Chapter 256
I really can't find anything wrong with the sincere words, Peng Yan is aimed at Ju Wenqi and not at her Ju Min, what she said is inappropriate.

Peng Yan also saw her embarrassment, and said with a smile: "Sister Min, I'll talk to my third uncle later, as long as you are busy with your work."

After waking up in the afternoon, Ju Wenqi became addicted to smoking again, and Ju Min, who was restless and looked at him like that, felt uncomfortable.

"I'll go out and buy you something from Gadazui, you and Peng Yan can continue talking," Ju Min confessed and left the hospital.

The eye hospital is not far from the pedestrian street. There is a slightly larger grocery store in the pedestrian street. Ju Min went there to buy a lot of things needed to accompany her in the hospital. She weighed a catty of loose mints before checking out.

Peppermint is good, not sweet, but also fresh breath.

When she came back from the outside, Peng Yan had already agreed with Ju Wenqi that he could come and accompany her if she had nothing to do these few days.Feeling embarrassed, Ju Wenqi agreed to make two tea trays for him after he was discharged from the hospital.

Ju Wenqi has already agreed, it doesn't matter what Ju Min's attitude is.

After sitting for a while, Peng Yan wanted to leave, and said that he would come over in the evening, and that he would stay with Ju Wenqi in the hospital tonight, and that Ju Min would go back to have a good sleep and come back to the hospital tomorrow.

For Ju Min to send him downstairs, a thousand thanks must be indispensable, but just saying thank you is not enough for this kind of thing.

But Peng Yan didn't care about this, he just smiled and said, "Sister Min, there is a folding bed in my shop, and it will be more comfortable if I bring it here to accompany the bed at night. Very happy."

Whether he is happy or not, the Ju family owes this favor.

Looking back, Ju Min called Ju Jing to talk about this matter, and Ju Jing said with emotion: "I used to think that our family was unlucky, surrounded by ghosts and snakes, and there were not many good things. Now it seems that we Lucky is pretty good, and there are quite a few people who are sincere to us.”

There are indeed many people who are sincere to them, but the ghosts and monsters around them still exist.

Before Ju Min finished this phone call, she heard someone else's voice coming from Ju Jing's messy end.

"Who came to our house?" Ju Min asked in bewilderment.

Ju Jing snorted coldly, and said sarcastically: "Who else can it be, my aunt, she came here once in the morning and said she was worried about our father, and came to inquire about the situation, but I didn't say what was going on with our father, so she just let it go Crying poor, I'm afraid our family will open their mouths to borrow money from her."

This vaccination is really annoying.

The more disturbing thing is still behind.

This time Juying came here to give money.

According to Ju Ying herself, she was very anxious after inquiring about Ju Wenqi's situation in the morning, and went to several houses to borrow money to show her intentions as a younger sister.

Zhang Yongmei was quite moved when she said that, her heart is always brothers and sisters, no matter how it is usually, Ju Ying still cares about her third brother at critical moments.

Naturally, they don't need money. Ju's family's current conditions are not so good, at least they don't need to borrow money from outsiders for medical treatment this time.

Before Zhang Yongmei could say anything, Ju Ying took out the money she had borrowed so hard, and insisted on stuffing it into Zhang Yongmei's arms.

Looking at the crumpled 50 yuan bill, Zhang Yongmei felt overwhelmed.

She shouldn't have any illusions about Ju Ying. Brothers and sisters are all nonsense. She should be thankful if she doesn't cause trouble at critical moments.

Now it is not a few years ago or ten years ago, 50 yuan is not a lot of money.Not to mention anything else, let’s talk about drinking at the table. In the past, everyone gave a gift of 20 yuan and 50 yuan, but now it is at least [-] yuan.

Ju Yingxu babbled for a long time, as if she had borrowed [-] or [-] yuan, hoping that Zhang Yongmei would receive her a huge favor, but in the end she took out the money for a banquet and a gift, purely to scare people off.

Zhang Yongmei has experienced so many things, what really matters is not money, but heart.If she, Ju Ying, was really poor, she would go out and borrow 50 yuan, and Zhang Yongmei would definitely be very grateful to her, and she would definitely pay back ten or twenty times what happened to Ju Ying later.

After pushing and shoving for a long time, Zhang Yongmei finally stuffed the 50 yuan back.

After the people left, Zhang Yongmei said angrily with red eyes: "This is my own sister, how can she be like this. If she really cares about your father, she will come over empty-handed and ask a few words. We appreciate it and sing this song for us." The play is so annoying."

"Mom, don't be angry, stay away from this kind of person in the future," Ju Jing persuaded.

Before the outsiders noticed anything, the Ju family made trouble one after another.

First came Ju Ying, followed by Ju Wenlin's family.

They didn't take 50 yuan to accept favors and respond to others, and they only did things that were not human.

They closed the door and happily said that the feng shui of the ancestral grave was changed well, and Ju Wenqi's family was indeed suppressed.It doesn't matter if you are good or not, you will be happy if others are not good.

With the door open to the outside world, Ju Wenlin's family is doing all kinds of bad-mouthing about Ju's family.It is said that Ju and his wife are all short-lived, that their husband and wife will never turn over for the rest of their lives, and that the three girls of the Ju family are also bad luck, whoever marries is unlucky.

They still think of it as before, they believe everything they say and agree with them.

They finished making rumors in the morning, and someone spread these words to Zhang Yongmei's ears in the afternoon.

Fortunately, Ju Jing stopped her, otherwise Zhang Yongmei would have to go to Ju Wenlin's house with a kitchen knife to ask for an explanation.

She wasn't angry at Ju Wenlin's family for saying what happened to their husband and wife, but she was angry at what the family said about her three girls.

Of course, the Ju family is not completely devoid of good people.

Zhao Fen came over with a large basket of steamed buns, saying that she was afraid that Zhang Yongmei would not be in the mood to cook, so she would prepare some steamed buns for her, and eat them with pickles when she was hungry.

In addition, Zhao Fen also said: "I have lived in Yunhe for decades, let alone know any important people, I must know Yunhe better than you, if there is anything that needs my help, just let me know, I will definitely help will help."

Regardless of whether Zhao Fen needed help or not, at least he showed his attitude and the words he said made people feel at ease.

Zhao Fen was not just talking, after Ju Wenqi confirmed the date of surgery, Zhang Yongmei planned to go to Yunhe to see Ju Wenqi, and Zhao Fen would go with him after hearing about it.

Originally, Ju Jing was quite worried that Zhang Yongmei would go there alone, but now that Zhao Fen is with her, she can also feel relieved.

The doctor said more than once that this is a minor operation, and the operation time will not be very long, but everyone is still worried, and the battle for the operation is very large.

One person operated, four or five people were waiting outside, and several people couldn't come and waited for the news to be in a hurry.

The operation was very successful, and two weeks after the operation, careful observation is required, and we should not take it lightly.

Zhang Yongmei stayed with Ju Wenqi in the hospital for a day, and returned to the village with Zhao Fen the next day.

The escorts were Ju Min and Peng Yan.

Peng Yan was in charge of the night, and Ju Min was in charge of the day.In order not to make Ju Ling suspect, Ju Min had to rush back to school at school dinner time, making Ju Ling feel that she had been busy working in the beverage store and never been anywhere.

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(End of this chapter)

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