Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 182 Dissatisfied

Chapter 182 Dissatisfied
As soon as Carpenter Zhao said, the others all gathered their heads to look there.

Ju Wenqi gave Carpenter Zhao a first look, and then said very firmly: "Impossible, it is impossible for this expensive thing to crack, it must be your presbyopia."

After speaking, he pushed the others away and looked at the place Carpenter Zhao pointed out.

Hey, there really is a crack!
Very small cracks can't be seen without sticking on them. Carpenter Zhao has good eyesight even though he is not young.

Ju Wenqi felt distressed, but he didn't show it out of concern for his own face, and said stubbornly: "There is no crack, but I scratched it when I brought it back, and it is not a crack at all."

Everyone is not blind, can't you see the cracks?

It's one thing to see it, but another to say it.

Carpenter Zhao felt ashamed when he saw that no one in the room was making a sound. He straightened his neck and said, "I've been a carpenter all my life. Can I not tell if there are cracks or scratches on the wood? You just Bragging, this thing is not as good as you say, I just push it with a plane and paint it, it’s better than yours.”

Ju Wenqi, who is also a carpenter, immediately said unhappily: "You are just bragging, I don't know what kind of carpentry you do yourself, you can wipe your hands with a wedge, and stick your fingers with white glue Together, don’t use the plane, be careful to plan yourself again.”

The two didn't fight each other very much before, and even competed for carpentry work at school. At that time, because Ju Wenqi got the opportunity with a low bid, Zhao Carpenter always remembered these things in his heart.

New and old grievances, both of them are not too young to quarrel with each other like a child, everyone in the room is happy to watch the fun and no one persuades them.

Zhang Yongmei, who was cleaning up the counter, couldn't stand it anymore, came over and confiscated all Ju Wenqi's tea sets, and said: "Drink this old tea a day, and you won't be able to sleep at night after drinking it. Don't drink it. You can choose what you want to see. .”

With no tea tray to look at and no quarrel, Carpenter Zhao also felt it was boring, so he walked away with his hands behind his back.

Zhang Yongmei thought that this was the end of the matter, but Ju Wenqi didn't expect that Ju Wenqi was quite interested.

In the evening he took the tea tray home and put it under the lamp to look at it for a long time.

Ju Jing and Ju Ling didn't know what he was looking at, so they all came over and watched together.

"What's so interesting about just one crack?" Ju Jing asked Ju Wenqi suspiciously.

Ju Wenqi now has a headache when he hears the word "crack".

Taking an angry look at the second girl who was the most annoying, Ju Wenqi replied: "It shouldn't be. It was fine when I was on the train, but it cracked after only a few days at home. I'm looking at other people's home with your eldest sister." This thing doesn't crack, how come it cracks in my hands?"

"Then you have to ask your hand, is there a long knife on it?" Ju Jing joked with a smile.

Ju Wenqi was not in the mood to joke, and continued to stare at the crack.

Ju Ling also looked at it for a while, then suddenly patted the big kang, and suddenly said: "Dad, I know what's going on! The big sister's side is damp, our house is too dry, your wooden things will lose water when we come here, won't you?" Are you dry?"

Ju Wenqi slapped himself on the forehead, and regretted, "I still put it in the hot place on the top of the kang, wouldn't it dry faster!"

After speaking, he quickly got up from the kang, moved the tea tray to the base of the wall and put it away.

It's useless to know what's going on, the place that has been cracked can't be closed, and no matter what you do, it will definitely get bigger and bigger.

Ju Wenqi was worried all night, and got up very early the next day to go to the shed to toss his pile of carpentry tools that hadn't been touched for a long time.

During breakfast, Zhang Yongmei asked him why he took out all the tools.

Ju Wenqi frowned while thinking about his own affairs and replied: "I see that this thing is not difficult to make, I will make it myself."

Just as Zhang Yongmei was about to tell him not to make trouble, Ju Jing and Ju Ling gave her eyes almost at the same time, telling her not to talk.

Ju Ling also encouraged: "Dad, you are so good at carpentry work, you will definitely be able to make it, maybe it will be better than the one you bought."

"Well, the most important thing is that you can fix whatever you want, and you don't feel bad about throwing away the cracks," Ju Jing also said.

The attitude of the two girls greatly encouraged Ju Wenqi. When he went to the restaurant after dinner, he took all the chisels, small carving knives, plane saws, etc. to the restaurant.

After he left, Zhang Yongmei asked the two girls why they stopped her in confusion.

Ju Jing explained: "Letting him work as a carpenter and use his brain and hands is no better than just blowing his mouth and bragging. My father used to be so skillful. Look at our kang cabinet. Carpenter Zhao can't beat my father." Hit, and it’s so beautiful and solid.”

When it comes to playing furniture, Zhang Yongmei is quite proud of her husband.

She said with a smile: "Your dad was really smart when he was young, he was just a little apprentice, and his master didn't teach him seriously, no matter what he saw twice, he would do it."

Ju Wenqi, who has a good brain, can't withstand the ruthless destruction of the years, and now his eyes are not good enough, his brain is not good enough, and his hands are not good enough.After lying on the counter to write and draw for a long time, I drew a rectangle, and I didn't draw any pattern or pattern.

It's all like this, and someone stimulated him.

The people in the village kindly persuaded him: "Old man, you better stop messing around, you haven't been doing carpentry work for several years, you don't have to do this delicate work if it takes a lot of effort to plan a piece of wood."

Ju Wenqi has a stubborn temper. He is not convinced when others say that he can't do a good job. He holds his breath and wants to make the tea tray, and he has to make it very delicate and beautiful.

After holding back for two full days, Ju Wenqi finally drew the shape of his tea tray and all the patterns to be carved on it, and showed it to Zhang Yongmei first.

Zhang Yongmei felt that his painting was quite good but it was too troublesome, and the patterns and patterns were not easy to carve.

Ju Wenqi didn't care: "What's this? I've carved finer ones before. Look, I'm sure I can do it."

While he was busy making tea trays, Ju Jing and Ju Ling took Zhang Yongmei's instructions to the grandmother's house in San Fatzi Village and the aunt's house in the first village of Forest Farm.

Zhang Yongmei specially brought back some soft and digestible pastries from the south. If they are not delivered to grandma and grandpa, they will be expired.

After staying in Three Fatty Village for half a day, grandma made mutton soup for them. Before leaving, she packed a plastic bag of mutton for them to take home.

Grandma sent them out and gave Ju Ling another 200 yuan.Since she went to Yunhe to study, her grandmother gave her 200 yuan every year, and the old man didn't know how to support her granddaughter's education, so she could only stuff a little pocket money.

After returning from the Three Fatty Village, they brought gifts to Zhang Yongli's house.

Coincidentally, Feng Guangquan was also there.

In the cold weather, he was wearing a sweater and shoveling pig manure for Zhang Yongli.

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(End of this chapter)

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