Chapter 246
Ju Ling used the physical education class to hold a meeting with a few classmates in the class who wanted to study hard but were tortured by the status quo of the class.

Everyone brainstorms the best strategies to change the status quo.

One classmate proposed to tell the parents, let the parents come forward to communicate with the school, and finally leave the pressure to the school.

This is a good way, but Ju Ling felt that he would not take this step unless he had to.

The main reason is that it is not easy for the parents. If they can solve it by themselves, they can find a way to solve it by themselves. If they can't solve it, it is not too late to tell the parents.

So if the parents are not allowed to intervene, what should they do?

A girl who has a good relationship with Ju Ling said: "Ju Ling, didn't you go to the Education Committee to report the situation before, and the school resolved your matter quickly in the end. You said that if you look for it again this time, the school will Will you also pay special attention to it?"

This kind of thing happens once, it can't happen every time.Leapfrog reporting is actually a waste of resources and should not be advocated.

"Well, let's go to the school year director to talk about the situation and express our attitude. If the school year director doesn't solve it for us, we can think of other solutions," Ju Ling suggested.

He was quite talkative during the discussion, but when he heard that he was going to find the school year director, he froze.

Ju Ling was disappointed to see them slumped.

She knew they thought so.I want to solve this matter, but I don't want to get ahead by myself, because I am afraid that Teacher Wang will settle accounts with them afterwards.

But they don't come out, and Ju Ling can't do it alone. The director of the school year has to see that there are many students who have opinions, and she is not the only one.

After thinking about it, Ju Ling thought of another way.

She wrote a situation report, signed her name in the first place below, and asked several other students to sign as well. They didn't need to go to the school year director later, she just took this paper.

She also said to these students: "My name tag is the first. If anything happens in the future, you can say that I asked you to do this, and put the responsibility on me. This is the head office."

She said that, and the others really couldn't find a reason not to respond.

After they signed their names, Ju Ling asked the other students one by one to inquire about their attitudes. If they wanted to change the status quo, they would also ask them to sign their names. If they felt that the current class was pretty good, she would not mention it at all. Son.

In less than a day, she collected more than 30 signatures from the class!
Take this piece of paper to the director of the school year, and report the situation to the director of the school year, hoping that the director of the school year will pay attention to it.

The matter last time was at the bottom, and the school year director was a little afraid of her in private, fearing that she would rush up the matter without discussing it with the school, making everyone look bad.

The director of the school year Dang even said that he would take this matter seriously and give all the students a satisfactory answer, and at the same time asked Ju Ling to go back and wait patiently without worrying.

Ju Ling was not sent away, but asked further: "How long will we have to wait? There are still more than two years before the college entrance examination. If you make us wait for half a year, we really can't wait."

"Just a few days, let's have a meeting to discuss later, and I can't just do what I say," the school year director replied.


Ju Ling went back and waited until the next morning for self-study, so the school year director came.

He stood on the podium and held a 10-minute class meeting for Class [-] students, so that all students should study hard and observe discipline. If someone disrupts classroom discipline, they will be warned once and expelled twice.

Does this trick work?
It turned out to be useless.

The first section is a foreign language class.The foreign language teacher is a young female teacher in her 20s. She is actually pretty good, but she has never been able to use her skills in Class [-]. She is afraid that the students she wants to listen to in class will not be able to hear clearly, so she always brings a loudspeaker. Row.

Today's foreign language class is slightly better than usual, and only slightly better.The few bastard students sitting in the back were still talking and joking, and the words of the school year director had no effect on them.

By the second class, even that little bit was gone, and it was exactly the same as before, and the normal class was like a free activity class.

The head of the school year came to check on the situation, just in time to see that the whole fifth class was in a mess, and his face was purple with anger.

The current Class Five is no longer a matter of the head teacher's supervision, and it is not easy for the head teacher to manage it.A bastard who is half of the class, and a leader who will blow up the whole class, can't be suppressed at all.

The director of the school year reported the situation to the school, but the school is more courageous and directly wants to cut classes!

The so-called class cut means that the fifth class will be dismantled, with two or three students in each class, and there will be no fifth class in the first year of senior high school.

Before the midterm exam, the matter of cutting classes was finalized.Ju Ling and two male students were assigned to Class [-].

The head teacher of class [-] is a female math teacher, surnamed Zhao, tall and thin, with her hair neatly tied behind her head, she looks strict and not easy to mess with.

Teacher Zhao is very good at managing the class. As early as in the military training, she picked up a few students who love to play and make trouble, and let them be the class cadres.Those who are not disciplined can manage discipline, those who are hyperactive can be labor committee members, and those who don’t like to go to class and always go out can be sports committee members.Each group has a team leader, and whoever does not listen to the class and makes trouble will write down the name and hand it to the head teacher, and the head teacher will clean up one by one.

Not only that, Teacher Zhao also loves to stay in the class.

There is an exclusive seat for her at the end of the class. Usually, when she is not in class, she likes to sit in the back correcting homework or preparing lessons. No student in the class is brave enough to disturb the class records in front of her.

Ju Ling and the two male students were arranged by Teacher Zhao to sit at the back of the class. He was afraid that they would have some thoughts in their hearts, so he explained: "The midterm exam is coming soon. After the midterm exam, the seats will be arranged according to the results. Then I will give you a seat." Arrange, let's put it aside for a few days now."

In fact, Ju Ling doesn't care where she sits, as long as the class has a learning atmosphere.

She is 99% satisfied with Class [-]. If she had to pick one dissatisfaction, it would be that the back door of Class [-] was facing the front door of Class [-]. Every time during class, Ju Ling only had to look outside the door. You can see Zhang Yang standing at the door of class [-] and looking at her.

He let him watch, Ju Ling only learned from himself.

The midterm exam is very important, and she especially wants to know where she can rank in the school year now.According to the analysis of No. [-] Middle School's enrollment situation in the past years, if you don't get into the top [-] of your grade, you don't even think about that book; if you don't get into the top [-] of your grade, you don't even think about the two best universities in the country.

Ju Ling didn't expect to be in the top three in the exam, but only hoped to be in the top fifty.

There are many subjects, and the midterm exam took two full days.

After a weekend, the grades will be released, and the school year rankings will be posted on the bulletin board of the first grade for everyone to see.

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(End of this chapter)

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