Chapter 266
Don't let Jing Chengxi eat and drink for free, let him go and give Ju Jing a lot, he is happy instead, and even agrees to go back with Ju Min and Ju Ling.

Originally, Ju Min planned to do something on his own after the first middle school holiday. It would not be a waste of time for more than a month, and it would be nice to earn a little more.

But Ju Jing persuaded her to go home, saying that it was rare for the family to celebrate the new year together, and the money would never be enough, but the days of reunion were getting less and less day by day, and if they could spend more time with their parents, they would go home and spend time with them.

Of course, Ju Jing's purpose is not limited to this. She wants Ju Min to go home because she also wants her elder sister to work for her.

The trees on the big mountain are not so easy to cut. Even after cutting, there is still a lot of work to be done. It doesn’t cost money to do it by yourself, and it’s still lively. What a great thing.

After thinking about it, Ju Min felt that what Ju Jing said was quite reasonable. She has also made a lot of money in the past few months since the opening of the beverage store. She can't even give up her family for the money. If she can go home, she still has to go home, especially during the Chinese New Year. when.

Ju Jing mobilized all the people she could mobilize to go home and cut down trees for her. The only one who was not disturbed was probably Ju Ling.

The study situation of the little one is the top priority of the family, who dares to delay?

Ju Ling is really up to the task, he performed very well in the final exam, and his ranking in the school year has improved a lot.

The mid-term exam ranks 49 in the academic year, and the final ranks 37.

Zhang Yang, who had previously said that his name would be next to her, would line up with more than 100 people. He felt ashamed and didn't have the nerve to hang around in front of Ju Ling.

After getting the report card and doing general cleaning, the students can pack up and go home.

There is no volume-by-volume homework for winter and summer vacations in high school, but the teachers of each subject have left a lot of homework, which is enough for the students to be busy when they go home.

Ju Ling came to the No. [-] canteen to look for Ju Min with her heavy schoolbag on her back, thinking that they would go home together, but Ju Min was quite busy here, so she had to go home first.

When she got home, she lay down on the bed and called Qiao Jue to report her results. Qiao Jue squatted outside the laboratory in a white coat and smiled as if he had won the Nobel Prize in Physics.

"A few days ago, your second sister called me and asked me if I would like to go to your house for the New Year. I really wanted to go, but the lab was too busy and I didn't have time. And the school arranged for me to be a teaching assistant for the next semester. Work, I still have to be busy with this, it's so annoying." After laughing, Qiao Jue said with some displeasure.

In order to make him feel more at ease, Ju Ling decided to sell her second sister.

"Actually, my second sister didn't ask you to come here to celebrate the New Year together. She just wanted you to cut down trees for her and do her work. It's fine if you don't come, it's still easy," Ju Ling said with a smile.

She laughed and Qiao Jue laughed too, and after she finished laughing, she sighed and whispered, "It's not because of her that I went to your house, I don't care if I work or not."

The first half of the sentence was too soft for Ju Ling to hear clearly, and he refused to say anything if asked again.

After the phone call, Ju Ling packed up the things she was going to take home, and turned on the computer to read a webpage on QQ.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I logged in to QQ, a message of adding friends popped up. Ju Ling clicked to add, and after a while, I sent a message to the convenience——Hi, I am the editor of XX Publishing House, and I am very happy with your finished book Go, I want to ask if you have any plans to publish.

Ju Ling: .
At the beginning, Ju Ling thought that she had been cheated.

Later, the person who claimed to be an editor sent his contact information, work card and other things that could prove his identity, and Ju Ling believed that he was not lying.

The other publishing house took a fancy to the book on her rebirth background, and thought it was suitable for publication. After talking about a lot of income distribution, Ju Ling felt very headache after reading it.

Her book has been signed on the website, and whether it will be published or not has to go through the website. Ju Ling pushed [-] and sent the QQ of her website editor to the editor of the publishing house, asking them to talk first, and then tell her when the deal is settled. .

When Ju Min came back later, Ju Lingshun brought up this matter during the chat, which surprised Ju Min so much that she asked her a bunch of questions, but Ju Ling couldn't answer any of them.

"Why didn't you find out about such an important matter?" Ju Min worried for her: "You, even if you have money, you don't know how to make money."

"Sister, it's not that I don't know how to make money. It's not up to me to make as much money as I want. The book publishing website will take a cut, and the website will definitely try to get me a high price. I just wait for it. Let's talk about it later. , Now I want to inquire about this and that, if it doesn’t work out, I’ll be so disappointed.”

Ju Min couldn't help giving her a sideways look, and muttered, "I'm not confident at all. There is nothing my little sister can't do, and your book will definitely be published."

It's really not that Ju Ling is not confident. She feels that even if she talks along with it, it doesn't count. It's better to leave it to someone who knows how to talk, and wait for the money to be paid.

After resting at home for half a day, Zhong Jing Chengxi came over with his luggage after eight o'clock the next morning, and the three of them went shopping together in the afternoon.

Ju Min was very willing to spend money for her family, buying a whole set of clothes for one person, and also bought a lot of odds and ends, Jing Chengxi naturally didn't let go, and made the young man look good.

After everything was prepared, they stayed in Yunhe for another night, and the next day, the three of them took a car back to the village with a lot of things.

The family is lively, Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei are very happy.

The big kang that was set up in summer finally came in handy, and these people could sleep well at night when they rolled around.

In the evening, Zhang Yongmei set up a large table with good food and dishes, and everyone gathered together to chat, chat and drink, which was very lively.

After dinner, Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei went to the restaurant, and the family was dominated by young people.

"Our dad's eyes are recovering well, and he can go to the restaurant to help," Ju Ling said.

Ju Jing stared at the computer screen while reading other people's comments and said helplessly: "Is it okay, he wants to go, who can stop him? He refuses to let him play with the tea tray, saying that he wants to do it before the end of the year." Give Peng Yan two, and no one will listen to his persuasion."

Suddenly hearing the name Peng Yan, Ju Min was stunned for a moment. It seemed like she hadn't seen him for a long time, and she didn't know how he was doing now.Thinking of this, she smiled and shook her head again, it's none of his business what he does, isn't it just a matter of worrying.

Jing Chengxi was also worrying about it. He leaned next to Ju Jing in a cheap way, staring at the computer with her, poking his elbows and gossiping: "When is that coming? You just leave the house and wait." Do you want to go to Yunhe to pick someone up?"

Ju Jing turned to look at him, grabbed his arm with one hand to prevent him from running away, and ruthlessly rubbed his smooth hair into a bird's nest with the other hand, and said bluntly: "It's none of your business whether I pick someone up or not? People have names and surnames, what's the matter, the name sticks to the mouth?"

Jing Chengxi was used to being bullied by her, even begging and begging for mercy would not stop trying to hide.

Ju Ling still wanted to read a book for a while, but her brain ached from the two of them arguing, so she didn't stop talking to her second sister and said, "Yo hey, I'm protecting this before it's too late? Why don't you let me call you by name? Second sister, you are really lenient."

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(End of this chapter)

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