Chapter 227

The delicate Peng Yan came out with the electric mattress, and specially plugged it in in the living room for Ju Min to try to see if it worked.

What surprised Ju Min was that it was a big electric mattress, the kind used for a double bed, and it could be used by grandma and parents when they went back to spread it on it.

After a while the electric mattress would heat up, Ju Min was in charge of refolding the electric mattress, and Peng Yan went to find a bag to pack it.

After finishing the matter, Ju Min did not stay long, bid farewell to Peng Yan and left.

Peng Yan carried the electric mattress for her and sent it downstairs for her, and then asked her if she had anything else to buy, which meant that if there was anything to buy, he would go shopping with her.

Ju Min really didn't have anything to buy. To be honest, Peng Yante simply sent her to the passenger station, and he didn't leave until she was sitting in the seat.

Before leaving, Peng Yan smiled and said to Ju Min: "Sister Min, I rented a booth in the closed market in Yunhe to sell shoes. Don't you also want to go to Yunhe? If you have anything to do, go to the closed market to find me."

Everyone knows each other, and it’s good to be able to take care of each other in one place. Ju Min smiled and waved to Peng Yan and said, "keep in touch".

The electric mattress was used that night.

Use stools to make a big bed, lay a layer of quilts, put an electric quilt on top, and put another quilt on top of the electric quilt, and warm it up for more than ten minutes before entering the bed, so that it is very warm.

Both Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei were afraid that grandma would fall while sleeping, so they sandwiched grandma between them while sleeping.

They have electric mattresses to keep them warm, while others still have to sleep in wet quilts.

The three sisters put the table together, and the three squeezed into a quilt and covered two quilts to keep warm.Ju Ling slept in the middle, well protected by her two older sisters.

After all the Ju family settled down, Qiao Jue and Yin Kaixuan looked at each other, then turned away quickly.

They are all crowded together, and they also want to be crowded with someone beside them, which is not appropriate.Are they getting along?That's even more inappropriate. A quick look away shows that they both dislike each other.

Finally, the continuous drizzle was over, the sun came out, and the bedding was taken out to dry, and it was much more comfortable to sleep at night.

School is about to start, and the days at home during the summer vacation are less and less, so Ju Ling and Ju Min are going to visit their grandparents in San Fatzitun.

The two of them were going, and so were the others. A few young people bought a lot of food and drink to visit the two old people, and they stayed in San Fatty Village for a whole day before returning.

Grandma and grandpa also knew that Ju Min was divorced, and both of them were very worried about her.

However, their attitudes are somewhat different from those of Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei. Ju Wenqi and his wife can do whatever they want as long as the girl is good, even if they get divorced, but grandma and grandpa’s point of view is that they can live well only if they don’t divorce, no matter why divorce is not a right choice , and even persuaded Ju Min to go back to Lin Dezhi to remarry and continue living together.

Even if they have different ideas, it doesn't mean that the two old people treat Ju Min badly.

After caring about Ju Min and then caring about Ju Jing, the old man was very happy knowing that Yin Kaixuan was Ju Jing's partner, and he kept picking up food for Yin Kaixuan during the meal, Qiao Jue was so envious and jealous.

After eating and chatting, grandma and grandpa began to urge the marriage, asking Ju Jing when she planned to get married.

Ju Jing didn't expect that she would have to answer such a serious question when she first met her, so she quickly waved her hands to express that she was still young and not in a hurry to get married.

However, this reason does not hold true here at grandma and grandpa.

"When I was your age, I had your uncle, not too young," said grandma with a smile.

The uncle mentioned by grandma was her first child, who died before his first birthday.Later, grandma gave birth to several children, both male and female, but they were not raised.Zhang Yongmei is the fourth child in the family, but she is the oldest among all the grown-up brothers and sisters.

The three sisters didn't want to make their grandma feel uncomfortable, so they quickly changed the subject and started talking about Ju Ling's studies.

I heard that my granddaughter was admitted to high school, and my grandma followed me happily for a long time.In fact, she doesn't know anything about junior high school and high school. Anyway, if others say it's good, then it must be good. Anyway, going out to study is better than studying at home. Anyway, it's good for her little granddaughter to study!
After boasting, Ju Ling took out 300 yuan from his pocket and stuffed it into Ju Ling's hand.

I used to give [-], but this time I gave [-]. There is still a difference between middle school and high school.

After the Chinese New Year, Ju Ling actually didn't want to take it anymore, but her grandma insisted that she would not let her go unless Ju Ling took it, so Ju Ling had no choice but to accept the 300 yuan.

It was already dark when I came back from San Fatty Village. A few people went home first, thinking about helping to burn the kang and tidy up, and then going to sleep later when the restaurant was about to close. I didn’t expect to hear it before entering the house. People said that there was a fight in the restaurant, so they had to rush to the restaurant.

Just two boys and sons in the village, when they were playing in a restaurant, they had a quarrel with each other.

There were quite a few people in the restaurant, and they all put aside to watch the fun.

When they came over, the two people who were fighting had been pulled away, several tables and chairs had fallen down, and the ground was in a mess.

The lads are all face-saving, no one wants to lose, and they scold each other when they are pulled out of the fight, and the scolding is quite ugly.

Ju Wenqi tried to persuade them but couldn't get in the way. Qiao Jue and Yin Kaixuan didn't talk nonsense when they came in, they just pushed them out, and when they left the hotel, they beat and scolded as much as they liked, no one wanted to care .

It's meaningless to make such a fuss about the restaurant being open. Ju Wenqi simply told everyone to close the door early, and the people in the village could understand it, and they went back to their homes and left early.

It is rare that the family can sit together and chat so early, Zhang Yongmei began to care about the needs of her children.

The eldest girl and the little girl are going to Yunhe, although the distance is not very far, but it is troublesome to come back. They have to take everything they need to bring when they come back after a few months. It is easy to talk about clothes, and she has to come for rice, flour, oil, etc. worry.

Bring a barrel of oil, the soybean oil extracted from the soybeans bought from the village, safe, hygienic and healthy, and [-] catties of rice, which is also bought from the village, which is cheaper than buying outside.

She will leave only the day after tomorrow, Zhang Yongmei wished she could pack everything up now.

Ju Ling was very helpless, squatting beside Zhang Yongmei and said, "Mom, I don't need you to clean up, I can clean up by myself."

Ju Jing also said on the side: "The little one has been outside for three years, and he knows what to bring and what not to bring, so don't worry about it, mom."

"How about staying for three years, which time will I not pack things. Don't just sit aside and watch the fun, isn't Kaixuan leaving too? You pack him up," Zhang Yongmei said to Ju Jing.

Ju Jingle was not willing to clean up and said otherwise, even if she was willing, Yin Kaixuan dared not let her clean up, so she hurriedly said: "No, no, I will do it myself."

It was only when Yin Kaixuan was packing his things that he really realized that he was leaving here, and he didn't know when he would come next time.

In other words, I don't know when I will see my girlfriend next time. I feel so uncomfortable that I didn't sleep well at night.

The next morning, after dinner, he took Ju Jing out of the house, saying that he would accompany Ju Jing to the hillside to have a look before leaving.

The honest Ju family didn't think much about it, only Qiao Jue looked at Yin Kaixuan's eager back and snorted coldly, leaned into Ju Ling's ear and whispered: "I took your second sister to the barren mountains and fields early in the morning, guess what?" What does Yin Kaixuan want to do?"

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(End of this chapter)

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