Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 257 Knowing

Chapter 257 Knowing
Ju Ling is a very sensitive child.

These days, she always feels that something is wrong with her eldest sister.

At first, they closed the shop because they said that there was no material to make milk tea because the goods were under pressure, but the store opened again the next day, and I don’t know how the goods under pressure arrived so quickly.

Furthermore, the smell on the eldest sister is very wrong.Working in the school cafeteria, the smell of the food or the scent of the drinks is what I get all day long, but these days my eldest sister always smells like disinfectant.

In addition, she also found a shopping receipt in the clothes that the eldest sister put in the basin for washing, which was full of daily necessities, but these daily necessities purchased by the eldest sister did not appear at home!

In addition to something wrong with the eldest sister, there is also something weird at home.

In the past, when I called home, my parents would always come over and say a few words, telling her to eat well, drink well, and take care of her body. However, these two times when I called home, my father couldn’t hear what my father said. When I asked my second sister what happened, she only explained He said he hadn't come back from the hotel yet.

She obviously chose to call at the usual time when both parents had already returned home, how could it be that mother came back and father didn't come back?
Based on all the above, Ju Ling judged that something happened at home, and it was related to Ju Wenqi.

Ju Min didn't come back until almost ten o'clock tonight. Ju Ling had already washed up and sat at the desk to study. Seeing the elder sister coming in, she hurriedly asked, "Elder sister, why did you come back so late today?"

Of course, Ju Min couldn't say that Ju Wenqi had surgery today, so he coaxed as usual: "I don't know what's going on today, the business after school is very good, a bunch of students come to buy milk tea, can I not make money if I have money? Come back when you're not busy?"

Ju Ling got up and went to Ju Min's side, sniffed hard, and said in a muffled voice: "Elder sister, don't lie to me, you don't smell like a cafeteria at all, you smell like disinfectant."

Ju Min was stunned for a moment, raised his arm and smelled it, probably already used to the smell on his body, and didn't smell anything.

Up to now, it doesn't matter whether you smell it or not, the important thing is whether you can cover it up.If you can't cover it up, how should you tell Ju Ling.

Ju Min was thinking about it in her heart, when she heard Ju Ling say again: "Sister, what's wrong with our dad? Tell me the truth, it will save me from thinking so much and not having the time to study."

If you even guessed who had the accident, then you can't hide it.

Ju Min sighed, pulled Ju Ling to sit by the bed, told her clearly what happened during this period, and finally said: "Don't worry, little one, the operation was successful, and I will stay in the hospital for half a day." You can go home if you have nothing to do in 20 months. I don’t tell you because I’m afraid of delaying your study. You know what our dad values ​​most. If your study is delayed because of his affairs, how can he feel at ease to see a doctor? "

Ju Ling understands the truth, but she still can't blame her.

Isn't the whole family supposed to share weal and woe, they don't want to affect her, so is she willing to stay out of it!
The more I thought about it, the more uncomfortable I felt, and when my nose was sore, tears fell down.

"Little one, don't cry." Ju Min hurriedly wiped her tears with a piece of paper: "It's just a little thing, why are you crying?"

"It's easy for you to say, what would you think if something like this happened at home without telling you?" Ju Ling asked vaguely while crying.

Ju Min's hand holding the paper paused in mid-air, and it took a long while to let it go and sighed: "Little one, we are different. I am the eldest sister of our family, and I have to take care of things that my parents can't take care of." You are an old man of our family, you haven’t grown up yet, let’s not say that the movie will not affect your study, even if I tell you the first time, what can you do? Apart from thinking and worrying all day long, you can’t do anything No more."

This sentence is on point.

Ju Ling is still young and can't help her with anything. Telling her is useless except to affect her study, so it's better not to tell her at all.

Crying for a while, Ju Ling stubbornly wiped away her tears, and said in a low voice: "I'm going to study. I won't have evening self-study tomorrow and Friday. I will go to see my dad. I will stay in the hospital to serve him on Saturday and Sunday. You can't do it." I also need to go!"

Knowing everything, Ju Min naturally wouldn't stop her.

Let Ju Ling go and have a look, she can feel at ease knowing that Ju Wenqi is recovering well.

After a whole day, as soon as school was over, Ju Ling rushed out of the classroom with her schoolbag on her back and went straight to the ophthalmology hospital.

After arriving at the hospital, he called Ju Min again, and followed Ju Min's guidance to the ward.

Ju Min didn't tell Ju Wenqi that she was coming, so when she walked into the ward, Ju Wenqi, whose eyes were covered with gauze and couldn't see anything, happily chatted with the patients in the same ward.

Ju Min made a silent gesture for her, and asked her to pick up a chair and sit down first, and don't rush to talk.

This sitting lasted for nearly half an hour, and Ju Wenqi was so excited chatting with others that he didn't even notice that there was an extra person in the ward.

Later, it was Ju Min who interrupted him and poured him a glass of warm water to moisten his throat.

Ju Wenqi held the cup with both hands, carefully brought it to his mouth to take a few sips, and then carefully handed out the cup after drinking.

Ju Ling reached out to take the cup, smiled with red eyes: "Dad, I was afraid that you would send water up your nose, but I didn't expect any of it to spill out."

"Little one? Is it a little one? Why are you here?" Ju Wenqi asked in surprise.

Ju Min praised: "It's all because your little girl is too smart, she guessed it by herself. It's good to let her come over and have a look. She can feel at ease knowing that you are eating well, sleeping well and that there are people chatting with you."

"Well, I'm fine." Ju Wenqi immediately followed the big girl's words and said, "It's okay to eat nothing every day. It's only been a few days and I've gained a lot of weight. If there's anything bad about it, it's that there is no cigarettes." Smoke, but it suffocates me."

There was an escort smoking in the ward, and I wanted to give Ju Wenqi two cigarettes to let him go to the toilet to have a drink, but Ju Min blocked them.

Usually Ju Wenqi was asked to quit smoking, but he couldn't. This time, he was forced to quit smoking because he couldn't see and he couldn't touch cigarettes.

She stayed in the hospital until after eight o'clock in the evening, and Ju Min sent Ju Ling back to the rental house first. She stayed in the hospital at night, and Ju Ling came to change shifts tomorrow.

She had already called Peng Yan before, so she won't ask him to come to accompany her at night. On weekends, the sisters can stay together during the day and at night, and let Jing Chengxi come over to help on weekdays. It doesn't matter if the Lingle Beverage Store loses business for a few days.

Unexpectedly, Peng Yan came over before Ju Ling left.

He insisted on staying with him and letting the sisters go home to sleep.

The manpower is not enough and tired, and Peng Yan's help is reasonable. Now it can be arranged to let people stay here at night, but it is really unreasonable. There is no need for Ju Minduo to say anything. Ju Wenqi persuaded Peng Yan to go back, saying yes After tossing him for several nights, he should go back and get a good night's sleep.

With no other choice, Peng Yan had no choice but to leave first.

It happened that Ju Ling was going back to the rental house, and Peng Yan felt that it was not safe for a little girl to walk at night, so he sent her back.

Ju Ling thought it was just right, she just took this opportunity to have a good chat with Peng Yan and find out about him.

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(End of this chapter)

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