Chapter 186
The tea tray is just short of the last step of painting, and everything else has been done.

Ju Ling looked at it carefully for a long time, and gave Ju Wenqi a thumbs up sincerely: "Dad, your craftsmanship has not deteriorated at all, it is so beautiful, even better than the one you brought back."

It's really beautiful.

The tea tray made a partition cover for filtering water, and Ju Wenqi carved patterns on each small wooden stick as thick as a little finger on the partition cover, and the surrounding frame was also carved in three dimensions, which is really very fine.

Ju Ling has seen the big carvings before, but she has never seen the patterns on the row of small wooden sticks. After looking at them one by one, Ju Ling couldn't help but praise: "Dad, if you want to sell this You can’t sell anything without three thousand five thousand, it’s too cheap and I’m sorry for your handiwork.”

Ju Wenqi, who was praised, saw his teeth but couldn't see his eyes with a smile.

He is also very satisfied.

It's really very respectable when someone in the family comes over and serves it out to entertain guests.Selling out?That can't be done, he can't bear it.

"This is not for sale," Ju Wenqi said cheerfully, "In the future, it will not be so complicated. If someone buys it, I will sell it. If no one buys it, I will give it away. Do you agree?"

"My grandpa also likes to drink tea, so you can give him one first," Ju Jing said next to her, "You and my mother have been married for so many years. My grandpa and the others have brought things to our house, and you should also give them more gifts. "

Ju Wenqi didn't know whether she was teasing him or talking about things in a serious manner, anyway, he didn't care about it when he was happy, so he said, "Okay, I'll think about what to do for your grandpa tomorrow. I'll go later Get some good wood, and then some good paint, it must be worthy of my craftsmanship, right?"

The more they talked, the more they talked, and it was rare that it wasn't an annoying topic, and the two sisters were willing to chat with him more to make him happy.

The next day, after breakfast, Ju Ling and Ju Jing packed their things and took the car to Yunhe City.In the evening, I go to self-study, and then go to school at five o'clock in the afternoon to catch up. Ju Jing takes Ju Ling to go shopping, buy daily necessities and so on.

However, after not staying in Yunhe for more than a month, there has been a big change in Yunhe City. There is a new supermarket opposite the shopping mall. There are discounts on some products three days before the opening, and you can exchange things by earning points with a membership card.

"There are quite a few supermarkets like this in Binjiang City. I didn't expect them to all come to Yunhe." Ju Jing stood in front of the supermarket and said to Ju Ling: "Let's go shopping here today and buy everything we need, so we can save a little money." A little bit."

They just picked up discounted items, and they were indeed much cheaper than usual.

The two of them were in a good mood, and a familiar voice came from their ears. They were not talking to them, and they didn't seem to notice them.

"Second Sister, do you want to withdraw?" Ju Ling asked in a low voice.

It was Jiang Xiaofei who spoke, and it was Tongying who came shopping with her.

The county is not big or small, and it is not unusual to meet acquaintances in the supermarket.

Ju Jing snorted softly: "Just pretend not to know, what should we buy, don't care about them."

After wandering to the back, Ju Jing and the others ran into Jiang Xiaofei head-on, and they could definitely see it if they were not blind.

"Too lazy to talk to them," Ju Jing said in a low voice.

Ju Ling understood, what her second sister meant was to pretend she didn't see it, and she loved it so much.

They wanted to pretend, but Jiang Xiaofei and Tongying were not willing to pretend.

The two stopped the sisters and greeted them with a smile, as if the unhappiness of meeting before had never happened.

Both Ju Jing and Ju Ling guessed that something was wrong with them, but they couldn't guess what it was.

After being polite for a long time, the two finally revealed some information.

They turned around and asked about Zhao Fen's situation in Xiaofuqiang Village.

It's strange, the last time they met, they turned black when they mentioned it, as if it wasn't their mother-in-law or their husband's real mother, but this time they took the initiative to care.

In order to find out why these two people wanted to ask Zhao Fen, Ju Jing and Ju Ling had a tacit understanding of asking three questions and pretending to be confused.

It was Tongying who leaked the truth later, and it was only then that Ju Jing and the two knew what they were up to.

It turned out that during the Chinese New Year, Ju Changqing had dinner with friends and met a person from Ju Ling's hometown, and it was just San Fatty.While chatting and chatting, I don’t know how to talk about what delicious food they have here. The man said that some people in the village make steamed buns, flower rolls, mooncakes and other pasta, which are very delicious, so that Ju Changqing and his group have a chance to try them.

Ju Changqing was quite disdainful, thinking that the man who came out of the village had never seen the world, and he could take out steamed buns and rolls to blow, and he probably had never eaten delicious food from Yunhe.

The man was also clever, seeing his disdain, and told him many differences of those pastries in detail.

After all, after eating Zhao Fen's pasta for so many years, Ju Changqing must know what kind of pasta Zhao Fen makes.

The more he listened, the more familiar he became, so he asked suspiciously if the pastry maker was a woman surnamed Zhao. The person didn't know if Zhao Fen's surname was Zhao, but he knew that Zhao Fen was not a local because her husband died and was buried in the She just came over there.

After returning home, Ju Changqing told Jiang Xiaofei about it, and the more the couple thought about it, the more they felt that the person was Zhao Fen.The next day, I went to Ju Changjie and his wife to talk about it, and Tongying proposed to call Ju Wenlin to find out, but the three of them collectively rejected it.

Call Ju Wenlin?Is that old man easy to deal with?A phone call today, maybe tomorrow he will be able to kill him directly, eat and drink at their house and still have to take it. When he enters the house, he doesn't know how to change shoes and go to the toilet, and he doesn't know how to flush the water.

Jiang Xiaofei and Jiang Xiaofei came out today because they wanted to go shopping and discuss this matter by the way. They didn't expect to meet the sisters in the supermarket, which led to the conversation just now.

The reason for this is definitely not something the sisters can guess, but they can now be sure that letting them know that Zhao Fen's situation is definitely not a good thing.

Now Zhao Fen is living a pretty good life. I heard from Zhang Yongmei that the mooncakes sold for several thousand yuan during the Mid-Autumn Festival last year. Before winter, she even asked someone to repair the shabby cottage she lived in and buy a lot of things.

In fact, what happened to Zhao Fen didn't have much to do with them, they were simply responding to Jiang Xiaofei and his family.

"Eldest sister-in-law and second sister-in-law, if you really want to know how the second aunt is doing, you can go and see her. My second uncle has been away for a long time, except for the burial, you didn't go to his grave once, right?" Ju Jing said with a smile.

Neither Jiang Xiaofei nor Tongying looked very good-looking.

They were shabby for not being able to ask anything, and they didn't bother to smile hypocritically, saying that they still had something to buy and left.

After checking out at the supermarket, Ju Jing said sarcastically: "You must be crazy about money, with their faces, they will fall into the gutter sooner or later."

Ju Ling didn't know if there would be a day, but what happened next let her know how hateful and hated her second sister is!

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(End of this chapter)

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