Chapter 172
In fact, it is quite difficult to hide from Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei.

Because Ruan Xiaofeng and Wang Xiuhong live at the opposite door, every day when they go out and come back, they have to stay at the door for a while, in case they run into something by chance, they can't hide it.

There is no way to do this kind of pure luck, but some possibilities that can be created can be avoided.

For example, Zhang Yongmei wants to give special products to her neighbors. In her words, everyone lives so close that they need to walk around frequently. In the future, anyone who has something to do can help.

Ju Min could only persuade: "Mom, this is different from ours. The neighbors in the neighborhood don't know each other, and we live our own lives without disturbing anyone. Besides, we are all renting houses. Moved away, no relationship with neighbors at all.”

Zhang Yongmei was quite regretful, and while arranging the special products she brought, she said in a whisper: "These days are so impersonal, and the neighbors don't move around."

Right now she still has the mind to talk about this, but she won't have time to worry about it in a few days, because both she and Ju Wenqi have encountered a huge problem.

They are not used to going to the toilet in the rented house, they just sit on the toilet, and they can't get out at all when they sit on it.

You can imagine how uncomfortable it is to eat and drink every day, but not to get out of it.

Ju Wenqi, who had been enjoying himself all the time, couldn't be happier, and leaned on the sofa and sighed.

"Isn't living in a building a sin? It's better to live in a village. Even if you can't live in a Maolou, you can find a wild place. That's good. It's a big place, so people can't go there safely. Toilet," Ju Wenqi complained.

In order to solve their problem of going to the toilet, Ju Min and Lin Dezhi also worked hard, and finally found a public toilet more than 1000 meters away from the rental house, and this big problem was solved.

After wandering around all the places in the town, Lin Dezhi wanted to take them to the city, but Ju Wenqi was not very willing to go.

He has been thinking about going to the factory to see it, and he doesn't even want to go to the city.

Lin Dezhi told him several times that he did not own the factory, although his brother probably owned it, but it was not appropriate to bring people there.

What he said was clear enough, but Ju Wenqi insisted on going as if he didn't understand. The whole Lin Dezhi didn't know what to do.

In front of her son-in-law, Zhang Yongmei gave Ju Wen some face, and when she carried Lin Dezhi behind her back, Zhang Yongmei scolded him a lot.It's a pity that it doesn't work, the old man is obsessed and has to go to see it.

Lin Dezhi had no choice but to ask Ju Min to persuade Ju Wenqi.

Ju Min was busy outside during the day and had to deal with his careless father when he came home at night. He was really exhausted physically and mentally.

After trying hard to persuade him, he finally lost his temper, and said sharply to Ju Wenqi, "Dad, why are you acting so ugly now! How many times have I told you that the factory has nothing to do with us? You are still talking nonsense in the village, and now you have to go Look in the factory, what the hell, you can grow two taels of meat if you take a look. Other fathers think not to cause trouble for their children, but you are lucky, you will cause trouble for us!"

Zhang Yongmei felt sorry for the girl, and didn't care about Ju Wenqi's face, so she immediately answered, "I knew you would find things like this and say nothing to let you come here. Okay, I don't think you came to see the girl, you just came to mess around Yes. Let’s stop messing around here, I’ll pack up my things now, and I’ll go home tomorrow, and you can do whatever you want when you get home!”

Clean it up when you say clean it up, Zhang Yongmei is not ambiguous at all.

After being told by the daughter-in-law, Ju Wenqi knew that he was afraid, and said in a low voice: "You said why you two have such a temper, if you have something to say, talk about it, it's not that I can't listen to it. If you don't go to the factory, you won't go, just go out these few days I’m tired from walking around, so I’ll take a good rest at home for a few days.”

It's a special hobby to eat hard but not soft.

I can't go to the factory, but I can still bring them some of the things in the factory.

The next day they rested at home, and Lin Dezhi went to the factory to bring back dozens of underwear.

Most of these are products that were thrown out after the order was shipped, some with flaws, some without flaws, but they can still be worn.There are also several sets with exquisite packaging, which are high-end orders from other companies.

Of course, the exquisitely packaged ones are for Zhang Yongmei, and the others are for them to pick and choose, and I think it’s okay to take them back to the village, sell them or give them away.

Seeing this huge pile of underwear, Ju Wenqi turned his head, wanting to see it but being embarrassed to look at it, which is very funny.

Anyway, I comforted Ju Wenqi and made him calm down.

Ju Min was busy until the new year, the local factories shut down one after another, the workers went home to celebrate the New Year, and the three of Ju Min also had a holiday.

On the same day, Ju Min packed up her things and took her parents to Lin Dezhi's home in the countryside.

The in-laws finally meet, and the scene is very funny.

Lin Dezhi's parents can't speak Mandarin, and the four of them sat together and talked about their own things, and they had a lot of fun chatting.

The adults and children in every household here drink tea, and Ju Wenqi usually drinks it at home, but what he drinks is a few yuan a bag of tea, and he doesn't pay attention to it at all.

People here are very particular about tea drinking, and there are many matching tea sets, and most of the tea they brew is home-grown tea. Ju Wenqi learned a little bit from what he half-understood.

Just when Ju Wenqi was obsessed with making tea, drinking tea and thinking about tea, Ju Jing finally got rid of various TV dramas with a strong local flavor, and started watching idol dramas with a group of half-grown children.

Where are the middle-aged and elderly women who usually come to restaurants to watch TV dramas during the day?
Isn't it the Chinese New Year? There are a lot of things to be busy with. They are all busy at home and have no time to go out to watch TV dramas.

Today the package from Qiao Jue arrived, Ju Ling went to the village to pick it up, but didn't want to run into Zhu Yuping driving home.

In the evening, Ju Ling told Ju Jing about this, and said with emotion: "After she came back, many people in the village couldn't sit still anymore, so they decided to get together to bury her."

"It's all free." Ju Jing said nonchalantly: "Looking at restaurants these days, I can see that when people are free, they like to find things to do when they have nothing to do. If they don't find things for themselves, they look for other people's things. Annoying as hell."

In fact, before Zhu Yuping came back, people kept mentioning her, and they didn't have good things to say about her, as if Zhu Yuping had made money from their family, killed their family members and slept with their husbands.

Ju Jing didn't have any objections to Zhu Yuping, no matter what she did outside, it was her choice, and she couldn't get in her way.

But she didn't expect Zhu Yuping to come to the restaurant to look for her the next day.

He didn't come empty-handed, he brought a bottle of perfume to Ju Jing, saying it was a big brand and it was too expensive.

If there is nothing to show courtesy, there must be another purpose.

Ju Jing refused to accept it life and death, and said that she didn't like to smell the perfume, and she had a headache when she smelled it.

Zhu Yuping, who smelled of perfume, moved back in embarrassment, keeping a little distance from Ju Jing.

After dawdling and looking for something to say, Zhu Yuping didn't tell the purpose of coming this time until the children who watched TV dramas went home for dinner at noon, and there were only the two of them left in the restaurant.

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(End of this chapter)

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