Farmer's Struggle

Chapter 324 Burden

Chapter 324 Burden
Ju Ling is willing to let her eldest sister take care of her studies because she is afraid that she will fail the college entrance examination or her family will blame herself.

If she didn't pass the exam, the responsibility lies with Ju Ling herself not being with the eldest sister and her family; if she didn't care, they would definitely think that they didn't care enough about her, and she didn't pass the exam because she worked hard all the time.

Others take one step and see three steps, but Ju Ling learns for one year and two years.

There is still more than a year before the college entrance examination, and she does not show it on the surface, and the psychological pressure is actually quite high.

When she was in elementary school, many people in the village called her a "college student". For so many years, in the hearts of many villagers, the third girl from Ju Laosan's family designated that she could go to college, even her parents didn't agree. All think so.

If she didn't pass the exam or only got into the less prestigious university in Binjiang, the people in the village would definitely laugh at her and her parents.

It doesn't matter if you make fun of her, but it's not okay to make fun of her parents.

They have been ridiculed for so many years, and they have finally made it to this day with difficulty. As daughters, it's fine if they can't bring them glory, but they can't bring shame. Let's bring them back to the past.

When I was not good at studying, I studied hard. Now that my grades have improved, it is very difficult to maintain it, and it is too difficult to keep improving.

The messy emotions piled up together, and Ju Ling felt more and more depressed. She didn't tell Qiao Jue about this feeling, and didn't want him to worry.

Originally, Qiao Jue could graduate last semester, but because he asked for leave to accompany her, he could only postpone graduation for one year.

Qiao Jue didn't tell her these things, she heard Ma Yuran say it, and Ju Ling felt very uncomfortable.

Qiao Jue is a genius. If he hadn't been too headstrong to listen to the professor's orders during school and always ran out, and went abroad for a year because of family matters, he would have graduated long ago.

He didn't graduate because of others and for himself. Ju Ling didn't even have any thoughts in his heart. After all, it had nothing to do with him.But this time it was because of her, she became a stumbling block in Qiao Jue's academic and career path, Ju Ling couldn't accept it.

Now Qiao Jue is quite busy, preparing for graduation, conducting experiments, and teaching students, Ju Ling only talked to him once after a long separation.

People around her have their own things to do, and Ju Ling doesn't want them to worry about her, and she doesn't want to be a burden to others, but the more she doesn't want to do this, the heavier her own mental burden becomes.

No one thought that her mental pressure would be so great, and no one thought that stress would have such a great impact on people!
After all, Ju Ling is a firm girl, she has been fighting against psychological pressure, and she can't tell the winner until the college entrance examination.And beside her, someone has already been affected by the pressure.

That person is Luo Yuanyuan.

In the mid-term exam of the last semester of the second year of high school, Ju Ling got good grades, but Luo Yuanyuan did not perform well, and was only ranked in the middle of the class.

In the middle of the ordinary class, it is basically useless to take the second exam.

After the results came out, Luo Yuanyuan was extremely depressed, so she took the initiative to chat with Ju Ling.

During the free time before the evening self-study, the two little girls sat on the parallel bars by the playground, one crying and the other comforting.

Luo Yuanyuan was crying very depressed and pitiful, so Ju Ling put the paper aside and handed her the paper.

Luo Yuanyuan is the kind of student who works very hard but is really not smart.When she was in elementary school, she was able to rank first and second in the class with her hard work. In junior high school, she was able to rank among the best. In high school, it was really difficult for her to struggle to the top.

The head teacher and all the subject teachers said that she is a good student, and she will definitely take care of anyone who can take care of her, because such a student is really distressing.

"I'm so stupid, I can't learn no matter what, my family spent so much money to let me go to school, but I still can't do it, what should I do?" Luo Yuanyuan cried and said incoherently.

Ju Ling sighed, stroked her arm with her palm, and comforted her: "I have worked hard for so long, and if I persist, everything will be discussed after the college entrance examination. One or two mistakes now are nothing, as long as we are in the most critical exam. Just play it out."

"I originally wanted to do well in the mid-term exam and get into the key class with you. I was too self-sufficient. I couldn't get in the top ten of the class and wanted to take the key class. I was just stupid, stupid, and worthless. "Luo Yuanyuan didn't listen to persuasion at all, the more he talked, the more desperate he became.

Ju Ling was afraid that Luo Yuanyuan would collapse if she didn't say something well, so she shut up obediently and dared not say anything more.

In less than 5 minutes, it's time for evening self-study. Luo Yuanyuan finally sorted out her emotions, rubbed her red eyes and said sullenly: "Why should I cry? Really, it's a waste of time. I still have another set I haven't done the math paper yet, and the math teacher will talk about it at night. I didn't do well in math this time, and I heard that math is the only way to score in liberal arts. I have to hurry up and improve my math."

this girl.
She doesn't need other people's comfort at all, just vent her emotions by herself.

Luo Yuanyuan jumped off the parallel bars, looked up at Ju Ling and said, "I'm going back to work first, you should go back too, don't relax, let's work hard together."

After speaking, Luo Yuanyuan walked back to the teaching building.

Ju Ling: .
For ordinary people, there is no shortcut to learning, only methods, methods that suit you.

Ju Ling knows that she is not a very smart person. Since she was a child, she has always relied on hard work and methods in her studies.After learning more and more content and feeling more and more difficult, she also constantly adjusted her learning methods to make herself more adaptable to the learning status of each step and rationalize every minute and every second.

It was Qiao Jue who taught her to formulate and adjust the learning methods.Although he was very busy, he still called after her midterm to ask about her grades.

Qiao Jue was very satisfied with her results, and told her not to take it lightly but not to put too much pressure on herself, and finally said: "There will be rewards for doing well in the exam, I will mail them to you later, don't tell me no, I have already given them to you Ready."

"There are rewards for doing well in the exam. You didn't know how I did in the exam before, so you prepared a reward for me. You just believe that I can pass the exam?" Ju Ling smiled.

Qiao Jue didn't answer her words, and said without hesitation: "Don't read in the dark place, protect your eyes, don't think that wearing glasses makes you look different and take good care of your eyes, do you hear me?"

He seemed to be telling an ignorant child, and his tone was quite severe.

Ju Ling asked him why he said that, Qiao Juete explained to her helplessly.

The child of his co-worker is only in elementary school, and because there are a few students in the class who wear glasses, he wants to wear glasses himself, thinking it is very cool.The child has been working for half a year, and his eyesight has deteriorated and he successfully put on glasses. He is very happy, but his parents worry a lot.

Qiao Jue was afraid that his little one would be like this, so he took the opportunity to remind him a few words.

After reminding him, he suddenly thought of something, and said, "What are your plans for winter vacation? I have a plan here, do you want to hear it?"

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(End of this chapter)

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