wang Xiuhong and Ruan Xiaofeng.

As for Ju Wenqi's unguarded mouth, he can't let him know any secrets, for fear that he will spread the word when he turns around, but everyone knows it.

 Thank you for your support, thank you for voting and subscribing, thank you.Pa blind means to lie or brag.How many TV shows mentioned in this chapter have you watched?Hahaha, it's time to show your age!Anu has seen it all
(End of this chapter)

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