Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 323 Scourge

Chapter 323 Scourge
Peng Yan chuckled, and replied, "Sleep with you, I didn't say anything."

Jing Chengxi snorted lightly, and said arrogantly: "Okay, you can just search, and you don't want to sleep in our house in the future."

"Your family?" Peng Yan also imitated his tone and said: "You really know how to put gold on your face. This is the family of Sister Min and the little one, and it has nothing to do with you."

"Half a dime relationship is better than you, you don't even have a half dime relationship," Jing Chengxi replied.

The two usually steady young men quarreled with the two little fighting cocks, which was very childish and ridiculous.

The two of them were arguing, but it didn't affect Ju Min and Ju Ling's sleep.

The next day, Ju Min got up early on purpose, thinking about going downstairs to buy breakfast for everyone to eat together, but Peng Yan took the lead. When she got up, the hot pancakes, fried dough sticks and gruel soy milk were all set on the table. .

Peng Yan left a note for a good deed, saying that he was in a hurry to take a step ahead, and told them to get up and have breakfast quickly before letting it cool down.

Jing Chengxi still remembers the feud he quarreled with last night but did not win. He sneered while eating fried dough sticks and drinking soy milk: "The big boss is just busy, so he doesn't even have time to say hello. Oh, we Little common people can't compare!"

The result of being mean is that the back of the head was hit firmly, Ju Min's lack of hand strength was better than surprise, Jing Chengxi almost spit out the soy milk in his mouth.

Ju Ling made a grimace at the embarrassed Jing Chengxi, and whispered while Ju Min was cleaning up in the kitchen: "You deserve it, don't speak ill of others behind your back."

You can't say bad things behind people's back, and you can't make small moves behind people's backs, otherwise, you will be backlashed.

Li Fengjiao's affairs were not so easy to understand.

Now that Ju Changfu and Ju Tangcheng had clues, they couldn't give up easily. After all, what Li Fengjiao took away was not a small amount of money, at least not for their family.

On Sunday night, No. [-] Middle School had to go to evening self-study, and Ju Min and the others went to the cafeteria to do business in the afternoon.

When I passed by the entrance of a cafeteria, I took a casual look inside. There was no one in the rice bowl window, and I didn't know if they would be open at night.

It was past six o'clock in the evening, and the students were already sitting in the classroom and doing their evening self-study honestly, but the cafeteria did not stop.

The noise on the first floor is not low, but it can be heard clearly on the second floor.

Jing Chengxi was so anxious that he wanted to go down to watch the fun, but he didn't dare if Ju Min didn't let go.

Many people in the main dining area of ​​the No. [-] canteen went down to watch the excitement, and two young men who had a good relationship with Jing Chengxi even broadcast live to him, and reported to him what was going on down there on the phone.

Ju Min, who was cleaning carefully, was annoyed by Jing Chengxi, and waved him to do whatever he liked, so don't stop working and take up space.

Jing Chengxi ordered Sa Yazi to go downstairs, and happily watched the excitement of the second half.

When the three of them returned home in the evening, Jing Chengxi told them about the fun in the cafeteria.

Li Fengjiao never showed up, but Ju Changfu and the others followed the vines to finally find the proprietress of the rice bowl and asked them to hand him over.

At first, the boss and his wife wanted to talk about loyalty, but they refused to say anything, but Ju Changfu and the others were so troublesome that Li Fengjiao's family even threatened that if they didn't tell the truth, they would go back to the village and go to the boss's parents. Unable to withstand the pressure, the two finally told them where Li Fengjiao was hiding.

"Just such a small incident for nearly an hour?" Ju Min didn't believe it.

I feel that things that can be explained clearly in a few sentences cannot be resolved in nearly an hour.

Jing Chengxi clicked his tongue in distaste and said: "Don't you know how difficult those people are? If you don't speak well, you will be louder than anyone else and have more swear words than anyone else. Thanks to the students who have gone to self-study at night, if you rush When there are many students, this group of people will definitely be arrested."

"Miss Xiaojing, do you think they can find Li Fengjiao?" Ju Ling asked.

"Then who knows, it has nothing to do with us. Don't think about these useless things, go to study quickly, finish your homework early and go to bed early, don't stay up until midnight, it's not good to stay up like this every day," Ju Min took the opportunity to babble road.

They don't gossip, but they have someone to report the results to them.

Two days later, Ju Jing called to tell them that Li Fengjiao had run away again, but Ju Changfu and his dozen or so people did not stop her.

It is said that after learning of Li Fengjiao's specific residence that night, Ju Changfu led people straight there to arrest him, but Li Fengjiao had long since disappeared, and everything was cleaned up without leaving anything behind.

After asking around, many people told them that Li Fengjiao took the tricycle with her luggage to the train station at noon, and now she couldn't catch her no matter how hard she tried.

"Why did you say she made such a fuss? It would be nice to just leave at the beginning, but then she left with dirty water splashed on us. What a disaster," Ju Jing commented.

Although the words don't sound good, that's the truth.

Ju Min and the others were fine, they had a quarrel that night, and they were not the ones who suffered.The more miserable ones were the boss and the proprietress who served the rice bowls. Taking care of their previous friendship and seeing her help her poorly, they offended the Ju and Li families.

It's okay to offend the Ju family. After all, they don't live in the same village and don't have much contact with each other. Offending the Li family is not easy.

The boss and his wife's parents and relatives all live in the village, and they bowed their heads to the Li family and looked up to meet them. It's okay to offend the whole family and swear on the stage. What if they secretly retaliate or spread rumors to bury them? It's troublesome.

Isn't Li Fengjiao a careless person, didn't she think about this when she went to find the boss and his wife?She must have thought about it, and asking for help after thinking about it, it can only show that she didn't regard the couple as real friends at all, but as a tool that could be discarded at will.

"Would it be wise to eat a ditch? They can grow their minds after this loss," Ju Min sighed.

Ju Jing didn't think everyone would reflect on it, she said: "Then who knows. Some people are willing to be good people, and if they don't count their own losses, they will cause their family members to suffer again and again. This is not kindness, it is stupid."

Ju Ling agreed with her second sister's statement very much, and also said a few words.

If she keeps listening quietly, it will be fine, but when she speaks, she will be caught by Ju Min and sent to study, there is no trick at all.

After Ju Ling entered the room, Ju Jing smiled and said to her elder sister: "Sister, don't be too strict with the little one, she is sensible, and she knows how to learn without you urging her."

Ju Min closed the bedroom door, went to the balcony with her mobile phone, and then turned off the public release, and then said to Ju Jing: "I took care of her on purpose, our little one is very thoughtful, and the other children are all taken care of by parents." No one cares about her, I'm afraid she has thoughts in her heart. You don't know, I let her study and let her sleep after a while, she muttered, very happy in her heart, I saw her recite it several times snickering."

No matter how mature and sensible a child is, she is still a child, so she cannot really be regarded as an adult.

The naive and mature little girl Ju Ling is happy in front of her sisters, but she is actually troubled in her heart.

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(End of this chapter)

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