Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 254 Help

Chapter 254 Help
After calling Zhang Yongmei, Ju Jing made another call to Wang Yalei.

She remembered that Wang Yalei's father worked in this eye hospital, and now he didn't care about favors or inhumanity. As long as it was for Ju Wenqi's good, let alone Wang Yalei, Ju Wenlin's family should ask or not.

In fact, when I come to the hospital to see a doctor, even if I don’t ask an acquaintance to help, the hospital will give it to me, but I just don’t feel at ease. I always feel that there are acquaintances who can arrange things more properly.

Wang Yalei comforted her immediately after hearing what was going on: "Don't worry, I'll call my dad right away, and I'll tell you how to arrange it later."

It took only three to five minutes to turn around. Wang Yalei called back and asked her to take Ju Wenqi to the vice president's office with the inspection report to find someone.

It turned out that Wang Yalei's father was still the vice president of the eye hospital, and Ju Jing felt more secure.

Vice President Wang is a very nice person. He not only re-read the inspection report, but also calmed Ju Wenqi's emotions, telling him not to think too much, as long as he listens to the doctor's orders and treats actively, he will get better.

The eye hospital is not too big, and there are not too many wards. They are all big wards with many people in one ward.

Ju Min had already completed the hospitalization procedures, and Vice President Wang personally sent Ju Wenqi there. Seeing that he lived in the ward with the worst environment, he helped him and changed Ju Wenqi to a ward with better conditions.

It’s just that the conditions are relatively good, but in fact it’s not much better. There are six people in a ward, not to mention the bed for the escort, and there are not enough chairs. There are only two chairs in total.

Vice President Wang also explained before leaving: "The conditions of our hospital are not good, but the medical level is still very high. Not to mention other places, at least in Yunhe, if we want to see eye diseases, there is no better than our eye hospital. That's it. You can rest assured to treat here, and come to me if you need anything."

Ju Jing was very sensible and went out of the ward with Vice President Wang, and walked with him for a while.

It's not a small job, and I definitely can't say thank you, but at this moment, there seems to be nothing to do except say thank you.

She was very grateful, but Vice President Wang didn't care that much, he just said: "You are Yalei's friend, so I can be considered your elder, it's just a little effort, don't take it to heart."

The little effort from others is a kindness to the Ju family, and Ju Jing is not so ignorant.

After seeing Vice President Wang off, Ju Jing called Wang Yalei again, said a lot of words of thanks, and said that when Ju Wenqi's condition stabilized, he would invite him to dinner to express his gratitude.

Wang Yalei didn't say much, just reassuring her that if the doctor said it could be cured, then it would definitely be cured.

After tossing and tossing, both Ju Min and Ju Jing were exhausted.

When he came to the hospital, Ju Wenqi was much calmer, and fell asleep lying on the bed with the needles.

The two sisters stood in front of the corridor window talking, discussing what to do next.

What Ju Jing meant was that she stayed in the hospital to accompany her, and told Ju Min to do what she should, so that Ju Ling wouldn't notice anything.

What Ju Min meant was that she was in charge of the hospital, and Ju Jing went home first to take care of the family.Zhang Yongmei is the only one in the family and has to take care of the restaurant and grandma, which is really too busy.

Before the two agreed to pick it up, Ju Min's phone buzzed.

It's Ju Ling's call.

She didn't see Ju Min when she went to the cafeteria for dinner, and she couldn't find anything when she asked Jing Chengxi, so she called Ju Min directly.

Ju Min only said: "There is something wrong with the goods I bought, and they were all pressed at the post office. I didn't go to school when I came out to deal with this matter today. Just take care of your class and don't worry about others. What can happen if I am an adult? Recently, there have been several heavy snowfalls in the Northeast, and many roads have been blocked. I still have several batches of goods on the road. Come on, don't bother you brother Jing just because you can't see me, do you hear me?"

Ju Ling didn't doubt that he was there, and hung up the phone without asking any more questions.

"Sister, it's impossible for you to take care of our dad here alone. How can you survive alone this day and night? Don't wait for our dad to recover from his illness before you survive." Ju Jing sighed and said: "It's really impossible. We won’t let our mother open a restaurant, let her focus on watching grandma at home, and wait for our father to recover from illness and go home.”

"The reason for letting you go home is not to let our mother's restaurant and grandma not be left behind. In fact, I want you to take care of them more. Our mother is not in good health, and our father is suffering from a sudden illness. You let her alone How can you stay at home. You go back and persuade her at home, and she can come and see our father when our father is stable here." Ju Min insisted.

What Ju Min meant was that she can do whatever she wants when she is young. The old mother and grandma at home are old and in poor health, so they should take care of her more, so Ju Jing should go home.

Ju Jing looked at the Yingying lights outside the window, and finally compromised.

"That's fine. I'll go home tomorrow. If you have anything to do, call me anytime. Don't be brave." Ju Jing confessed.

With the result, both sisters' stomachs growled.

I didn't eat lunch or dinner, so it's no wonder I wasn't hungry.

Ju Jing took the initiative to ask Ying to go out to buy food, and Ju Min stayed to take care of Ju Wenqi.

At almost nine o'clock in the evening, Ju Jing asked Ju Min to go back. She could have fooled Ju Ling if she wasn't in the cafeteria during the day, but it was unreasonable not to go back at night.

Ju Min looked at the conditions of the ward, and felt relieved to leave Ju Jing alone at night, so she called Jing Chengxi before leaving and asked him to buy two chairs and bring them here, and stay here with Ju Jing at night.

Jing Chengxi is not hard-working either, he and Ju Jing accompany him in the hospital at night, and he doesn't have the energy to work in a beverage store during the day.

When Ju Min was walking towards the rental house, she was thinking of a reason to tell Ju Ling that the beverage store would be closed for a few days so that she would not be suspicious, and the phone in her pocket vibrated crazily again.

It wasn't Ju Ling who called this time, but Peng Yan!

Suspiciously picked up the phone, before asking him why he was calling at night, Peng Yan asked anxiously: "How is third uncle now? I just called third aunt and heard her tell about third uncle , don’t worry, just tell me if you need my help.”

Even Peng Yan knows? !

Ju Min was very surprised and asked, "You called my house? What's the matter?"

Peng Yan explained: "My friend's cousin is going to get married and book a banquet. He knows that I know your restaurant well, so he wants me to help make the reservation. By the way, he asked if he could give a discount or something. Unexpectedly, my third aunt and I It is said that the third uncle is ill and can't take the banquet recently, so why don't I call you quickly to inquire about the situation."

It was a coincidence.

Ju Min didn't want to ask Peng Yan for help, but since he was asked, there was nothing he couldn't say.

She briefly talked about Ju Wenqi's situation, so that Peng Yan didn't have to worry, she could handle it.

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone before Peng Yan's mature and deep voice came: "Miss Min, I'm so smart, she will doubt if you want to close the beverage store, so I think you'd better not close it and stay with Uncle San in the hospital." Let's discuss things carefully."

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(End of this chapter)

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