Chapter 226
It is a big deal to re-set the kang, Ju Wenqi couldn't make up his mind, so he decided to hold a family meeting.

It is still a vote to decide whether or not to sell the big kang, and when to buy the big kang.In the past, all five members of the family except grandma had the right to vote. This year is a little different. Yin Kaixuan, who has become Ju Jing's object, also wants a vote.

Do you want to vote for him?

The five members of the Ju family came to vote first, and everyone except Ju Jing voted for Yin Kaixuan, so he successfully had a place in the family voting meeting.

Qiao Jue kept watching from the sidelines, wanting to bump into the wall enviously, wanting to scratch his feet, thinking like Yin Kaixuan brazenly asking for a ticket, but after thinking about it, he had no reason to ask for a ticket, Yin Kaixuan is also Ju Jing's target anyway, he What is it?He is nothing!
The whole meeting went very smoothly. Ju Wenqi threw out the topics for discussion and voted without talking nonsense.

After two rounds of voting, the final result was reached—Pan Kang, now!

Their idea is that the weather is hot now, and everyone can go to a hotel to live in the Kangkang again, and it doesn't matter whether it is cold or hot.But if you wait until the family is almost gone, then the kang will be cold before you can live in it, and staying in a hotel will be a bit unbearable.

Especially grandma and Ju Wenqi's couple, who are not in good health, can't stand the tide or the cold, let alone let them suffer that crime.

On the day of voting, Ju Wenqi instructed the children in the family to prepare various materials. Zhang Yongmei took the crazy grandmother to stay in the restaurant, and Ju Wenqi was at home alone wielding a pickaxe to plan the kang.

Panning the heated kang is also a technical job. If it is not good enough to hold the smoke, it will heat up quickly and dissipate heat slowly.A poorly prepared Kang will also bring a series of impacts, such as smothering the walls of the house due to smoke, and the newly painted walls will turn yellow and black in less than half a year, which is unsightly.

Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei are the ones who built a house with their hands, and the craftsmanship of the kang must be the same.

After all the materials were prepared, Ju Wenqi led Qiao Jue and Yin Kaixuan to officially start the construction.

Slow work and meticulous work, plus Yin Kaixuan, a curious baby, who has to ask everything clearly, the big kang pan is very slow, and it took two and a half days to get it right.

There is no place to live at home at night, so the whole family will go to a hotel.

Those who cannot climb high can sleep on a bed made of stools, and those who can climb high and sleep honestly can sleep on a table. The mattress is thicker and it is not too uncomfortable to sleep.

In the first few days, everyone felt that it was quite fresh and didn't feel much, but on the third day, things were a little different.

The sky turned cloudy, and it began to rain in the afternoon. Check the weather forecast, it may rain in the next week!

Although it's summer, it's raining and the house is also damp and cold.There is a kang to burn. A kang can dispel the moisture in the house. There is no kang in the hotel.

Ju Wenqi temporarily set up the restaurant's stove, which was only set up in winter, and heated it up.

When you are not sleeping, you can burn the stove to drive away the tide and cold, but you can’t burn it when you are sleeping. Everyone is afraid that something will happen if the stove smokes and chokes people.

If you don't burn the stove, it will be a difficult night. The bed is so wet that you can't keep warm even if you lie in it for a long time.Ju Ling woke up from the cold in the middle of the night, shivering under the blanket, unable to fall asleep no matter what.

Zhang Yongmei woke up early the next morning and said that her knee joint hurt and she couldn't even squat down.

I can't endure it like this, won't my body be ruined by it?

Ju Min decided to go to the town to see if there was anyone selling electric mattresses in the town.When she was in the south, she couldn't bear the damp and cold there, and she had to bring an electric mattress everywhere she went, but she didn't bring it home, and now the family needed it very much.

Ju Jing and Ju Ling both wanted to accompany her, but she refused to let them live and let them stay at home to help their parents with work.Ju Wenqi's leg didn't work when it rained or got damp, neither of them could do much work, but Ju Jing and Ju Ling could relax a bit at home.

Although Ju Min has been to places as far away as the Great South, she really doesn't know the town at home at all, and she doesn't know where to go after getting off the car, so she can only ask people a little bit.

I struggled to find the market, wandered bit by bit, and searched one by one, but I couldn't find it even when my legs were thin.

Electric mattresses are really not popular here. There are large kangs in the countryside and heating in the city, so there is no use for electric mattresses. In addition to this summer, there are no shops selling them.

Just when Ju Min was about to give up, she met Peng Yan.

Peng Laosan had a cold and a fever, so he was not willing to go to the hospital to prescribe some medicine or get an injection. Peng Yan didn't recruit him to buy medicine for him, and he didn't expect to meet Ju Min on the road.

After the two greeted each other, Peng Yan asked Ju Min what he was doing in town.

Ju Min wondered why Peng Yan was a local, and he was more familiar with this place than she was. If there was a seller of electric mattresses, he would know, so he told him all about the situation.

Peng Yan thought about it for a long time, and regretfully said to Ju Min: "I really haven't seen anyone selling this thing in the town."

Seeing that Ju Min was very disappointed, Peng Yan said again: "But I have one there. I bought it when I went to the south and was not used to the damp and cold there. I brought it back with me when I got home. It has never been used on the top of the cabinet. You want it?" If you don’t dislike it, take it as an emergency.”

At a time like this, why don't you dislike it? It's good to have some uses.

Ju Min hurriedly thanked him, and even wanted to give money, Peng Yan definitely couldn't ask for it.

Ju Min first went to buy medicine for Uncle Peng, and then went home with him to get the electric mattress.

He only planned to wait downstairs and ask Peng Yan to take down the electric mattress for her, but Peng Yan felt that it was not good to let her stay alone, so he warmly invited her to sit on it for a while, but Ju Min had no choice but to follow. building.

Peng Yan and Uncle Peng lived on the second floor, and there were a lot of things piled up in a mess in the corridor. Peng Yan explained that these were all Uncle Peng picked up when he went out, and he saved them and sent them to the waste recycling station to earn some pocket money.

The situation in the house is not bad, not as messy as imagined, but the dining table has not been cleared, and there are leftover steamed buns and porridge from the morning on it.

Peng Yan was a little embarrassed, invited Ju Min to sit in the living room, poured her another cup of tea, and then went into the bedroom to find the electric mattress.

Sitting there bored, Ju Min looked around and found that Peng Yan is actually a person who enjoys life quite well.

There are many small objects on the shelf against the wall, all of which are small handicrafts that he made from traveling all over the world. There is also a vase with flowers in it in a small space.Although it is not a real flower, it can also be seen that it is a new fake flower.

When drinking tea, Ju Min noticed that the teacups were also very particular, and they were definitely carefully selected.

Ju Min was filled with emotion, seeing her life, compared with Peng Yan, she was rough like a man.

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(End of this chapter)

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