Chapter 192
Ju Min came early, the school hadn't opened yet, and there were no stalls at the gate.

She chose a good location to park the dining car, prepared all the materials, and waited for the guests to come.

Businesses next to and opposite the school opened their doors one after another, and some businesses even placed their products at the door to attract customers, and the streets gradually became lively.

After a stationery store behind Ju Min's dining car opened, the boss came out to look at it several times, but each time he seemed hesitant to speak.

Sticking his head out again, Ju Min hurriedly smiled and called the boss to stop, and chatted with the boss.

She spoke Mandarin with a northeast accent, and the boss frowned as soon as she spoke.

"You should stop here, there will be a lot of food trucks coming over in a while, and they will squeeze you out," the boss kindly reminded.

Ju Min didn't understand, and asked suspiciously: "Why do you exclude me? I don't sell the same things as them, so it shouldn't matter."

How could it have no effect!They are all selling food. If you buy this kind of food from her, you may have no money or simply don't want to go to other places to buy food. In this way, other people's homes will lose some customers.

After asking, Ju Min himself came to his senses, and said with a sliver of hope: "Everyone opens the door for business, just take care of yourself."

The boss chuckled and said: "If everyone thinks like you, there won't be so many conflicts. Believe it or not, just leave if you think the situation is wrong, and don't make it a big deal. You can't get it here if you come from other places." it is good."

That's the point.

Not only would she snatch other people's business, but she was also from other places, so of course it was difficult for the people who set up a stall here to accept her.

After being told by the boss, Ju Min began to feel uneasy.

While talking, other dining cars came over one after another, and the smell of various breakfasts and pastries spread, which was very popular.

Obviously, the development of the matter is similar to what the boss said.

Seeing an unfamiliar dining car at the door, those small business owners came to whisper together while there was no business, and occasionally raised their eyes to glance at Ju Min.

After discussing, they sent a representative to negotiate with Ju Min. After knowing that Ju Min was not a local, his attitude was obviously much worse.They want Ju Min to leave and not to grab business on their turf.

It was only when Ju Min really realized that there was a land division here. In the past, she sold boxed lunches but no one came to chase them away.

Ju Min wanted to reason with them, but seeing the students coming to school one after another, and the gate gradually becoming lively, these people didn't bother to listen to Ju Min's rationale, and began to take tough measures to drive Ju Min away.

They directly pushed Ju Min's dining car away from the door, and pushed Ju Min.

During this process, the scallions and sauces that Ju Min put out in advance were scattered all over the floor, which made Ju Min feel distressed enough.

Ju Min wanted to get rid of these people, and these people's hands were even more merciless, and one person directly pushed Ju Min to the ground.

When Ju Min fell to the ground, he supported the ground with his hands, and a large piece of his palm was scratched, and blood burst out instantly.

Ju Min didn't have time to cry out for pain, so he got up from the ground in a hurry to grab his own dining car.

After all, two fists are no match for so many hands, Ju Min and her dining car were kicked out of the business scope of the school gate so abruptly.

Ju Min stood by the side of the road, looking at the messy dining car and the bloody palms, her nose was sore and tears almost fell down.

She held back with all her strength, and first took out two pieces of paper from her pocket to wipe her palms to stop the bleeding.

At this moment, a middle school boy who was walking with a schoolbag slung over his shoulder stopped beside her, looked at her carefully several times, and then called out uncertainly: "Fourth aunt?"

Lin Dezhi is the fourth eldest among the siblings in the family, and everyone in the Lin family is named Ju Min following Lin Dezhi's order.

Ju Min looked up at the boy, he really knew him.

This is the son of the second cousin of Uncle Lin Dezhi's family. Ju Min can't remember the specific name. During the Chinese New Year, this child took a large group of children to play wildly at home, and Ju Min was quite impressed.

"Ah, I'm fine, you can go to class quickly," Ju Min forced a smile and said.

The boy didn't make a sound, and silently helped Ju Min pack his things, and even pulled out a school uniform jacket from the satchel and stuffed it into Ju Min's hands, asking Ju Min to use his jacket to tie his hands to stop the bleeding.

Ju Min really didn't expect this child to do this, and was very moved.

The dining car was almost cleaned up, and Ju Min returned the unsoiled clothes to the boy, urging him to go to class quickly.

The boy didn't listen to her at all, and pushed her dining car away.

Ju Min hurriedly followed, and asked several times where he was going to push the car, before the boy replied, "Look for Fourth Uncle."

To find Lin Dezhi?
With Lin Dezhi's attitude last night, he didn't know how he would react when he saw him in such a mess.

Ju Min wanted to stop the boy, but the boy looked thin and strong, and the small dining car was pushed by him so fast that Ju Min had to trot to catch up with him, and he couldn't stop him.

After arriving downstairs in the factory, the boy raised his neck and shouted upstairs: "Fourth Uncle, my Fourth Aunt has been bullied."

With just this sentence, several heads appeared from the window of the factory building, among them was that of Lin Dezhi.

It's only past six o'clock, not all the workers from the family have come yet, and the women with children from the family have not come, but several men from the Lin family have come.

"What's going on?" Lin Dezhi asked upstairs with a cigarette in his mouth.

Before Ju Min could speak, the boy told Lin Dezhi what he saw.

He didn't watch Ju Min arguing with those people, he only saw Ju Min being pushed and bullied by those people unilaterally, but it didn't matter, anyway, the final result was that Ju Min was kicked out and injured.

"Wait", Lin Dezhi's second brother frowned and left this sentence before calling someone.

Lin Dezhi hurried downstairs, looked at Ju Min's hand without saying a word, it looked scary but the injury was not serious, and then said: "Go back later and take care of it yourself."

Ju Min felt that the matter was going to be a big mess, so he hurriedly grabbed Lin Dezhi who was about to turn around and asked, "What is the second brother going to do?"

"The Lin family cannot watch their own family being bullied," said Lin Dezhi.

My family members should not be bullied, and if they are bullied, they must be bullied back.

Even Ju Min couldn't stop a middle school student, and she couldn't stop a large group of old men from the Lin family.

Lin Dezhi's second brother called over a dozen strong young men, all of whom came on motorcycles, and then a group of them set off in full outfit, with an astonishing momentum.

Ju Min is really afraid that something will happen and she will follow her life and death.

When they arrived, the school had already rang the bell for morning self-study, and there were no students and teachers outside the school. A few stalls were also preparing to close their stalls, but most of the stalls were still in good condition. It seemed that there was still business to do at noon. .

The Lin family came over and directly asked who was good at speaking here. The boss who had just talked to Ju Min and asked her to leave stood up. Seeing this group of people and Ju Min who was caught between them, there was nothing else that he couldn't figure out.

 I ate melons until four in the morning last night. I got up too late and caused the first update to be delayed until now. Sorry.However, there will definitely be a second and third watch, but the exact time is uncertain.

(End of this chapter)

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