Chapter 184
The hospitality is hard to come by, and Peng Yan really stayed after the banquet.

Ju Wenqi enthusiastically led him back to his home, leaving Zhang Yongmei, Ju Jing and the villagers who were temporarily hired to help clean up the mess.

After tidying up, Zhang Yongmei packed a lot of meat, eggs and vegetables into plastic bags. There were still guests at home, so he had to make a good meal for them.

When they got home, Peng Yan had already taken off his shoes and got on the kang, sitting cross-legged with Ju Wenqi on either side of the kang table, drinking tea.

Ju Wenqi was really happy. He even showed others his half-finished tea trays and asked them how he made them.

Peng Yan looked decently for a long time, and Bei Er sincerely praised: "Third Uncle, your skills are really worth mentioning. If you don't open a restaurant, you will not have to worry about eating and drinking just relying on your skills."

Ju Wenqi immediately regained his energy, arched his body towards Peng Yan, and asked with great interest: "Really? Can I really sell this thing for money? How much do you think is suitable?"

"Third uncle, you are purely handmade. The patterns on it are all carved out by you one by one. Of course, you can sell them for money. How much you want to sell depends on how complicated and fine the patterns are. The other one is the one you choose. Timber. The wood is well selected and the pattern is fine, so it must not be cheap." Peng Yan replied without hesitation.

When Ju Wenqi thought that the things he made with his own hands could still be sold for money, and that they might sell a lot, he could not close his mouth happily, wishing he could grow four hands and finish the semi-finished product immediately.

Ju Ling listened from the side, feeling more and more powerful about Peng Yan.

Look at the level of people's stinky flattery, not only with substance but also with evidence, so I have to learn more.

Thinking carefully about Peng Yan's words, Ju Ling felt that if it had been a few years earlier, Ju Wenqi would have been able to make this thing day and night and sell it to takeout.But now that the family's foreign debts have been paid off, life has become easier, and there is no need for him to work day and night for money.

Don't think that this thing is sitting there most of the time, but it is actually very tiring.The first is the tired eyes, because you have to stare with them all the time; the second is the tired neck and wrists. Young people can't bear to lower their heads and wrists all the time, let alone Ju Wenqi's age.

When Ju Wenqi was young, he went up the mountain to do a side job to carry wood and his cervical spine fell to the root of his disease, let alone keep his head down.

These are all Ju Ling's thoughts, and only Ju Wenqi knows what he thinks in his heart.

Another meal, it was getting late, Peng Yan had to leave.

His family is in the town, and there is no car at this point. What Ju Wenqi means is to let him stay at home for one night before leaving tomorrow.

Peng Yan glanced at Ju Jing and Ju Ling calmly, but was still very determined to leave.

He can't go back to the town at this point, but it's okay to go to his friends who live in other villages.He called his friend and asked them to pick him up on a motorcycle, and Ju Wenqi had nothing to say.

After the person left, Ju Jing, who has always been picky, couldn't help but praise: "This person is really nice, straightforward and meticulous, no wonder he can make so many friends."

"How should I say it?" Zhang Yongmei asked curiously while folding clothes.

Ju Ling explained for the second sister: "Do you know why he doesn't live in our house? Because we have two girls at home, and my second sister is about the same age as him, so it's inappropriate to live in our house. He was said to be a It doesn't matter, he is afraid that outsiders will say about my second sister."

Only then did Zhang Yongmei and Ju Wenqi think of this, and Ju Wenqi patted the top of his head with regret: "Oh, why didn't I think of it, but luckily that kid thought of it."

Zhang Yongmei, who also didn't expect it, glanced at Ju Wenqi, gritted her teeth and complained: "What can you think of? Just drinking a few cups of tea is like drinking wine and your brain is not clear."

After scolding Ju Wenqi, Zhang Yongmei suddenly turned to look at Ju Jing with a bright smile on her face, which surprised Ju Jing.

She hurriedly waved her hand and said, "Impossible, don't think about it!"

"I haven't said anything yet, how do you know I'm just thinking about it?" Zhang Yongmei immediately asked with a cold face.

Ju Ling smiled and said for her second sister: "Mom, when you see a nice guy, you want someone to date my second sister. Can my second sister not guess what you mean by that smile just now!"

Zhang Yongmei glanced at Bai Juling again, lowered her head and folded clothes while sighing and said, "I'm doing this for Jingjing, okay? Jingjing's temper, I'm afraid that she will be like Wu's fourth wife in the future, how scary .”

Ju Jing and Ju Ling:
Who is Wu's fourth daughter-in-law, the only woman in the village who beats her own gentlemen at every turn.

It turned out that in Zhang Yongmei's heart, her second girl was such a person.

Ju Ling looked sideways at Ju Jing, waiting for her to refute.

Who would have thought that Ju Jing not only did not refute but also said with a smile: "Mom, don't sigh and don't worry, if I really look like Wu's fourth daughter-in-law, you and my dad can just laugh secretly. Don't dare to say anything else, At least you two girls won’t be bullied when you marry, don’t you think?”

Ju Ling immediately nodded in agreement and said: "It makes sense, beating is better than being beaten."

Now Zhang Yongmei wants to hit someone.

Throwing the clothes on Ju Jing and Ju Ling's body, he slapped them moderately, and said angrily: "You two have dead children, and you can live a good life with others when you get married, why do you think about beating people or being beaten all day long. Look at the many couples in this world, how many of them fight back and forth all day long."

Talking about this, Ju Jing was very excited, and she poked her neck and said: "Is it still rare? If you don't talk about it, let's talk about our little village. Are there few old men who beat their wives? Even if they don't do anything, don't beat their wives." Looking around, are there few people who order around like ordering maids?"

When she said this, she glanced at Ju Wenqi. Ju Wenqi turned around and left her a back, drinking tea silently.

Of course Zhang Yongmei couldn't talk to Ju Jing, and was finally speechless by Ju Jing.

Since then, Zhang Yongmei hasn't said this to Ju Jing for a long time, for fear of being spitting blood.

During the period before the start of school, Ju Laosan was particularly silent.

During the day, Ju Wenqi went to the restaurant to tinker with his tea tray, Zhang Yongmei collected money to do some chores, Ju Jing stayed at home to play with grandma, and Ju Ling concentrated on studying.

Compared with the tranquility and peace of Ju Lao San's family, Ju Lao's family has fallen out.

Li Fengjiao's child was not kept.

Since she was pregnant, Bai Guirong didn't dare to order her to work for fear of accidents. She lived a good year in peace, ate well, rested, looked good, and gained some weight.

Just two days ago, she accidentally slipped and fell to the ground when she went to the toilet to relieve her hand, and the child just fell and disappeared.

Who is to blame?
Li Fengjiao felt that Ju's family was to blame.

She has long told Ju Tangcheng not to pee in the yard at night, go to the toilet if you want to pee, and pee in a corner if you don't want to go to the toilet.

But Ju Tangcheng didn't listen to her at all. He played poker and mahjong at other people's houses at night and settled in front of the firewood stack four or five meters away from the toilet.

In the middle of winter, ice will form in a short while, and it is really dangerous for Li Fengjiao to step on it.

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(End of this chapter)

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