Chapter 250
The reason why Qiao Jue likes Ju Ling and admires the sisters of the Ju family is not because of their resolute character and unyielding character.

While admiring her character, he wanted to transform her into a look of being attached to him. From the beginning to the end, the only person who was contradictory was himself.

To like her is not to keep her in front of your eyes and let your own preferences control her, but to respect her habits, support her choices, and be her confidant and lover who accompany her in life and can share her joys and sorrows.

After thinking about this, Qiao Jue finally relaxed, and fell asleep only in the early hours of the morning.

Qiao Jue accompanied Ju Ling to school early the next morning.

On the way, Ju Ling didn't say a word, just walked with her head depressed.

Qiao Jue didn't say anything, and followed her, watching her carrying a washed and half-worn schoolbag as she walked forward like a stubborn donkey.The little girl is not big and has a good temper. She keeps her back straight when she walks, and every step she takes is sonorous and powerful.

Looking at it, Qiao Jue laughed.

After arriving at the cafeteria of No. [-] Middle School, Ju Ling ordered two breakfasts, one for her and one for Qiao Jue.

During the meal, Qiao Jue said to Ju Ling: "Little boy, I'm sorry, I sincerely apologize for what I said to you yesterday. So selfish. Sorry."

Ju Ling looked up at him in surprise, she really didn't expect him to apologize.

Qiao Jue chuckled and continued, "Little boy, I've thought about it all night, and I probably understand what you're thinking. Don't worry, I will never interfere with your decision in the future, as long as it is a choice you make after careful consideration. And decision, I will definitely support you. You have been very sensible and assertive since you were young, so I should trust you."

Hearing this, Ju Ling also laughed in relief.

"Brother Xiaojue, your attitude has changed too quickly, I thought I would have a cold war with you for a few days," Ju Ling said with a smile.

Qiao Jue sighed, seeing Ju Ling eating porridge and eating steamed stuffed buns in front of him, he couldn't help but ask, "Little one, do you know why I said those things before?"

If Ju Ling knew the answer, he would definitely be able to guess his mind.He hoped that she would guess, but he was a little afraid that she would.

Unfortunately, he overestimated Ju Ling's comprehension in this area.

Ju Ling raised his eyes to look at him, shook his head in confusion, and asked, "Why?"

"Guess", Qiao Jue still didn't give up.

"It must be because you care about me." Ju Lingru guessed as he wished: "We grew up together, and you are like my brother. You must really hope that I will be safe and sound in the future. You I know that you care about me, but the way of caring is not right, you can learn more from my elder sister and second sister, and constantly improve yourself."

Qiao Jue: .
That's why he asked to dig a hole for himself to jump in, and he had to listen to the answers to the questions he asked with tears in his eyes.

My heart is so stuffy that I can't even eat breakfast.

Ju Ling finished his meal first, and then went to his morning self-study. Qiao Jue sat alone in the cafeteria staring at the porridge and buns in a daze.

After a while, Ju Min came over after tidying up at home, and when he saw him, he came and sat with him for a while.

"You don't eat breakfast?" Qiao Jue asked her.

Ju Min pointed to the upstairs and said: "I eat breakfast in the No. [-] canteen, and people I know don't need to pay for it. The steamed buns in the No. [-] canteen are quite delicious, why don't you eat it? If you are used to foreign bread, you can eat it." Are you not used to our buns?"

Knowing that Ju Min teased him on purpose, he was not angry, and just sighed: "You three sisters are more mouthy than the other, I can't tell anyone, please let me go, big sister."

"Don't tell me," Ju Min waved his hand to distance himself from him: "You are older than me by month, so I can't afford to be your big sister."

After a pause, Ju Min smiled again and said, "Actually, you really want to call me big sister like a little girl in front of outsiders, don't you? Don't explain, I know what you think. You just pretended to be the same as me last night. Are you tossing and turning all alone and unable to fall asleep? Jingjing and I texted until three o'clock in the middle of the night, and I've already thought through your little thoughts."

Qiao Jue: .
"Then what do you mean?" Qiao Jue also denied it, and only asked cautiously.

"It doesn't matter what we mean, what matters is what the little one means." Ju Min looked directly at Qiao Jue, and said solemnly and dignifiedly: "We have been friends for so many years, we know what you think about the little one, we can't It's not fair to you because you don't treat her like a younger sister in your heart at all. But let's talk about the ugly words first, the little one is still young, you have a good sense of proportion, and you don't have to say anything quietly if you dare to go overboard. I can chop you up. Also, if Xiaobudian doesn't mean that much to you, don't stalk and make trouble, let's save face for each other, and don't make it into a family if you don't talk about it in the future enemy."

Among the three sisters, Ju Min's character is relatively gentle. It is really not easy for the gentle elder sister to say such eloquent words.

Qiao Jue picked up a bun with chopsticks, took a hard bite, chewed and swallowed it before saying: "Don't worry, our original intention is for the little one, and this will never change. Before her college entrance examination, I will definitely not show my heart to her, and I will not disrupt her study plan. Originally, I planned to spend a weekend here before returning to Kyoto, but now it seems that it is not appropriate for me to stay, I still. "

"I don't mean to drive you away." Ju Min immediately interrupted him and said, "You don't have to be like this. We can get along as we used to get along in the future. If you suddenly change too much, my little sister will definitely notice it. She If you are so smart, you can definitely guess one or two."

Qiao Jue agreed, but didn't mention about leaving.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, so Qiao Jue received a call from the professor of the laboratory that day, asking him to return to school as soon as possible. The laboratory had a new research project and hoped he could participate in it.

This is a good thing. It shows that the professor trusts him, and it also shows that the laboratory recognizes his ability.

He only had time to send a hasty message to Ju Ling, then packed up all his things and left Yunhe, took a car to the provincial capital and then flew back to Kyoto.

Ju Ling saw the message during the class break before evening self-study. It has been more than three hours since Qiao Jue sent the message, and he will arrive in the provincial capital in a few hours.

Ju Ling sat in her seat in a daze for a while, her heart suddenly became empty, and she didn't know why she felt this way.

She didn't think too much, she spread out the exercise book and started to do the questions after she was dazed.The most important thing is to take the university entrance examination. Everything else is just floating clouds, and it is useless to think too much.

Comrade Qiao Fuyun sneezed several times on the train, and his pretty face wrinkled into pickle bumps.He is not an old cow, and he doesn't know when he will be able to eat young grass.

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(End of this chapter)

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