Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 280 Exclusive

Chapter 280 Exclusive
In the afternoon, Ju Jing finally locked a farm vehicle, bargained with the boss, and finally reached a deal at a price that both parties were satisfied with.

As for the car, Ju Jing can drive it back by herself, or let the store deliver it. After all, Ju Jing is a novice and she didn't try her best, so she left her address and let people deliver it to her door.

The car was delivered the next day.

It wasn't very attractive when driving into the village. After all, this was not the first 24 agricultural vehicle in the village, but when the vehicle stopped in front of Ju Laosan's house, people in the village came out to watch the excitement.

Ju Laosan and Zhang Yongmei are no longer farming, so why buy agricultural vehicles?Is it true that Ju Jing said that she would put her family aside to farm?But the land at home has been rented out, so what kind of land can she grow?That piece of hillside land is quite big, but it doesn’t collect things, isn’t it stupid to plant that piece of land!
After guessing and guessing, many people came to a conclusion-Ju Laosan's family would mess around and burn it if they had money.

Ju Jingcai doesn't care what others say, if she is afraid of what others say and refuses to do a certain thing, then she can't do anything.

After the car arrived, she started to try to drive it. There were always people walking on the road in the village, as well as chickens, ducks, cattle and horses.

This kind of large tractor is much easier to drive than a walking tractor. Ju Jing can even drive a walking tractor, especially this kind of tractor. She can drive it smoothly within an hour.

With the car, Ju Jing began to think about what kind of fruit trees to plant on the hillside.

So many classes at the Institute of Agricultural Sciences are not in vain. Ju Jing also knows which fruit trees are suitable for planting here, but she can't guarantee [-]% that her judgment is correct, so she contacted Wang Yalei on the Internet and asked He asked related questions.

Professionals are different. After Wang Yalei's analysis and suggestions, Ju Jing is more confident in her plan to open up wasteland and plant trees.

On the same day, she posted a diary on the space. She provided pictures of several kinds of fruit trees, and explained them below, and asked her netizens to vote in the comments below. In the end, she planted the three kinds of fruit trees with the highest votes.

Of course, her orchard will definitely not have only three kinds of fruit trees in the future, but the first step is to take a steady step and try to get three kinds first.

At the beginning, the netizens voted for the tree honestly, but later the style of the comments became more and more strange.

Yin Wanrou was the first one to go wrong. She said that she had never eaten big autumn fruit, but she saw that the red ones were delicious. She suggested that Ju Jing plant a special big autumn fruit tree for her. To leave it to her.

Since Yin Wanrou, many netizens hope that Ju Jing can plant a fruit tree for them. The fruit trees chosen by each person are different. This one wants to eat big autumn fruits, that one wants to eat sand fruits, and some want to eat plums and apricots , more and more vigorously.

Later, these people began to get numbers for themselves excitedly. Yin Wanrou said that she was the first to have an exclusive fruit tree. When the tree grows and bears fruit, it should hang a sign on the tree, which says "NO.1 Yin Wanrou" .

When Ju Jing saw these comments, the number was already ranked 17th, and the number continued to increase.

Ju Jing really didn't expect the comments to be so crooked, but she didn't interrupt, just looked at the rambling comments of these good friends who usually hang out on the Internet.

Ju Jing was greatly inspired by their comments.

Just planting fruit trees and selling the fruits when they are ripe can indeed make money if there is no accident, but it is not very interesting.It's also fruit tree cultivation, she can spend more time and brains, make it different from others, make it more interesting, and maybe earn more money.

Some people outside may have started this type of fruit tree cultivation, but there must be none here at home. If she thinks about it, if she does it, she will be quite advanced, even if she is not the first one. Regardless of whether she succeeds or not, it is worth a try.

But how to do this specifically still needs to be carefully considered.

Of course, she can't plant trees for others in vain, she must charge money, but the amount of money is also a big problem.

Ju Jing was so annoyed by these problems that she called Ju Min, hoping that Ju Min would give her advice, but the call was for nothing. Ju Min supported her in doing things that no one around her had done, but what should I do? Even Ju Min's eyes were darkened.

I was afraid of delaying Ju Ling's study, so I didn't call her, and then I called Yin Kaixuan.

After school started, Yin Kaixuan’s life was not easy. Now that his pocket money is cut off at home, he has to figure out his own way of spending all the expenses in his study life. He used to spend a lot of money, but now he has to calculate half a day for a meal. , he really couldn't get used to it for a while.

In order to show his determination not to bow to Yin's parents and Yin's mother, Yin Kaixuan also found a part-time job under the introduction of his classmates-doing odd jobs in a pet hospital.

As a result, the part-time salary has not yet been paid, so he paid more than 2000 yuan at a pet hospital!

One day, a girl came to the hospital with an injured little three-colored cat.According to the girl, the kitten was the cub of her mother cat. It crawled around and was accidentally sat on by the family. The family thought it would be better to just throw it away, but the girl wanted to go to the hospital to try it. What if it was saved?

To be honest, Yin Kaixuan was quite moved at the time.The girl is so kind, she doesn't give up a glimmer of hope, and the owner of Xiaosanhuamao stall is also lucky.

But the girl really didn't resist boasting. She said she went to pay the bill and never came back, leaving the cute kitten in the hospital.

Without paying the fee, the pet hospital means that the kitten will not be treated, and it will be given an injection so that it can leave quietly.

But Yin Kaixuan was soft-hearted and reluctant, gritted his teeth cruelly, and went to pay the fee by himself.

The kitten was rescued and returned, and Yin Kaixuan's money was not in vain.Now he has taken the cat back to the dormitory and raised it secretly, and named it Ice Wolf.

Every time she calls and mentions the cat, Ju Jing can't help complaining about the name.

"He has a little female cat, you named him Ice Wolf, what do you think of you?"

In terms of naming, Yin Kaixuan felt that Ju Jing was not qualified to complain about him.

"You know how to name? What are the names of your four dogs? You have the nerve to say me!" Yin Kaixuan shot back.

All right, the two of you are the same, don't make fun of each other.

Today, when Ju Jing called, she also cared about Langya's situation as usual.

Speaking of his cat, Yin Kaixuan was very worried.

"You said that our dormitory for veterinary medicine doesn't allow animals. How unreasonable. Wolf Fang followed me too much. Whenever someone came to check the dormitory, I had to hide it under the bed. It took me more than ten days to come here. I haven't been out of the house once, I'm afraid I'll be suffocated by it," Yin Kaixuan said.

Ju Jing gave him an idea: "You will be a senior next semester, isn't the school not forcing you to live on campus? You can go out and rent a house to live in, and no one cares whether you have a cat or a dog."

 Thank you for your support, thank you for voting and subscribing, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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