Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 247 What a coincidence

Chapter 247 What a coincidence
Ju Ling finished her dinner in the cafeteria and rushed back to class to check her grades on the bulletin board before self-study in the evening.

There are many people around the big list, besides looking at their own results, they are also looking for familiar names on it.

As soon as Ju Ling approached a junior high school classmate, she called her by name, pointed to the first page of the big list and said excitedly: "Ju Ling, you passed the 49th grade in the exam, you are amazing!"

She is a first-year student in Quanyunhe City in the mid-term exam, excluding a small number of student flows, her mid-term exam grade of 49 is not bad.

Returning to the class contentedly, Teacher Zhao came over and began to re-allocate the seats according to the grades.

It's not that No.1 sits in the first row and the first position in the class, but that the best second and third row positions in the class can be chosen at will.

Only the top 16 in the class have the opportunity to choose their own seats. The No. [-] seat is the one left after the top [-] is selected, and it is also among the good seats in the second and third rows.

The rest of the students who do not have the right to choose their own seats can only wait for the head teacher to arrange their seats. Usually they are arranged according to their height and eyesight, and they will be adjusted horizontally every week to save them from squinting.

Ju Ling ranked fourth in the class and chose a position in the third row near the inner wall.In the eyes of others, this is the worst seat in the second and third rows, and they don't understand why Ju Ling chose this seat.

In fact, the reason is very simple. You can't see out of the window here, and there are no people in the front, back, left, and right. There is no temptation and it is a little quieter.

After the top 16 were selected, there was no one around her, and No. [-] could only sit here.

No. 16 is a slightly fat girl, wearing a pair of glasses, dressed very simply, with a ponytail and no bangs, she looks very simple and clean.

The two at the same table did not speak the first sentence until the end of the first evening self-study get out of class.

Ju Ling introduced herself to her tablemate, and the little girl at the same table also introduced herself shyly.

The little girl's name is Luo Yuanyuan, she is the same age as Ju Ling, and she was admitted to the middle school in the township below.

Ju Ling always felt that this name was very familiar, as if he had heard it before.Looking carefully at Luo Yuanyuan's appearance, he also feels familiar.

During the evening self-study of the second quarter, Ju Ling kept wondering whether she knew Luo Yuanyuan or not. She didn't realize until the end of school that Luo Lili's younger sister was called Luo Yuanyuan!
Is there really such a coincidence?
After ringing the school bell, Ju Ling asked Luo Yuanyuan if she had an older sister.

Luo Yuanyuan's movements stopped, her face was very ugly, and she didn't look right at Ju Ling.

She might have misunderstood something, and Ju Ling quickly explained: "I was in junior high school in No. [-] Middle School. At that time, I ran on the playground and met a senior high school student named Luo Lili. We had a special talk. Unfortunately, I think you two are a little bit I just asked, don't get me wrong."

It turned out that it wasn't because of gossip, Luo Yuanyuan relaxed, and said with red eyes: "She is my sister, and all the students who come to school from our place know about it, I think you heard it from those people Woolen cloth."

Ju Ling smiled at her, and didn't continue to talk about Luo Lili, but said: "In the future, we will study hard together, and discuss together the problems that we can't solve in the lessons we don't understand."

When it comes to study, Luo Yuanyuan said modestly: "I can't do it, I can't study as well as you, and you have to teach me more in the future."

When she said this, Ju Ling really thought she was being modest, but later found out that she was not, this girl really didn't have any talent in studies, and she belonged to the kind of students who only rely on hard work to get ahead.

Luo Yuanyuan really listened carefully in class, and took notes very well, but her thinking was not divergent enough, and she was not flexible enough. She would not do the same type of questions with a slight change, and she could only do the same type of questions.

Ju Ling is not a very smart student, but compared with Luo Yuanyuan, she still has an advantage in studies.

Luo Yuanyuan was able to be admitted to high school and ranked No. 16 in the midterm exam class, it really all depended on her hard work.

She lives in the school dormitory, gets up on time at 05:30 in the morning, goes to the bathroom to memorize texts or words for half an hour, washes up at [-]:[-], then goes to the cafeteria to eat, and comes to class for self-study after eating, until the second get out of class in the morning. Just sitting on the chair and absolutely not mobilizing, I was immersed in reading and studying between classes.

After the second get out of class, it was time for inter-class exercises. If there was no inter-class exercises, she would not leave the chair.

After school at noon, I went to the cafeteria to eat. After eating, I went back to class to study. I squatted on the table for 10 minutes before ringing the preparatory bell for the first class in the afternoon. I sat in my seat until school was over in the afternoon.

Then I went to the cafeteria to have dinner, went back to class for self-study after eating, and went back to the dormitory to wash and study by self-study the next night. After turning off the lights, I had to lie on the bed and study with a flashlight for an hour before falling asleep.

Ju Ling looked at her as if she were a fairy. She never went to the bathroom between classes, and only went to the cafeteria to go to the bathroom after eating. Most people don't have the perseverance.

Influenced by Luo Yuanyuan, Ju Ling's 10 minutes between classes was also used.

Luo Yuanyuan calculated an account for her, one class break is 10 minutes, even if not every break is used, most of the breaks can be used for about an hour, one more day than others Hours, accumulated over a long period of time, when waiting for the college entrance examination, you will have to study for a long time longer than others.

Ju Ling felt that the calculation was very correct, and she wanted to follow Luo Yuanyuan's example.

Entering November in a tense learning atmosphere, Yunhe also ushered in the first heavy snow since the beginning of winter.

The naive students think of snowball fights and snowmen when they see snow, and students like Ju Ling who have been in No. [-] Middle School for several years get headaches when they see snow.

Because sweeping snow is the job of students!

The snow is so thick that it cannot be cleared within two or three hours.Teacher Zhao asked all the students to wear more clothes, hats and gloves, and don't take off their hats and clothes outside when they sweat.

Ju Lingte was obedient, wearing a down jacket on top of a woolen hat, and leather gloves with fur inside. The work was a bit cumbersome but really warm.

The ratio of male to female in Class [-] was quite balanced. The boys wanted to help the girls but they were powerless, and all the girls were shoveling snow with shovels.

The area in charge of the [-]th class is not far from the [-]th class. Their class has more men than women, and the work is done quickly.After normal work, you should go back to your class and wait for class, but there are a few students who don't listen to the teacher and go to do something else.

Zhang Yang was one of those students.

He sneaked up to Class [-], got close to Ju Ling and grabbed the shovel from her hand, wanting to work for her.

He was almost punished by the school because of him before, but Ju Ling didn't dare to have anything to do with this man, so he hurried to grab the shovel back.

"I'll help you, go and rest," Zhang Yang said with a smile avoiding her hand.

Ju Ling couldn't laugh, and said in a low voice, "Don't be like this, I don't know you and I don't need your help."

"I'll help you this time, don't we know each other, let go, I'll help you," Zhang Yang said without giving up.

This person can really understand people's words, so why can't he handle people's affairs.Childish, impulsive, just wanting to show that he doesn't care about the consequences, Ju Ling doesn't like him at all.

Ju Ling was a little impatient, and was about to say something sharply, when she suddenly heard a familiar voice call out: "Little one."

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(End of this chapter)

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