Chapter 301
"What? Are you taking my mother away?" Ju Wenqi almost choked on the steamed bun in his mouth.

While eating breakfast well, Ma Yuqiu suddenly mentioned this, which really surprised everyone at the table.

In fact, he didn't do it on a whim.

He didn't sleep all night, and he kept thinking about it.

His sister Ma Yushan's life here is not good, at least he thinks it's not good. She has suffered too much and can't get good care. It's really pitiful. It is imperative to follow the trend.

"I can't take care of her by myself. When I go back, I will find her the best nursing home in the provincial capital, and find a special person to take care of her. If you are still worried, I will take her to the nursing home on the island. The conditions there are good. She will be blessed for a few years, and she will be able to find a doctor to treat her," Ma Yuqiu said sincerely.

Ju Wenqi was not happy, and immediately refused: "No matter how good a nursing home or a nursing home is, it is better than a home. My mother has been taken care of by my family all these years. Isn't it all good? Take her to a place where she doesn't know anything well. She's not used to it either."

this point is very important.

Zhang Yongmei also said: "You have seen what happened to my mother. Just talking about eating, not everyone feeds her. She is so old, so why bother, let us take care of her at home. If you miss her I come here often to have a look, our kang is big enough to accommodate even more people.”

Don't look at grandma's brain is not good, but she is accurate when she recognizes people.

These few people in the family also have a ranking in her heart.

The first place is not her son, but Zhang Yongmei, followed by the three sisters, and finally Ju Wenqi!She made a fuss and Ju Wenqi had nothing to do with her, only Zhang Yongmei could speak.

This sorting is not a blind arrangement, it is a kind of feedback from Zhang Yongmei for her kindness over the years.

Zhang Yongmei didn't dare to say that she was the best in this world to the crazy grandma, but she dared to say that the crazy grandma was the most proud of her, and it was uncertain what would happen if she left her to make trouble.

Ma Yuqiu didn't believe in evil, so he had to take people away.

I couldn't even eat half of the meal, and the atmosphere was extremely weird.

Ma Yuqiu also took great pains to convince Ju Wenqi's family. He began to tell them what the Ma family was doing now, and made them believe that the Ma family could give the crazy grandma the best.

Ma Yuqiu's ancestors were quite wealthy. His father studied abroad when he was young, but dropped out of school and returned to China due to family changes.After marriage, Father Ma and Mother Ma gave birth to two sons, two daughters and four children. Surviving in the turbulent years was a problem. Father Ma still carefully educated his children, taught them to read and write, and made them sensible.

In the early 50s, Ma Yuqiu's newly married elder brother went to the battlefield and never came back.

Later, Ma Yushan had an accident, and soon after his disappearance, Ma's father and mother also left one after another.

Ma Yuqiu and his younger sister Ma Yuliang raised the children left by their eldest brother and sister-in-law to live a difficult life.

Later, Ma Yuqiu got married, Ma Yuliang got married, and the family became two families, and the relationship has always been very good.

In the early 70s, both Ma Yuqiu and Ma Yuliang were assigned to work in the countryside.

Ma Yuliang couldn't make it through, leaving behind a pair of children.

Ma Yuqiu raises pigs and chickens on the farm, and life is also very difficult, but he is determined, and he can still enjoy the hardships. He finds a way to find books about farming, and the few years of farm life have taught him a lot. thing.

After returning to the city, the life of the Ma family gradually became better.

Now the children of the generation below Ma Yuqiu are very promising.

The eldest brother’s son, Ma Jiurong, works in the railway department, and his position is not low; Ma Yuqiu’s eldest son, Ma Jiumao, works in the logistics department of the university and is also a small leader. Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics; Ma Yuliang's son Wen Tao is a documentary filmmaker, and his daughter Wen Hui married outside the province and is an electromechanical engineer.

The children of Ma Yuran's generation have also grown up. The oldest child is Ma Jiurong's child. One is studying abroad and the other is working in a large company in Haishi. They are all good.

In comparison, the worst mess is Ju Laosan's family.

Ma Yuqiu laid out all these conditions, saying that he really has the confidence to give Ma Yushan the best life.

Ma Yuqiu has passed the age of retirement, and the unit cannot do without him and rehired him with a high salary. As long as he wants to, he can stop his work at any time and stay with Ma Yushan every day.

To be honest, both Ju Wenqi and Zhang Yongmei were a little shaken.

The whole family is educated and rich, maybe it is really a good choice for him to take them away.The distance between the left and the right is not the distance between the north and the south, and they can go there every year to have a look, so they won't lose contact after leaving.

Ju Min and Ju Jing glanced at each other, and they both guessed what their parents were thinking. They were anxious in their hearts, but their faces were quite calm.

Ju Jing said: "Uncle, it doesn't matter what you say about this matter, and what my parents say doesn't matter, it's only if my grandma is willing."

Ju Min added: "It's useless for you to discuss whether to leave or stay. My grandma is not happy to make a fuss and no one can stop her."

This can be considered to be on point, no matter how to discuss it, it can only be done if the crazy grandma is willing.

Would the crazy grandma like it?
Of course I don't want to.

She won't let Ma Yuqiu touch her, who can take care of her after leaving the Ju family?
Ma Yuqiu was quite stubborn, but he refused to give up.

He thinks that his sister refuses to get close to him because they spend too little time together, as long as he spends more time with her and gets along slowly, he can always take her away.

So, he called the unit to ask for leave, and he wanted to live in Xiaofuqiang for a period of time.

The Ju family is naturally willing to let him live, and the left and right are just a bed and a bowl of rice.

Ma Yuran also wanted to stay, but Ma Yuqiu was afraid of delaying her study, so she asked her to stay for two days and go back to school honestly.

It's not just a matter of a day or two, and Ju Laosan and his wife can't always treat Ma Yuqiu, his grandfather and grandson as guests.

In the afternoon, the couple went to the restaurant to get busy.

Ma Yuran wanted to go outside for a stroll, so Ju Jing went out with her with a camera, saying that she wanted to take pictures of her, and Ma Yuran was very happy.

As soon as they left on their front feet, Ju Ying brought Zhu Yubin over on their back feet.

Knowing how ruthless Ju Ying has been towards the crazy grandma these years, Ma Yuqiu didn't give them any good looks, and he didn't answer any chatter.

Ju Ying is so clever, she can't see Ma Yuqiu's attitude.But she had a thick skin, so she pretended not to notice, and took the initiative to tell Ma Yuqiu about the situation of her two children, and then asked about the situation of Ma's family.

Ma Yuqiu is so mean, he can ignore anyone who doesn't like him, and if he insists on responding, it will definitely not be a good face. If he is not really capable and old, it is uncertain how many people will talk about him behind his back.

"Have you ever fed your mother? Have you cleaned up her feces? How much have you spent on her over the years? How much have you talked to her?" Ma Yuqiu directly asked a few questions. Ju Ying asked in a daze.

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(End of this chapter)

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