Chapter 345

The mathematics teacher who wrote the question took Ju Ling's paper and read it for a long time, and the more he read it, the more emotional he became.

This time, the math problem was obviously difficult. Several top-notch math students in the key science class were overwhelmed. Unexpectedly, only this little girl from the liberal arts got full marks.

Looking at Ju Ling's previous math scores, it can be found that her math scores have been improving, and she is improving at a speed that every teacher would be amazed by.

"It's so difficult that she can get full marks. I don't know what level she is now," the teacher who gave the question said with regret.

The math teacher who taught Ju Ling was very proud, and said, "This girl, the simple questions are not sloppy, and the difficult questions are analyzed carefully and her mind is flexible. Several times I saw her staring at the math workbook without writing. Just ask her what she is watching. Guess what she said?"

Of course others don't know, the teacher said to himself: "She said that she is sorting out the thinking of understanding the questions, and the questions can be answered naturally when the thinking is clear. Let's not say whether her method is right or not, at least it is feasible for her to use it. The child is different from other children, she is smart and down-to-earth, I am optimistic about her."

Ju Ling's learning methods were all taught by Qiao Jue.

Ju Ling's math improvement is also thanks to Qiao Jue. During the holidays, Qiao Jue focused on making up for Ju Ling's math and foreign languages. In this midterm exam, Ju Ling's two subjects were also the most prominent.

Ju Ling herself knew this, so she called Qiao Jue the night after the results came out to express her gratitude to "Teacher Qiao".

Teacher Qiao was very modest, and only said that Ju Ling's good grades in the exam were the result of her own hard work, and had nothing to do with him.

When chatting with someone you like, you feel happy in your heart, even if it is unnutritious nonsense, you can chat with relish.

Qiao Jue wanted to reward Ju Ling and asked her if she wanted anything. Ju Ling knew that even if she didn't want anything, Qiao Jue would mail her a lot of things.Rather than wasting money, it's better to just say what you need and let Qiao Jue reward you accurately.

Ju Ling said that she wanted a watch, it didn't need to be expensive, just carry it with her.Watches are mainly for exams, and looking up at the watch hanging on the wall is too time-consuming. During the Chinese exam this time, she almost didn't finish her composition because she didn't arrange the time well.

She repeatedly emphasized to Qiao Jue not to buy expensive ones, if the expensive ones were broken and lost, they would be very distressed, but the cheap ones would not be distressed.

Qiao Jue responded with a smile, and promised Ju Ling that she would not lose the watch he gave her.

At that time, Ju Ling didn't understand what he meant, and she didn't know until the watch was mailed.

A classic mechanical watch made of silver metal, the dial is small but the scale is clear, very comfortable to wear on the wrist.

Of course, these are not the key points, the key point is that the words are engraved on the back of the watch dial!
It is three letters, the pinyin of Qiao Jue's Jue.

Qiao Jue engraved his name on it, Ju Ling would definitely be very precious, and of course he couldn't lose it easily.

Ju Min and Jing Chengxi were both there when the package was unpacked, and they naturally saw the engraved letters, but they saw that Ju Ling didn't show anything special, so they didn't say anything, just pretending that they didn't see it.

Jing Chengxi picked up the watch, looked at it again and again, and said, "Is this a brand? I heard that brand watches are very expensive. It's so small. Didn't you ask Qiao Jue how much this watch is?"

He also reminded him that Ju Ling also felt that the watch was not cheap, and was planning to ask about it.

At first Qiao Jue refused to say anything, only said that it was not expensive to him, so she could rest assured and don't think too much about it. After being asked many times, he finally confessed to Ju Ling.

The watch is a pair, that is, a couple watch.

Two yuan is more than 1 yuan. He said it is not expensive, but Ju Ling feels distressed enough.

One piece costs thousands of dollars, so why not buy such an expensive watch with this kind of money?Isn't a watch just to tell the time? If I knew she would have bought a watch worth more than ten yuan in the store.

Qiao Jue waited until she finished talking before smiling and said: "Little boy, a watch at this price is really not very expensive. You can buy one that can be used for many years. It is very cost-effective. Moreover, in the eyes of many people, a watch is more than just a watch. Look at the time, it's more of a decoration, you can tell a lot from a watch."

Ju Ling didn't understand these things, but she knew that the watch was too expensive, so she didn't dare to wear it outside.

Qiao Jue seemed to know what she was thinking, and said with a smile, "Your name is engraved on my watch, and I will wear it as long as the situation permits, as if you are always by my side."

This love story is smooth.

After hearing this, Ju Ling's face was neither red nor her heart was beating wildly, she just said: "Then I will wear it too, you can't wear my watch when it is worn out, and mine is still new, wouldn't it be like a couple's?"

Seeing the problem from a very strange and interesting angle, Qiao Jue was amused by her and laughed out loud.

After chatting with the elder sister Xiaojing to report the price of the watch, Ju Min looked very unhappy again.

"He's the only one who has the money. Little boy, just wait until my sister earns more money to buy you a more expensive watch," Ju Min said.

The eldest sister and the second sister are like this, the younger sister is favored by them, and the favor of outsiders is against them, and they must be pressed back.

After receiving such an expensive reward, Ju Ling didn't dare to relax. She focused more on her studies, and her study time increased. Until the college entrance examination, she hardly slept before twelve o'clock.

Ju Min loves her dearly, but there is really nothing she can do except take care of her life and buy more fruit supplements.

In fact, Ju Min herself is quite busy.

It should be easier for Wang Xiuhong to help with more drink shops, but Ju Min is too good at marketing and thinking about new gadgets. The sales of drinks this semester are much better than last semester, and the three of them have no free time.

Ju Min also opened a home delivery service within the school.I used to have this service too, but instead of getting one cup for free, I get it for more purchases. Now I get one cup for free, but a delivery service fee of [-] cents will be charged for less than five cups, and free delivery for more than five cups.

In order to facilitate the students to order drinks, Ju Min bought another mobile phone and applied for a new card. The old mobile phone and the new card are combined to receive orders from students. The new mobile phone and the old card are for personal use.

In the beginning, only the students ordered drinks. I don’t know when the teachers of the school began to order, and the more they ordered, the more they ordered.

When Ju Min settled the accounts, she found that a young female teacher ordered more than 50 cups of milk tea from her place in a month, which was equivalent to more than two cups a day, excluding weekends when classes were not in session.

What Ju Min didn't expect was that her business was even outside of school!
The first time Ju Min received an order from outside the school, she thought that the other party had made a mistake. After repeated confirmation, she believed that there were indeed people from outside the school who wanted to buy drinks.

After asking, I found out that the person who ordered the drinks was next to No. [-] Middle School, and there were relatives studying in No. [-] Middle School. The relatives bought drinks for the family several times, and they all thought it was delicious.I heard from relatives that beverage shops can order drinks by phone, so they just order a few drinks to save trouble. If Ju Min doesn't do their business, they won't be able to accept it.

There is no reason why the money delivered to the door is not profitable, Ju Min didn't talk nonsense, even if he said that he could give it away!
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(End of this chapter)

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