Chapter 191
It was Ju Wenqi who answered the phone. After asking about Ju Ling's study situation, Ju Wenqi said happily to Ju Ling: "The tea tray made by your father is sold! It sold for 100 yuan!"

"100 yuan, isn't it too cheap?" Ju Ling asked uncertainly.

Ju Wenqi's carpentry work is really meticulous, and the cost of wood is not counted. 100 yuan is not enough for him to work.

Ju Wenqi explained: "Hey, it's not to sell to outsiders, he wants to give more, and I can't ask for it."


Who is so big of face to make Ju Wenqi sell things at a big discount!
"Just Peng Yan. Didn't I also make a tea tray for your grandfather? I thought about going to the town to buy better paint. I didn't expect to meet Peng Yan in the town. The paint he accompanied me to buy was also Tell me that I just want to give someone a gift and I don’t know what to give, why don’t you just buy a tea tray from me as a gift. Don’t say buy it, just rely on people who have helped us, even if I want one for nothing, I will give it to him Do it, don’t you think so?” Ju Wenqi said excitedly.

It was rare for him to be so happy, of course Ju Ling followed him.

"Is he satisfied? Does my grandfather like it?" Ju Ling asked curiously again.

Ju Wenqi laughed straight away, and replied happily: "Satisfied, how can you be dissatisfied, I made it carefully, and the color is also beautiful. The one for your grandfather is not too complicated, the material is well selected, and it is resistant Make it, your grandfather can use it for two more years. He is reluctant to use it even if I give it to him, saying that it will be used by family guests to entertain people in the future."

"Then you can make a few more for my grandfather, so that he usually uses one visitor and another one, and doesn't feel bad if it breaks." Ju Ling smiled and gave Ju Wenqi an idea.

Ju Wenqi agreed and said that he would definitely do it for grandpa again.

Not only did he want to make it for his father-in-law, but he also wanted to mail it to Lin Dezhi so that his son-in-law would know how good his craftsmanship is.

He babbled on and on, and Zhang Yongmei, who had been waiting by the side, couldn't listen anymore, so she just pushed him aside.

"Little boy, don't listen to your dad being blind, and post it to your elder brother-in-law. He's too embarrassed. But your dad said that he will make a good one for your little uncle, which is quite reliable." , Zhang Yongmei said with a smile.

She set up a trick for Ju Ling, just waiting for Ju Ling to ask her about her little uncle.

Ju Ling guessed her little thoughts, so she followed her meaning and asked: "What little uncle? Mom, what do you mean? Is there good news from my little aunt?"

"It's not that bad," Zhang Yongmei said with a giggle, "On the first two days, your aunt drove over to deliver pigs to our family, and by the way told me and your father about her and Feng Guangquan. You’re not too young, you don’t have a banquet, you just have to have a meal with your relatives. After getting married, Feng Guangquan will move to live with your aunt, and he can help your aunt raise pigs, what a great thing.”

Zhang Yongli's remarriage is indeed a great joy, but the joy is also quite complicated.

"Then did my aunt tell my grandparents? What did they say?"

"Well, there is no girl who doesn't tell her parents when she gets married. Your aunt will take Feng Guangquan to see your grandparents in a few days. Your grandparents don't have any objections, but your uncle and aunt are fine. A lot, but even if your grandma and grandpa are pressing them down, they can't find any flowers. The most troublesome people are those from the Lin family, and they will definitely find trouble with your aunt in the future," Zhang Yongmei said with joy and worry.

No matter how bumpy the road ahead is, since Zhang Yongli and Feng Guangquan have chosen this road, they will definitely go on without hesitation.

Ju Ling doesn't know how determined Feng Guangquan is, but she knows Zhang Yongli.

Her aunt looked listless and didn't like to make a sound, but in fact she was stubborn and assertive, and she dared to step forward even if she made up her mind to do one thing.

"Mom, you must tell me when the date is confirmed. I will drink my aunt's wedding wine when I go home, and I have to worry about my aunt asking for red envelopes," Ju Ling said.

Zhang Yongmei snorted softly: "You are so beautiful, you still need a red envelope when you get older. Aren't you going to take the exam soon? Don't delay it if you can. Anyway, you can make up your own mind. Your father and I don't understand anything about studies. "

"Are you finished talking? I'll chat with the girl for a while." Ju Wenqi, who was next to him, was feeling uncomfortable, and came over to tease Zhang Yongmei.

Zhang Yongmei dumped him several times and he even moved closer to him, only to give him the right to chatter when he was too annoying.

Regaining the microphone, Ju Wenqi laughed for a while before saying, "Little one, I made you a pencil case with the leftovers from the tea tray. It looks pretty. It hasn't been painted yet. You can choose the color yourself when you come back. "

The wooden pencil case made by Ju Wenqi was used by the three sisters when they were young!In the past, they were very envious of others having iron pencil cases, and other children thought their pencil cases were strange.Now there are more and more types of pencil cases, such as iron, plastic and pencil cases, but after thinking about it carefully, Ju Ling still thinks that the wooden pencil case used back then is the most beautiful.

"Then is it big enough for you? I have too many pens, too small to hold them," Ju Ling said softly.

"It's big enough. I made it bigger on purpose. I even carved a small nine on the lid. It's very convenient." Ju Wenqi said as if asking for credit.

He really didn't know that a girl who was about to graduate from junior high school didn't need Cha Xiaojiujiu to do arithmetic problems, but Ju Ling didn't think his ignorance was ridiculous, but felt that her father was very warm.

"That's fine. I'll pick the color and paint it myself when I go back. You and my mother should pack up and go to sleep. Don't be too tired. You should also pay attention to rest when you do carpentry work. Get up and move around after a while, and rest your eyes," Ju Ling instructed. road.

This phone call really took a long time, Ju Ling rolled on the bed holding the phone, and the smile on the corner of her mouth grew wider and wider.

The good news brought motivation to study, and Ju Ling sat up from the bed stiffly.Study, I can't finish a set of math papers tonight and don't sleep!

In fact, not only was there a happy event at home, but there was also a happy event at Ju Min's side.

After these days of trials and trials, Ju Min finally made up his mind to push the cart out to sell roasted cold noodles.

She followed Ju Jing's guidance many times, failed many times, and finally made a delicious grilled cold noodle.

She was afraid that her taste was not popular enough, so she made a lot and gave it to Ruan Xiaofeng and Wang Xiuhong. Let them taste it and let them taste it for the customers who came to eat. Everyone said it was delicious.

In fact, at first she wanted Lin Dezhi to take it to the factory for the workers to try, but Lin Dezhi himself refused to taste it, saying that Ju Min would pay for it if he messed around again, and Ju Min didn't want to ask him for help at all.

The ingredients, sauces, and various tools were all ready, and the promotional text on the breakfast cart was also changed. Ju Min pushed the dining cart and set off early in the morning, and the first stop went straight to the junior high school in the town.

On the first day of restarting, whether it is success or failure, it is destined not to be too peaceful.

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(End of this chapter)

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