Chapter 267
Ju Jing let go of Jing Chengxi and aimed the fire at Ju Ling.

"Are you in need of cleaning up? Ah? Don't think that I won't clean up you if you talk back so well in the final exam!" Ju Jing said harshly.

The style is quite good, but it's a pity that Ju Ling broke her skills with a word.

Ju Ling said: "I won't call him by his name, can I call my second brother-in-law?"

A "second brother-in-law" made Ju Jing blush, gritted her teeth and warned: "If you want to talk nonsense again, I will really do it."

Ju Lingcai didn't believe that her second sister would beat her, but it's not good to make her anxious, she stopped begging for mercy as soon as she saw it, and this matter was over.

This "second brother-in-law" is actually quite anxious. He originally planned to come to find his girlfriend after the exam, but he received a call from home before the last subject of the exam. His parents insisted that he go home first. If he dared not Back to sever ties with him.

Knowing that it is impossible for his parents to sever ties with him, he still went home. After all, they are a family, so what if something happened to his parents.

Yin Kaixuan never imagined that his parents threatened him to come back to ask him to go on a blind date!

The girl is the daughter of a business friend of Yin's father and Yin's mother. After graduating from high school, she went to a university abroad. She is pretty and has a good personality. Yin's father and mother like it very much.

If he really married that girl, there would be more business contacts between the two, and it would be beneficial to both of them.

It's a pity, Yin Kaixuan already has his own heart, and of course he doesn't want to be manipulated by his parents.

He confessed to his parents that he had a girl he liked, and it was impossible for him to be with other women.

Yin's parents and Yin's mother didn't care at all. They thought it was normal for a guy of Yin Kaixuan's age to have a few girlfriends and pretend to be one or two in his heart. Who hasn't been young yet?However, having a girlfriend and getting married are two different things. He can have a girlfriend as he likes, but his parents have to choose for him the marriage partner.

Yin Kaixuan was dumbfounded by the theory of his parents, and bluntly said that he was in charge of his own affairs, even if they chose a princess for him, he would not marry him.

His successive refusals angered Father Yin, who patted the table and said that if he was disobedient, he would not spend the Yin family's money, nor would he want to join the Yin family's company. The Yin family's property had nothing to do with him.

In the past, Yin Kaixuan spent money lavishly. As long as he was disobedient, Yin's parents and Yin's mother would threaten him with cutting off his pocket money.But now that he has someone he really cares about, the threat that his parents thought Bai Trial Bailing would naturally not constitute a threat.

He dragged his luggage and left Yin's house. Before closing the door, he said to his parents: "Mom and Dad, if you want a son like a puppet, then I will never be able to do it. Someday you need a flesh and blood with independent thinking." I'll come back when I'm your son."

He felt that he walked in a chic and handsome way, but after getting into a taxi, he became stupid.

He came out in a hurry, with less than 100 yuan in cash on him.

He definitely didn't have enough money to take a taxi to the airport or train station, so he got out of the car halfway, thought about it for a long time, and decided to take the bus to the train station.

The plane ticket is too expensive, it is still cost-effective to take the train.

After arriving at the train station, Yin Kaixuan found a self-service teller machine and tried the cards in his wallet one by one.

Yin's father and Yin's mother acted really fast, all the cards related to them were suspended, only his card for paying tuition fees and receiving scholarships and bursaries in college can still be used!

Yin Kaixuan studied at the university for three years, and received two years of national scholarships and one year of departmental scholarships. The total amount was less than 2 yuan.

Withdrawing money to buy tickets was just the time for the students to go home on vacation. Train tickets were not easy to buy. He spent the money for a hard seat and only got a ticket without a seat. Take the train to Yunhe, and finally take a bus from Yunhe to Xiaofuqiangtun.

The moment Yin Kaixuan, who was tired, tired and aggrieved, saw Ju Jing, all his emotions turned into joy and satisfaction, no matter what time and place, he threw away his luggage and rushed over to hold Ju Jing in his arms. I didn't push it away several times.

After hugging for more than a minute, he reluctantly let go of Ju Jing, grinning and showing his big white teeth: "I finally see you, you don't even know how much I miss you."

Ju Jing used her disgust to cover up her shyness, squinted at him and said, "Why are there so many nonsense, quickly take your things and come home with me."

As soon as his body hit the big kang, fatigue surged up, and Yin Kaixuan fell asleep within 2 minutes.

Ju Ling took a look and saw that Yin Kaixuan was sleeping soundly and snoring, and asked her second sister in a low voice: "Didn't you say that you would take him up the mountain to work as soon as he came? Why did you let him sleep on the Kang? That’s not how a cheap worker should be treated.”

Ju Jingbai gave her a blank look, and warned: "You can shut up, you, if you don't talk, no one will treat you as dumb. If you don't want to study, go to the restaurant to help your parents with work. In the morning, my mother said that today's banquet is absent. manpower."

Yes, there is a shortage of manpower. Didn't Ju Min and Jing Chengxi both go?

Ju Ling just wanted to tease her second sister, and said with a wicked smile: "You want to send me away, and you, Yin Kaixuan and grandma are left at home, what do you want to do?"

Ju Jing couldn't bear it anymore, got up and pulled out a pillow from the kang cabinet and threw it towards Ju Ling. Ju Ling dodged deftly, sat up with the pillow in her arms, and watched with a smile as her second sister pulled out a thin quilt from the cabinet carefully. The cover is on Yin Kaixuan.

Ju Ling seldom saw her second sister look so gentle, the smile on her face restrained, and she didn't bother to tease her second sister anymore, so she asked seriously: "Second sister, is something wrong?"

"Hey", Ju Jing sighed, sat down beside Ju Ling, and said in a low voice, "Yin Kaixuan had a quarrel with his parents, and the quarrel was quite fierce. It's not easy for him to come all the way."

Yin Kaixuan didn't tell Ju Jing these things, it was Yin Wanrou who told her.

I told Ju Ling all the things that had been hidden for several days, and finally Ju Jing said in a complicated way: "When we were going to be together, I knew the road would be difficult, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult. He hasn't mentioned it to his parents yet. As for me, it’s like this, I really want to mention it, his parents must really sever ties with him."

When a relationship is under too much pressure, it is actually very difficult to continue for a long time.

Ju Jing is not confused emotionally, and she always felt that it was impossible to have this level of consideration with Yin Kaixuan.No matter how deep the relationship is, it will always be beaten by the cruel reality, and it will become torn apart in the end.

Ju Ling held her second sister's hand and comforted her softly: "Second sister, don't be too pessimistic, things are not that bad yet. Let's talk about the future, let's just do the things in front of us."

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(End of this chapter)

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