Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 281 Wow Cool

Chapter 281 Wow Cool
To be honest, Yin Kaixuan regretted that he chose to major in animal medicine.

Because other majors are four-year courses, he has to study for five years!
Veterinary medicine is also medicine, and there is no less to learn than human medicine.

If he had chosen another major and graduated a year earlier, he could have been with Ju Jing earlier.A long-distance long-distance relationship is really too challenging.

When Ju Jing mentioned going out to rent a house, Yin Kaixuan sighed again, and he complained to Ju Jing: "Actually, last semester, I planned to rent a house outside. I want to live in the dormitory and where I want to live. How good it is." But what happened later completely messed up my plan, I had to save money, so I didn’t even think about going out to rent a house.”

Thinking of his actual situation, Ju Jing was also quite sympathetic.

"Have you not been in touch with your family? They haven't contacted you either? After all, we are all a family. If there is a conflict, it is not a solution to just stick to it. One party must take the initiative to resolve it," Ju Jing advised implicitly. .

Yin Kaixuan knew the truth, but this time he really couldn't take the initiative to attack.

He knows the temper of his own parents best. He wants to take the initiative to contact the family. His parents think that he wants to be subdued, and things will definitely be more troublesome later.

So, he had to stand up and let his parents who were watching secretly see that he could live well without the money they gave him.

I don't want to talk to Ju Jing about this, so she won't worry about it, so Yin Kaixuan took the initiative to change the subject and said: "What's the matter with calling me today? It can't be just chatting, it's a bit unlike your personality."

If there was nothing wrong, Ju Jing would send him messages online, and only call when something happened, and Yin Kaixuan had figured out the pattern.

Ju Jing told Yin Kaixuan about her troubles and asked him to help with ideas.

Yin Kaixuan himself had no idea, but he said to Ju Ling: "I have taken two professional courses in plant production this semester, and the professor of one of the courses has participated in the national-level research on new agricultural industries, and has visited many I visited a large agricultural country, and I will talk to him later and listen to his suggestions.”

Probably because she doesn't study much, Ju Jing has an almost superstitious attitude towards scholars and cultural people. Hearing that Yin Kaixuan can ask the professor for advice, she is very happy, and it is rare to praise him a few times.

Yin Kaixuan won't be able to see the professor until next week, so Ju Jing decides to put the matter aside for now, and then discusses with Ju Wenqi about drilling the well.

Now that the permafrost has not melted, the well is designated as impossible to drill.However, one must always know what is needed for drilling a well and what should be prepared. She is really inexperienced in this area and must discuss it with Ju Wenqi.

Ju Wenqi also learned how to hate others after being bullied by his second girl. Seizing the opportunity that Ju Jing asked him for help, he also imitated Ju Jing's tone and said: "Hey, you are quite capable, why don't you just dig a well?" How big is it? Come and ask me, I thought you could even build airplanes and cannons yourself."

Being teased by her father, Ju Jing was not only not angry but also laughed happily, patted the old comrade on the shoulder and said in a mature tone: "Oh, my third colleague is in a terrible situation now, he will choke others .Not bad, keep it up, if anyone puts you in a bad mood with your ex-boyfriend in the future, you'll just choke back, don't be soft!"

Ju Wenqi:
Although I am old, my choking skills are still not as deep as my girl's, and my liver hurts after being bullied.

After the joke was over, the father and daughter talked about the serious business with peace of mind.

Ju Wenqi participated in digging several wells in the village. The wells used for drinking water were not very deep, and the whole process was not too complicated.

But both father and daughter knew that it was not so simple to dig a well for irrigation, it must be very deep, and it would definitely not work to dig it with picks one by one, and had to rely on external forces.

This place in Xiaofuqiangtun is really good, and the harvest is guaranteed in drought and flood. It means that in the year of severe drought, at most, it is enough to drive a farm vehicle to the big river to pick up water pipes and pump some water into the paddy fields. It can carry through the hottest and most drought It will be fine for a few days.

Therefore, they don't need to dig wells for irrigation at all, let alone Ju Wenqi, even if they ask the older people in the village, they probably won't get much useful information.

"There doesn't seem to be a well in our township for irrigating the fields. It's really hard to inquire about it. Otherwise, I'll go down the mountain to inquire about it." Ju Wenqi said worriedly when there was nothing to discuss.

The "Shanxia" in his mouth is the village where the township government is located, because the village is at the foot of the mountain to the north of Xiaofuqiangtun, which is also the mountain where Ju Jing wants to plant trees, so people before Ju Wenqi's generation called that village "Shanxia", Today's young people don't call it like that anymore.

Ju Wenqi didn't know anyone there, so if he went to inquire, he probably wouldn't find anything. Ju Jing didn't want to bother her old father, so she decided to find a way by herself.

She posted a post asking for help on the Internet. She was just asking for help with the mentality of giving it a try. Unexpectedly, in just one day, many people left her messages to explain their doubts, including many professionals!
A netizen who claimed to be a student majoring in agricultural water conservancy engineering at an agricultural university in a southern province left a message with great care and wrote a lot.

The wells used for agricultural irrigation are all deep water wells. The specific depth depends on the specific local conditions, but at least tens of meters or even hundreds of meters are needed.

At this depth, the work is usually done mechanically, and pipes are laid inside. The various costs are added up, and the minimum is 1 yuan less!
Therefore, most of these irrigation wells are drilled by several partnerships or in units of villages and brigades, and few individuals are drilled.

Ju Jing imagined that she would encounter various difficulties in planting fruit trees, but she didn't expect to be stuck in drilling wells.

She really thought things were too simple earlier, she just took it for granted without a professional vision, it really couldn't work.

She was very frustrated, afraid that her parents were worried and did not dare to show it in front of them, so she just found a chance to call Ju Min to express her distress.

"Jingjing, do you regret it?" Ju Min asked uncertainly.

Ju Jing gave a dejected "hmm", and replied softly: "Sister, I'm too naive, it's really too difficult to start a business in the countryside, I'm afraid."

She was afraid that she would end up with nothing in the end, she was afraid that all her efforts and the support of her elder sisters and sisters would be in vain, she was afraid that she would not have the courage to get up once she fell down and continue to move forward, she was really afraid.

"Don't be afraid, quietly," Ju Min comforted softly: "We have never experienced any hardships or difficulties, and this little suffering is nothing. Don't worry, the eldest sister will always support you, don't be afraid of not doing well. Don’t be afraid to lose money, experience is more important than anything else.”

Ju Min spoke so seriously that she didn't even notice that Ju Ling came out of the bedroom.

Before she could wait for Ju Jing to speak, she heard her younger sister ask worriedly: "Eldest sister, is it my second sister's call? What happened to her?"

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(End of this chapter)

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