Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 252 Defense

Chapter 252 Defense
What came out of the forest was not any raptor or beast, nor was it someone's livestock that strayed into the forest, but a person, a person who had an affair with the Ju family, who was even worse than a pig or a dog—Wu Youhai.

This bastard, who had been humiliated by Ju Min, didn't know how to restrain himself, and didn't know much about the women outside, so he appeared here at this time and appointed him to have no good intentions.

As for why Wu Youhai was waiting here, it's actually very easy to guess.

He might have been following Ju Jing as soon as she came out of the house. He looked at the direction Ju Jing was going and roughly guessed that she might come from the hillside of the house, so he took a detour and came here early to wait.

Ju Jing was also very annoyed. If she had known that Wu Youhai would stare at her on the way here, she would not have wasted time. She went straight to the hillside to take pictures and left, maybe she would not be blocked by Wu Youhai.

But now he doesn't rush to say anything, he just stands in front of his own stature, and he has to match him anyway.

"Why are you here at our house when you have nothing to do?" Ju Jing remained vigilant and took a step back, trying to distance herself from Wu Youhai.

Wu Youhai smiled maliciously with his mouth slanted: "You don't know why I'm here? Come on, don't pretend to be serious, I figured it out, you girls from the Ju family are all virtuous and snobbish! Your sister hates it I have no money. I married someone from the south. How did it turn out? I didn’t come back with a bag of clothes. You are no better than her. You usually pretend to be a person, and you don’t like this one. Yes, isn't it because the benefits are less? If there are more benefits, you dare to date a rich guy and marry a rich farmer at the same time, you are cheaper than your sister."

It turned out that the news that Cui Ming had asked for a matchmaker had already spread in the village, and people outside thought that the Cui family was rich and powerful and agreed to it.

Wu Youhai judged from this that the girls of the Ju family valued money more than people, and probably felt that teaching the girls of the Ju family a lesson was to do justice for the heavens.

It's ridiculous.

At such a tense moment, Ju Jing really burst out laughing.

She said: "You really know how to put gold on your face. Does my eldest sister dislike you for having no money? You don't know what you and your mother did back then? You don't even deserve the word 'human' You also deserve to talk about the truth with me!"

Enraged, Wu Youhai glared at Ju Jing and said fiercely: "I'm not worthy? I don't know how to live or die. I'll let you know whether I'm worthy or not right now."

While speaking, Wu Youhai had already rushed towards Ju Jing.

Ju Jing didn't want to turn around and run, because she couldn't run away from Wu Youhai. This is an objective reality, and there is basically no turning point.

Running and calling for help?

Naturally, this trick won't work. The nearest village here is Xiaofuqiangtun. Who can hear me shouting here?The cattle and sheep in the field will not come to save people if they hear it.

So, you still have to save yourself.

The moment she saw Wu Youhai coming out of the forest, Ju Jing was ready to save herself.What I said to Wu Youhai just now was just to hope that he would relax his vigilance and gain greater confidence for himself.

The girl from the Ju family is not only good at talking, she dares to use her hands with all her might, if she dares to take the initiative to provoke the girl from the Ju family, she is asking for trouble.

Seeing Wu Youhai approaching, Ju Jing quickly took out the butcher's knife from her pocket, quickly pulled out the scabbard, the sharp tip and blade broke through the cold air, and collided with Wu Youhai.

"Ah!" With a scream, Wu Youhai covered his arms and took several steps back, his face wrinkled into a puddle of pussy.

Even though he was wearing thick clothes in winter, the sharp blade still scratched his cotton-padded jacket and scratched his flesh, and blood gushed out from the wound.

Wu Youhai should be thankful, if this was summer, his arm might not be injured in any way.

"You, what's wrong with you? You still carry a knife when you go out, when will you not bring a knife!" Wu Youhai grinned in pain and did not forget to complain.

This time, Wu Youhai retreated and Ju Jing entered.

She took two steps forward to close the distance between the two, and said contemptuously: "This time I took out the pig-killing knife at home. It's really dirty to use it to hurt you. The pig that was killed People are afraid of being poisoned if they eat it. Wu Youhai, repeat but not repeat, today I want you to go back to the village safely and I will write backwards."

"What do you want to do?" Wu Youhai took another step back and asked a little vainly.

Ju Jing didn't care about the camera any more, she threw it on the ground, holding a knife in one hand and reaching for the phone in her pocket with the other, and called the police in front of Wu Youhai.

The signal here is not good, but it's not that there is no signal. Ju Jing held up her mobile phone and dialed the call without any trouble.

Wu Youhai was scared.

Rushing forward to grab the knife and grab the phone?He is afraid of death.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Wu Youhai ran towards the village, and said cowardly as he ran, "You hurt me, and you called the police to arrest you."

He may not know that there is a word called "justifiable self-defense".

After reporting to the police, Ju Jing didn't go anywhere, just squatted on the spot holding the camera and waited for the police to come.

Ju Jing is also very lucky today, her mobile phone can't keep the battery in the cold weather, and her mobile phone is too broken, if she catches up with no signal and tries a few more times, it may automatically shut down.

The police station is not close to here, the road is full of snow and vehicles cannot get up, the police comrades can only drive into Xiaofuqiangtun and then walk over.

Fortunately, Feng Guangquan was among the police officers. He knew the hillside land of the Ju family, which saved him a lot of time in finding someone.

The police came over and saw the girl squatting on the ground trembling. They looked at the bloody knife in front of the girl and a few sporadic drops of blood on the snow, and hurriedly took notes and asked about the situation.

When Ju Jing was brought back to Xiaofuqiang Village, almost some people in the village heard the movement and came out to watch the fun.

Wu Youhai's grandson didn't dare to go home, and he didn't know where he hid.

He can run away as a monk but can't run away from the temple. The more he hides, the more guilty he is. Few people in the village look up to him, and when this happened, they all stood at the Ju's house, Mingli Secretly saying that Wu Youhai is nothing.

Feng Guangquan asked Ju Jing to stay at home and wait for the news. If there is nothing to do, don't run out. They will arrest Wu Youhai first. There must be an explanation for this matter, and he cannot hide it for a few days.

Responding to the phrase "the right is more helpful than the wrong", Wu Youhai, who has been rotten to the bone, thought that he still had a few trustworthy friends, but he didn't want these friends to be reliable. He hid in other people's houses and was sold !
Feng Guangquan and the others took Wu Youhai out of a family in Sanpangzitun, whose wound hadn't been healed, and took him directly to the police station to inquire about the situation.

With all the evidence, Wu Youhai couldn't help but quibble, and in the end he had no choice but to confess honestly.

There is a process to deal with the matter, and it is not possible to have results in three or two days. However, Feng Guangquan also vaccinated the Ju family in advance. Wu Youhai wanted to do something bad, but in the end nothing was done. "Two words, the punishment will not be too severe.

Ju Wenqi patted the table angrily, but what's the use of patting the table, it doesn't matter how things are decided.

Compared with Ju Jing, she was much calmer. She also persuaded Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei: "Parents, don't be angry. Someone will take care of this kind of pig and dog. After this incident, if he dares to come to us I will not sweep his arm next time, but directly stab him in the heart. If he can 'attempt', I can also 'defend'!"

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(End of this chapter)

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