Chapter 253
The ruthless words can scare Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei enough, and tell her not to be impulsive.

Zhang Yongmei also said: "Jing Jing, let's hide from this kind of person in the future, there is no need to confront this kind of person head-on, what should we do if we suffer a disadvantage?"

"The one who did the wrong thing is why he asked me to hide?" Ju Jing was very unconvinced, and said with a straight neck: "There is no such reason! The more you avoid this kind of person, the more powerful you feel, stab him more After a few times, he will naturally know that we are not easy to mess with, and he will not dare to go forward in the future."

"What if you accidentally stabbed yourself and hurt yourself?" Ju Wenqi frowned while smoking a cigarette, "Quiet, we won't suffer if we hide for a while, why bother to fight a bastard."

"Dad, have you forgotten when the uncle's family bullied our family? You want to hide, can you hide? It's the same thing. The more you try to hide from others, the more you feel like a bully. Sweep him with a broom a few times, do you think they dare to come to the door?"

Ju Wenqi wanted to say that it was different, but after thinking about it carefully, it was indeed not the same.

The soft ones are afraid of the hard ones, the hard ones are afraid of the horizontal ones, and the horizontal ones are afraid of the deadly ones.

Whoever can fight it out will have the last laugh.

Cowardly hiding, only to be bullied again and again.

Of course, the premise of all this is that you have the capital to invest abroad.Didn't Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei want to go all out?What do they take?If they need money, they need people to help them. With a word from Ju Wenlin, they can be isolated and helpless in the village. They have no money and no skills, so they can only be bullied by others.

Now that the Ju family has capital, why do they hide?Why do you want to hide? !
"Mom and Dad, let's do whatever we want in the future, live our lives with our backs straight, and don't be polite to anyone who wants to approach us in front of us unwisely." Ju Jing said very stiffly.

Later, I called Ju Min and Ju Ling to talk about this matter. They also had the same attitude as Ju Jing, and they were determined not to rely on the word "hide" to solve the problem.

Ju Min also sighed and said: "There are many things in the village, and you always like to run out. If you really want to do something on the hillside in the future, don't you have to build a small house over there to watch the ground? Just you You can’t do it alone, you have to find someone you trust to help you.”

Ju Min's worries are not unreasonable, and Ju Jing is also worried about this matter.

If she wants to plant fruit trees on the hillside, and also wants to farm in the mountains, she must build a house on the edge of the land to save people from destroying the trees and stealing fruits at night.

To be honest, she is really not suitable for living in the field as a girl, and the family members are worried that if they don't say it, she really can't handle it by herself.

Looking for someone you can trust?It's so easy to find.

"Hey, let's take it one step at a time, let's talk about it later." Ju Jing said helplessly: "It's too difficult to make something famous at home, not because I don't have the strength, but because there are too many people who are stumbling in the dark. "

"Then, Second Sister, are you retreating?" Ju Ling asked tentatively.

"Retire!" Ju Jing snorted, "Your second sister doesn't have the word 'retire' in her dictionary! I said I would go home and start a big business, so I didn't plan to go any other way. Just look at it. "

He spoke quite confidently, it seemed that it was not just talking, Ju Min and Ju Ling felt relieved.

But one size counts for one size, and you have to hate what you should say.

Ju Ling replied: "Second sister, there is indeed no word for 'tui' in your dictionary, because you don't have a dictionary at all!"

"Hey, you little bastard, I haven't dealt with you for a long time, have I? Just wait for me"

The three sisters huddled around the phone and chatted with each other, lively and cheerful.

But Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei couldn't laugh.

There is no parent who does not worry about his children.

They worry about the eldest girl starting a business in Yunhe at home, and they also worry about the second girl starting a business at home. As long as they don't see them live a perfect life, they will have endless worries.But when people live in this world, there is nothing perfect.

Whenever Ju Wenqi was worried, he would smoke, not only the boxed cigarettes he bought, but also the dry tobacco that others gave him.The smoke is so strong that people who have just learned to smoke are not used to it, and only old smokers can control it.

Zhang Yongmei and Ju Jing wanted to say a few words about him when they saw him smoking. He was annoyed, so he simply avoided the girl and wife and went outside to smoke, and smoked when he went to the bathroom.

Smoking, getting angry, and playing with his gadgets all day long, all these miscellaneous reasons combined together, finally overwhelmed Ju Wenqi.

Before going to the restaurant this morning, he hid in the toilet to smoke. Before finishing a cigarette, he felt very uncomfortable, with headache, face pain, eye pain, nausea and nausea.Throwing away the cigarette, he got up and put on his pants, the scene in front of him became more and more blurred, he groped out of the toilet, tripped over something, and fell directly into the snow shell next to him.

Struggling to sit up, he realized that it was dark in front of his eyes. Ju Wenqi was so frightened that he hurriedly called Zhang Yongmei and Ju Jing to come out.

Zhang Yongmei was so frightened that she shed tears while helping Ju Wenqi. Ju Jing calmed down a little, and hurried to Shen Zhicheng's house to ask someone to help, and no matter what, send Ju Wenqi to the health center first.

It had been many years, and the village health center was still useless, so Ju Wenqi was sent directly to the hospital in Yunhe or even to the hospital in Binjiang.

Grandma couldn't stay at home alone, so Ju Jing asked Zhang Yongmei to go home first to take care of grandma. She took Ju Wenqi to Yunhe alone, and Ju Min would help her there, so it was more convenient for her to see a doctor or do anything else.

Although Zhang Yongmei was 1 worried and didn't do anything, she just watched Ju Jinglian help and dragged Ju Wenqi to the bus in Yunhe.

On the way, Ju Jing called Ju Min. As soon as the car stopped at the passenger station, she saw Ju Min running to the side of the car to pick them up.

I took a tricycle out of the passenger terminal, and the uncle who drove the tricycle was very enthusiastic. Seeing that Ju Wenqi couldn't see, he suggested that the two sisters take him directly to the eye hospital, where the treatment for eye diseases is very good.

The uncle is a native of Yunhe, who has lived here for decades, and must know more about Yunhe's situation than Ju Jing and Ju Min, so what he said is still very valuable.

They went to the eye hospital, registered to see a doctor, and after a long time of tossing, they finally got the result.

What kind of glaucoma did Ju Wenqi get?

It doesn't matter whether you remember the disease name or not, the important thing is to heal your eyes.

The two sisters were anxious enough, but the doctor was not calm, told them not to worry, and said: "It's not a serious problem, first eliminate the inflammation and then perform the operation, and then recover slowly."


The two sisters had the same reaction: what kind of ailment can they have if they are about to undergo surgery!
Because I don't understand, I am more anxious and more afraid.

Ju Min was hospitalized after running, Ju Jing found a place where Zhang Yongmei was safe, and Ju Wenqi stayed on the sidelines in pain and did not say a word.

They haven't discussed it, but they have reached a consensus in their hearts - this matter can't be let the little one know.

 Thank you for your support, thank you for voting and subscribing, thank you.Anu does not know much about medical knowledge. The descriptions of eye diseases in this chapter are all based on what he has seen and heard. My father once suffered sudden eye jitters and almost lost his sight due to family accidents. If the professional aspects are not well written or Please bear with me if there are mistakes in common sense.

(End of this chapter)

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