Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 300 Computation

Chapter 300 Computation
At almost six o'clock in the morning, Qiao Jue finally couldn't hold on anymore and fell asleep when he shouldn't be.

Jing Chengxi woke up and found that he was alone on the sofa, searched the bathroom and kitchen but couldn't find Qiao Jue, finally pushed open the bedroom door, his little heart almost burst out of fright.

He didn't complete the task assigned to him by Ju Min and Ju Jing, so it's okay to be scolded by them, the main reason is that he felt guilty.It's just such a little thing, and he messed up himself in the end, what else can he do!

Thinking of this in his heart made him a little angry.Niao quietly entered the room and shook Qiao Jue awake, and the two walked out of the bedroom without disturbing Ju Ling.

Qiao Jue was also very annoyed.He thought about closing his eyes and resting for 2 minutes, and then getting up, as long as Ju Ling didn't say anything, then Jing Chengxi wouldn't know that he slept in the bedroom at night.

It's a good time to be caught now, and it's time to break up.

"Are you still a person?!" When the two came to the small balcony, Jing Chengxi questioned them.

Qiao Jue made an innocent gesture and explained: "Last night, you were dishonest and kicked me off the sofa. The little one heard the sound and told me to go to sleep. I stayed close to the bed all night. The space left in the middle of the bed can still sleep two people, how can I not be a human being if I behave so well?"

"I don't care how far you are separated, you shouldn't sleep in the same bed with her when you're so small!" Her expression didn't change, but her tone was much more relaxed than before.

Qiao Jue knew that Jing Chengxi was not so angry that he couldn't listen to what he said, so he felt relieved, and explained: "Isn't it an accident last night? To be honest, I slept on the sofa alone last night when you didn't come. Nothing will happen, Ju Min and Ju Jing just don't believe me. I have known Xiaobudianer for many years, and I care and love her no less than her two older sisters. How can I do bad things to her! "

Jing Chengxi believed this.

It wasn't a day or two since he had known the Ju family, so he naturally knew how deep Qiao Jue's relationship with the Ju family was, and how good Qiao Jue was to Ju Ling.

However, Thaksin is useless.

As long as Ju Min and Ju Jing don't believe it, he will still do what they assigned him to the end.

Jing Chengxi took out a pack of cigarettes from his trouser pocket, took one out and put it in his mouth, and handed another to Qiao Jue, but Qiao Jue refused.

"Quit," Qiao Jue said bluntly.

Jing Chengxi lit the cigarette by himself, took a deep puff and asked, "Why quit?"

Qiao Jue glanced at him, looked away uncomfortably, and replied, "Didn't Third Uncle quit smoking?"

Jing Chengxi laughed, choked on the smoke, and then coughed violently.

After coughing, he didn't have the mood to smoke anymore, so he put out the cigarette, and said with a smile, "You're really good, and you've started trying to please Ju's family in all directions, admiring them. That's fine, I'll tell you about what happened last night." Pretend you didn't watch it, but it's just this time, I'll come over tonight, don't play tricks."

Qiao Jue didn't want to sleep on the same sofa with him anymore, she always had to make a spare bed if she didn't have to play tricks.

Arranged a self-study class for Ju Ling in the morning, he went out to the closed market to find a camp bed, met Peng Yan, Peng Yan was very generous and gave him one.

"I took this bed with my third uncle when he was in the hospital. After my third uncle was discharged from the hospital, I brought it back to me. I don't need it here. You can take it. You don't have to return it to me." Rock said.

Qiao Jue suddenly feels sympathy for each other.It's also for the girl of the Ju family, it's not easy for him, and it's not easy for Peng Yan either.

The two people with the same illness agreed to have time to eat together, Qiao Jue hurriedly carried his bed back to the rental house, full-time nanny plus general tutor, it was really not easy for him, but he was really satisfied and happy.

There are also many happy people in Xiaofuqiangtun.

Ju Wenlin and his wife called their son, daughter-in-law, wife, son-in-law, and son-in-law to a meeting early in the morning, and told them about the crazy grandmother's confession.

They didn't care at all about how the Ma family searched for the crazy grandma these years, they only cared about Ma Yuqiu's background.

When Ju Wenlin and his wife chatted with Ma Yuqiu yesterday, they inquired a lot, but the information they inquired was very limited. They only knew that Ma Yuqiu was an expert in the provincial capital.

No matter how they came from the provincial capital, they just had to live better than them.

"Isn't our Tunwang naughty girl doing small business in the provincial capital? Who of you has contact with her? Call her later and ask her if she knows what's going on with Ma's family," Cai Meiyu said innocently.

Ju Bo scratched the mud between his nails and said with a smile: "Mom, do you know how big the provincial capital is? How many people are there? Where can Wang Naughty meet people? Don't waste so much effort."

It doesn't sound right, but it makes sense.

But it's hard for them to plan for the future without knowing the situation of the Ma family!
Li Fengjiao, who was sitting in the corner with her head bowed in silence, asked softly, "Grandma, what are your plans?"

Cai Meiyu was in a good mood, didn't find fault with her, and replied in a good voice: "I know how many people there are in their family and what they do, so let's just watch and get along, and we can ask for help when we have something to do. "

What she said was subtle enough, if the Ma family really wanted someone to get along well, let alone something wrong, even if nothing happened, Boss Ju's family would find excuses to please others.

These profit-seeking people have no relatives and friends in their eyes at all, only benefits, only benefits, not to mention flattery, or hurting the world, as long as it is for their own benefit, they can do it.

"Isn't there a little girl here, I'm looking for opportunities to ask her about it," Ju Wenlin suggested.

The little girl must be curious everywhere when she comes to the village, and she will definitely come out to play. They can find a chance to call the girl over to have a meal and chat, no one can make a difference.

Everyone thought it was a good idea, so they started working on it right away.

Ju Ying's family meeting had just started when Mr. Ju's family was adjourning.

Zhu Yuping was not at home, so Ju Ying called Zhu Yubin over, and the three of them started talking about Ma Yuqiu.

She had the same plan as Boss Ju's family, and she also wanted to find out the situation of Ma Yuqiu's family before deciding how to get along with each other in the future.If the family is doing well and everyone is promising, then it goes without saying that they must work hard to maintain it; if the family looks glamorous but is not very good, then they should keep less contact with each other in the future, just like Ju Changqing. A disaster came over to borrow money.

Ju Ying's idea was more straightforward. After a while, she took Zhu Yubin to meet Ma Yuqiu, brought the younger generation to meet relatives, followed this matter and asked where and what the younger generations of the Ma family were doing, without being blunt at all.

While the small meeting of Ju Ying's family was in full swing, the atmosphere in Ju's family was extremely heavy.

Ma Yuqiu got up early in the morning and called various relatives of the Ma family to tell him that he had found his sister. The Ma family were very happy and wanted to come and have a look, but Ma Yuqiu refused.

It's not that he doesn't want his sister to see these Ma family members, he has other plans!
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(End of this chapter)

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