Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 185 The Gap

Chapter 185 The Gap
Li Fengjiao was also aware of this problem, and asked Ju Tangcheng to shovel off the ice several times.

Ju Tangcheng listened to his parents, grandparents, people who had nothing to do with him, but he didn't listen to his daughter-in-law.

Being told that he was bored, he came to intensify his routine, splashed the wash water on that area, and said to Li Fengjiao in a cold voice: "The road to the toilet is so wide, you won't go around it. Pregnant I'm pregnant for you, if you like it, wait for it or if you don't like it, get out."

If Li Fengjiao had a place to go, she would definitely not stay in this cold home. The point is that she has no place to go, who else can she count on if her mother's family doesn't even protect her.

Li Fengjiao walked around the icy place for two days, and on the third day something happened if she didn't pay attention.

Originally, this accident could have been avoided, as long as her husband and the father of the child in her womb could listen to her a little bit and treat her a little bit better.

However, Ju Wenlin and his family didn't think it was Ju Tangcheng's fault. They all agreed that it was Li Fengjiao's fault.

Once or twice, other people's families have never seen so much effort to conceive and give birth, so why do things happen to Li Fengjiao all the time?The problem must be Li Fengjiao's, it's because she didn't do a good job.

Cai Meiyu and Bai Guirong organized a group to scold people while she was still lying on the hospital bed in the clinic. The doctors and nurses in the clinic couldn't stand it and kicked them out.

After taking her home, no one in Ju's family had a good look at her. No one cared if she was hungry or thirsty. She was so weak in winter that she had to get up to go to the bathroom outside.

No one burned the kang in her house, and she slept on it for two days.

Sleeping on a cold kang, starving, drinking cold water, not to mention confinement, even healthy people can't help tossing like this.

Some people in the village couldn't bear to contact Li Fengjiao's natal family, and hoped that Li Fengjiao's natal family could find a way, and no matter what, let Li Fengjiao settle the confinement first.

Li Fengjiao's natal mother came over, brought some food, and even made a hot meal for Li Fengjiao.

Li Fengjiao ate the porridge made by her own mother, tears streaming down her face.After eating, he wiped his mouth and said to her mother: "Mom, I want to divorce Ju Tangcheng. You can see how I live now. I really can't live with him. Once again, I have to die with them." The Ju family can't."

Her mother also cried, wiping her tears and persuading her, "Feng Jiao, think about it for our family, what are you going to do with your dad in the village when you get divorced? Bear with it, and take good care of your body." , take care of her and conceive another child, as long as she has a child, life will be easier."

She also told her mother that she was going to divorce after giving birth for the first time, and her mother also advised her not to leave, and this time it is still the same.

Li Fengjiao suddenly didn't want to cry anymore, all that was left was sadness.

Isn't it because I am not happy for myself? I have learned a lesson once, so why don't I give up and insist on getting hurt again.There were two knives inserted into the same place in the heart, the first time it hurt like hell, but this time it didn't hurt so much, but it was still uncomfortable.

Her mother wanted to stay with her for a while longer, so she drove him away, and said to her mother: "You don't have to come to see me anymore, I live a better life here, even if I die here, I will be with you." It doesn't matter."

The natal family is not up to the task, so someone has to take care of it, and you can't really ask a good person to have an accident.

In the end, the women's director and old Zheng Tou'er split into two groups. One went to find Ju Changfu and Bai Guirong, and the other went to Ju Wenlin and Cai Meiyu to persuade them to treat Li Fengjiao better.

"Will it work?" Ju Ling frowned and asked while chatting.

"Then who knows?" Zhang Yongmei sighed and said, "I'm heartbroken, what a beautiful girl she was before she got married. You didn't look at that little face, it hurts me to see it. It's cold. Going out by myself to carry firewood to burn the kang, my hair is messed up and I can be buried on my body, it is more pitiful than a beggar. Tomorrow I will watch her bring her some food, and I will not go to her house. When I saw that family, I was shocked."

"Are you looking at her house through the window these days, do you just want to see when she will go out?" Ju Wenqi said, "What are you doing with that thing? If you really want to give her some hot food, just do it." So that others can send it to her, don’t let Changfu and the others know that it was sent by our family, so that they will think that Tang Cheng’s daughter-in-law is with us, and treat her even worse in the future.”

This good thing is done like an underground joint, which is a bit ridiculous.

The next morning, Zhang Yongmei made breakfast at home and actually packed a lunch box, and took it to her aunt's house next to the restaurant, asking her to help deliver the meal to Li Fengjiao.

Li Fengjiao was holding the warm lunch box, looking at the food inside, her nose soured and tears almost fell down again.

The aunt told her that Zhang Yongmei asked her to bring it here, and Li Fengjiao felt mixed feelings.

They are all from the Ju family, how could there be such a big gap.

After the first success, Zhang Yongmei basically contracted Li Fengjiao's meals.Zhang Yongmei didn't find it troublesome at all, it was just a matter of incident, anyway, even if Li Fengjiao didn't become her own family, she still had to eat.

Ju Jing actually couldn't understand her.

Do few people in the village know what happened to Li Fengjiao?If no one else cares, let Zhang Yongmei take care of it?If Ju Wenlin's family knew about the sneaky food delivery, not only would they not appreciate her, but they would also scold her for meddling in her own business, why bother.

Zhang Yongmei said to her: "In the past, our family was poor, and there were people who would help us when things were getting difficult. Don't always think about how many people scold us for looking down on us, but also think about helping us. People who passed us, if those people didn’t help us, would we be able to survive so quickly?”

To be honest, there are really not a few people who have helped them over the years.

You can't think that just because someone else did a small favor like push the car to block the rain for a while, Zhang Yongmei didn't realize that cooking for Li Fengjiao is a big deal, it's just a little effort.

What Zhang Yongmei did and what she said touched Ju Jing a lot.Probably because she has been bullied and disliked a lot since she was a child. She has almost no good impression of the people in the village, and she always feels that these people are hypocritical and hypocritical.

But if you think about it more carefully, isn't she killing everyone with one shot?There are indeed hypocritical people in the village, but there are also simple and kind people who have really helped them.Thinking about these people, life in the village didn't seem to be as bad as she thought.

When Li Fengjiao was still struggling to maintain her health, the school day came and the last winter vacation of Ju Ling Junior High School was completely over.

The night before returning to Yunhe City, Ju Wenqi came back happily holding his tea tray, and showed off to Ju Ling like a child showing off the latest toy: "Girl, take a closer look, how is Dad's craftsmanship!"

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(End of this chapter)

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