Chapter 251
Xiaofuqiang Village is very lively today, and Liu Magan'er's brother-in-law is getting married.

Liu Magan'er has always been a very low-key person in Xiaofuqiangtun. He lives in a small corner at the back of the village, and usually doesn't have much social activities, just working hard.

When he was twenty years old, he married a girl from Zhao Laogen'er's family in the same village, and gave birth to two children, a son and a daughter. The daughter-in-law died of illness before the children were old enough to go to school.

For so many years, thanks to his brother-in-law who helped him take care of the two children and helped him do the work, he was able to raise the two children alive.

But also because the brother-in-law took too much care of their family, they were all in their 30s and almost [-]s and hadn't started a family yet.

This has always been Liu Magan'er's heart disease, and when he got better, he began to ask someone to introduce suitable girls to his brother-in-law.

My brother-in-law is so old, people in the village say that don't expect to marry a girl, but marry a widow or get divorced.

Unexpectedly, my brother-in-law really got a big deal. There was an old girl who was almost thirty in the second group of Yangliu Village, Sanqi Township next door, but she couldn't find a suitable family.

When the two met, the brother-in-law saw that the girl was pretty, so he agreed without thinking too much about it. After inquiring later, he realized that it was not that simple.

That girl's brain is not very good, she is not particularly crazy or stupid, but she is so stupid that she is not like a normal person.

Liu Magan'er persuaded his brother-in-law to push the matter away, and the brother-in-law decided to marry that girl after thinking about it all night.

If it's not normal, it's not normal, anyway, it won't delay the birth of a child.

The marriage was properly discussed, and the two families waited until after the fall to get married.

The banquet was naturally held at Ju's restaurant. Liu Magan'er did not want to wrong his brother-in-law, so he specially ordered a high-standard banquet. It took Ju Wenqi and his wife two days to prepare.

Ju Jing also came to the restaurant to help out. Serving food and wine was very busy.

The girl's natal family are all from other villages, and they have almost never been to Xiaofuqiang Village. Ju Jing looked at these people with embarrassment.

But it doesn't matter, as long as you serve people well and make money.

However, this banquet was a bit unusual, mainly because there was someone unusual in the girl's natal family.

The man's name is Cui Ming, and his family raises thousands of rabbits. He is one of the richest people in their township.

Cui Ming is only in his 30s this year. He has a seven-year-old son. His wife died in the first few years to save the child in the river, and she never remarried.

This person has good eyesight, and he fell in love with Ju Jing as soon as he came to the seat. He thought that Ju Jing was good-looking, quick-tempered, quick at work, and able to live a life.

When the banquet was about to end, Cui Ming took the initiative to ask Ju Jing for a phone call, but Ju Jing didn't give it to him.

He still didn't give up, and found someone to be a matchmaker.

Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei were a little dazed after hearing the matchmaker's intentions, so they regained their composure and hurriedly told them that their second girl had a partner, and that the matter would not work out.

The matchmaker was not a vegetarian either. If he had known about Ju Jing and Yin Kaixuan, he would have presented the facts to Ju Wenqi and his wife, saying that the gap between the two was too big to be successful, and that Ju Jing and that Cui Ming were the most suitable ones. Just past this village, there is no such shop.

It doesn't matter whether it will be successful in the future, the two of them are getting along well now, so we can't brag about it just because of Cui Ming.

Ju Wenqi and his wife still didn't let go, and after sending the matchmaker away, they called Ju Jing to the hotel to talk about it.

Ju Jing thought for a long time before she remembered who Cui Ming was, and said with a sneer, "He regards himself as a sweet potato, and if I mention his name, I have to talk to him like a dream. I don't think he is a rabbit breeder." Take a look at him! An old cow who is more than ten years older than me is willing to eat my little grass, and if anyone talks about it, he will be kicked out!"

She didn't take it seriously, and even mentioned it as a joke when she was chatting with Yin Kaixuan on the phone.But Yin Kaixuan didn't find it funny at all, he was still worried.

"Jingjing, I miss you," Yin Kaixuan said stickily.

Ju Jing couldn't stand him like this the most, and said sharply: "Speak well, don't feel like eating a sticky spoon and sticking to your mouth."

"I'm going to your house during the winter vacation," Yin Kaixuan said immediately.

They had agreed before that Yin Kaixuan would go home during the winter vacation and wait for the Chinese New Year, coax his parents well, and save them from scolding him whenever they called him.

But now that he heard that someone missed Ju Jing, he wished he could fly to Xiaofuqiang Village right now, so he wouldn't even think about going home for the New Year.

He thought that Ju Jing would disagree with his coming and would persuade him to get along with his parents, but he didn't expect Ju Jing to just say: "Then come."

"Ah? You won't persuade me to go home?" Yin Kaixuan was a little suspicious of life.

Ju Jing said with a smile: "Your legs are as long as your body. You can go wherever you want. Who can control you. You can come to my house. I just go up the mountain with me to cut trees, so I won't hire people to do the work."

Feelings made him come here not because he missed him or something, but because he wanted him to work for free!
Yin Kaixuan felt that he had not found a partner, but found himself a boss.

After chatting about the arrangements for the winter vacation, Yin Kaixuan was still quite worried and said: "Quiet, the village over there is not peaceful, you have to be careful when you go out, don't always go to places with few people, it's cold weather Just take pictures near my son’s house and don’t run too far.”

In fact, Ju Jing doesn't go out often after the cold weather. The temperature is too low and the camera can't be used without taking a few photos. It's not enough to go for a trip.However, for ten days and a half months, she always has to go out once or twice, and she has to take two pictures if she misses, after all, her diary has to continue to be updated.

"I know, don't worry about it, I'll just take care of you," Ju Jing replied casually.

She seemed not to care, but Ju Jing actually cared about Yin Kaixuan's words, and put a butcher's knife in her pocket when she went out.

The Ju family had several butcher's knives, some long, short, wide, and narrow. Ju Jing picked out a short, narrow butcher's knife with a scabbard, which was extremely sharp.

After a heavy snowfall, there was another light snowfall. There was a layer of clear snow hanging on the trees, and the sun shone very beautifully.Ju Jing wanted to take some pictures of this kind of snow scene on the hillside of her home, and went out after talking to Ju Wenqi and his wife after dinner in the morning.

After leaving the village, go up a steep slope first, and walk along the field road with seven turns and eight windings for more than 20 minutes and half an hour.

In winter, there is nothing on the ground. Many people who raise cattle and sheep scattered in the village will drive their animals to the ground to eat hay or something. They will go home without anyone having to drive the animals to eat at two or three o'clock in the afternoon.

Ju Jing saw herds of cattle and sheep in the snow while walking. She took out her camera and took a few pictures. After taking pictures, she quickly put the camera in her arms and covered it, otherwise the camera would not work well within 5 minutes. .

It took more than 40 minutes to get to the hillside after walking around.

After choosing a good scene, he took out his camera and was about to take a picture when he heard rustling sounds in the woods.

The woods are not dense, and they are covered with white snow. There is something so clear about it.Ju Jing fixed her eyes on this, her heart skipped a beat, and she unconsciously stretched her hand into her pocket to touch the butcher's knife.

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(End of this chapter)

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